I think we may get cities revamped in 12.0 but it may just be SMC and MAYBE Exodar/Gilneas/Undercity.
In BfA there was a short questline in 8.1 that had us find Xal'atath in knife form from some Naga, and then help her possess a dead Velf found in Drustvar. The questline ended with going to N'zoth in the Crucible of Storms where Xal'atath got to leave the knife, whereupon she promptly left in a void portal to somewhere unknown. Horde players then got a quest that explained they felt compelled to bring the knife to Sylvanas.
We were never really told why N'zoth cared about getting the knife or ensuring it ended up with Azshara through circuitous means. But odds are he is planning something.
The world revamp dream will never die!
The information on that site seems pretty sloppily edited, so not sure what to make of that "forbidden reach"/"exile's reach" confusion. Seems an easy mistake to make in either saying it or transcribing given both have "reach" in the name. I think exile's reach is staying
What's the city hub btw ? Did they tell us ?
(Dalaran,again, maybe ? Since it's in the gameplay trailer)
Okay thanks, I've missed that part I guess
Forbidden Reach being confused with Exiles Reach makes sense, but it would also make sense if Razsageth storms knocked a ship there and they are changing the story. Maybe we would get Razsageths visage there?
Could take place after the Evoker story but before the Expedition gets to the Waking Shores.
Why they would change that so much I'm not sure. Maybe because a lot of ER was mid in writing and theming? Or because ER was written with BFA in mind and they want to update it with the timeskip?
Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-11-04 at 05:21 PM.
City of Threads sounds cool. A lot like Suramar 2.0
As for Midnight, I wonder if the new version of Quel'thalas will be added to the EK map