1. #57181
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    You think WoW will last a total of 40+ years, and that Blizzard won't release a new mainline Warcraft game in the next two decades?

    Are you being serious?

    cata - wow is done
    mop - nutz wow is done
    wod - this is it - wow is gone
    legion - they just bring ilidan kekw
    bfa - wow is dead
    sl - wow is dead
    df - wow is disney

  2. #57182
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    If that isn't an available set for plate, I am going to set holy fire to the corporate offices of Blizzard.

    I'm kidding, this is not a confession if something like that happens.

    Hopefully it gets a decent transfer from concept, though. Looking at you, some Heritage sets. :/

    I think Art Book Crystalforge to TBC release Crystalforge is the biggest glow-down of all time.
    I see plate, mail, leather and cloth sets there. Likely reputation rewards.

  3. #57183
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Double edged sword.

    Announce three expansions to build hype around the future of your franchise and assure players that there is a plan.

    Doomers on a Curse-Goblin Internet Forum will claim your game is going to be over afterwards or die before it ends.

    Truly hilarious.
    After Blizzcon I think there will be WoW2 around 2030 and one thing I'm sure about is that I'm not doomer.

    First, it will be time to switch 25+ year old engine. You think they are gonna remake 1500 mounts, 3000 pets and bazylion transmog pieces?

    Second, WoW2 is opportunity to shake a lot of ground stuff. There are simply things you can't do in expansion, for example you can't move race to different faction, remove archaic systems like TBC flying, etc.

    Third, I think we all want to end WoW1 on high note, not inventing new threats every expansion. I really hope 13.2 boss will be finally Sargeras himself, you can't go more iconic than that (and thankfully this card wasn't used in Legion).

    And most important - they can do interesting stuff in Midnight and go ALL IN in Last Titan from character progression POV. It's like Legion, but you don't have BfA hangover after this. I'm thinking about absolutely crazy stuff, something like full legendary gear to even start progressing final boss.

  4. #57184
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    So are the Earthen an allied race instead of a regular race because they reuse the dwarf model and Blizz knows they would be shit on for calling that a new race? Or because they plan to add a few different ones through the expac and allied race is code for "not a full race but not the only one you'll get"?
    Allied race is how the call the races you unlock through playing and not just by buying the expansion.

  5. #57185
    Elemental Lord
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    Btw, where are people who claimed there will be huge uproar about no 10.3? xD

  6. #57186
    Quote Originally Posted by LemonDemonGirl View Post
    Maybe it's a hint? /jk
    Trolls for the alliance!

  7. #57187
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    Trolls for the alliance!
    The Amani trolls, seeing the Horde allying with the Blood Elves, decide to join the Alliance for a chance to battle their mortal enemies.

    Meanwhile the Vrykul decide to join the Horde after seeing how weak and puny their human descendants are.

    Welcome to the worst timeline.

  8. #57188
    Stood in the Fire Supertoster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    WoW2 makes no sense. They can upgrade the engine without rebooting. Who actually wants a WoW 2?
    I want it. I want an MMORPG in the beloved universe, but with less archaic gameplay.
    After so many years of playing WoW, I hate tab-target combat. I want more space for skill expression, I want PvP to matter, I want PvE be based on skillful execution rather than on boring rotations.

  9. #57189
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    Trolls for the alliance!
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    The Amani trolls, seeing the Horde allying with the Blood Elves, decide to join the Alliance for a chance to battle their mortal enemies.

    Meanwhile the Vrykul decide to join the Horde after seeing how weak and puny their human descendants are.

    Welcome to the worst timeline.

  10. #57190
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Btw, where are people who claimed there will be huge uproar about no 10.3? xD
    Playing classic or getting ready for 10.2 which hasn't even gone live yet lmao.

  11. #57191
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    For inexplicable reasons it has lowrider suspensions
    I think it needs a giant old timey ship steering wheel and Odyn should wear sunglasses and smoke a pipe. Maybe wear a captain's hat, too.

  12. #57192
    Quote Originally Posted by vintage79 View Post
    cata - wow is done
    mop - nutz wow is done
    wod - this is it - wow is gone
    legion - they just bring ilidan kekw
    bfa - wow is dead
    sl - wow is dead
    df - wow is disney

    Pretty much. I know several people that viewed Wrath as the end of WoW. Like legitimately were like “Arthas is dead, they should’ve just stopped there.” And here we are 7 expansions later. The way Metzen talked about setting up the next 20 years in these next 3 expansions tells me we’ll not only have an epic saga, but we’ll see the start of many new story threads they will be able to pick up following The Last Titan.

  13. #57193
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhomeli View Post
    Pretty much. I know several people that viewed Wrath as the end of WoW. Like legitimately were like “Arthas is dead, they should’ve just stopped there.” And here we are 7 expansions later. The way Metzen talked about setting up the next 20 years in these next 3 expansions tells me we’ll not only have an epic saga, but we’ll see the start of many new story threads they will be able to pick up following The Last Titan.
    Certainly hope so. No other fantasy world speaks to me like the world of warcraft does. I believe Metzen when he says they're not messing around
    Last edited by blaatschaap; 2023-11-05 at 01:11 PM.

  14. #57194
    One thing I'm interested in are the Arathi. They seem markedly more advanced than the other human kingdoms, and I wonder if they're sort of going down the same path the draenei did under the influence of the naaru. I hope they wind up producing an allied race or something of the sort, since they're frankly the most interesting new addition to the lore for me alongside the implications of the new nerubian kingdom.

    I am also inclined to wonder precisely why there are nerubians here: did they flee the Scourge? Were they a colony from before that time? Was the mutative influence of Yogg-Saron on a different Aqir colony projected from the same fissure that replicated the behavioral changes in the earthen, another product of Yogg-Saron?
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-11-05 at 01:11 PM.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  15. #57195
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    One thing I'm interested in are the Arathi. They seem markedly more advanced than the other human kingdoms, and I wonder if they're sort of going down the same path the draenei did under the influence of the naaru. I hope they wind up producing an allied race or something of the sort, since they're frankly the most interesting new addition to the lore here.
    It seems like they already showed us the concept art for the arathi outworld sets during the presentation - so you will prolly be able to play them using your normal human chars with that transmog. No need to make them a seperate allied race lol.

  16. #57196
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhomeli View Post
    Pretty much. I know several people that viewed Wrath as the end of WoW. Like legitimately were like “Arthas is dead, they should’ve just stopped there.” And here we are 7 expansions later. The way Metzen talked about setting up the next 20 years in these next 3 expansions tells me we’ll not only have an epic saga, but we’ll see the start of many new story threads they will be able to pick up following The Last Titan.
    Not to mention Wrath ruined the game because it made the game too casual. I still remember being a "Wrath baby"
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  17. #57197
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    It seems like they already showed us the concept art for the arathi outworld sets during the presentation - so you will prolly be able to play them using your normal human chars with that transmog. No need to make them a seperate allied race lol.
    Definitely interested in the prospects either way. They remind me a bit in theory of the Golden Order from Elden Ring: a technologically-advanced religious civilization influenced by a looming golden object, presumably also of alien origin.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  18. #57198
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    Not to mention Wrath ruined the game because it made the game too casual. I still remember being a "Wrath baby"
    Yeah, Wrath babies were everywhere.
    It's also the expansion where people started using gearscore.

  19. #57199
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Again, stop the fearmongering because THIS WONT HAPPEN FOR ANOTHER 20 years atleast. Holy Moly.

    (And btw, we all saw how great it went for the Diablo franchise to basically kill of D3 and go with Diablo Immortal and D4 , and that wasn't even a MMO with a huge collection)
    If you actually think releasing D:I (as much as a pos that "game" is) and D4 was worse for Blizzard than another D3 xpac or whatever, then idk what to tell you dude. Cause thats just factually wrong.

    Same thing about WoW...you ACTUALLY believe this game will go another 20 years, same way it did so far? Cause...again, no. The franchise will definitely keep going, and the game as well probably for another decade. But it will either be updated eventually so that its basically WoW 2.0, or it will slowly dribble out, no matter what they do. Which would mean another fresh Warcraft game would take the big spotlight.
    Last edited by Houle; 2023-11-05 at 01:32 PM.
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  20. #57200
    My guess/hope for what they'll do:

    In Midnight they recreate Quel'Thalas at a 1.5x or 2x scale, while adding in an extra zone or two.

    Zone 1: Silvermoon+Sunstrider isle+Quel'danas+new area Northeast of Silvermoon
    Zone 2: Eversong Woods+Ghostlands
    Zone 3: Amani zone
    Zone 4: Something

    It's gonna in its own instance, and the south will be inaccessible, blocked by fog or an invisible wall. It's gonna be lvl 80-90 content, but you'll still be able to visit the old OG zones by teleporting there (the same way you can visit both old and new Dalaran)

    Then, in 14.0, they do a revamped Lordaeron, remaking the zones at a larger scale to match. Alterac Valley is added into the main world at its current size and the world around is rebuilt to match its scale. This new revamped Lordaeron will be connected to the revamped Quel'Thalas and you'll be able to fly between them at will.

    Continue until you have the entire old world remade at a bigger scale that better matches the lore size,

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