Might involve Alleria and not Xal. The way its worded sounds like its extradimensional entities invading and assulting the Sunwell, not Xal's army.
During the Nightborne quest line one of the Void Ethereals calls the Sunwell the "vessel". So I am guessing it way more related to her story, the Locus-Walker and Telogrus.
The Amani don't care about Quel'Thalas. They were willing to let the Scourge destroy the land if they could get their revenge.
The Amani will be corrupted by the Void in exchange for the power to get revenge on the Elves.
The Amani are never going to ally with the Elves to fight the Void, as they were willing to let another dark power (the Scourge) destroy Quel'Thalas to get revenge on the Elves.
We already know that the Renown factions will most likely be associated with the various Elven tribes that will have to be united to make a stand against the Void, as well as the Light forces who will help them. No word was wasted by Metzen on Trolls.
What you propose is not going to happen.
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This is never going to happen.
Metzen already said that the main Protagonist forces of the expansion are the Elves and the Light.
He didn't waste a single word on the Amani.
What you're saying is a valid reason for a PORTION of the Amani to side with the void. But it's not going to be all of them because modern Blizzard doesn't do evil races/tribes anymore. There is obviously a sect of Amani that will ask for our help and will give us access to a larger portion of Amani lands.
Oh yeah, and no chance that Blizz gives the troll tribe with very topical political reasons for hatred (displacement) the villain bat in the 2020s.
Modern Blizzard wrote BfA.
In BfA, the entirety of the Amani and Gurubashi tribes remain hostile to the Horde and have to be killed.
They remained hostile and would rather die than make peace with the Horde even though their tribes were on the edge of extinction and G'Huun threatened Zuldazar with annihilation.
That’s why I am saying why stuff them in to a patch as something minor develop storylines to continue stuff into the future. We have enough key plot for next 3 xpacs that they need to develop past it or the culmination of the major storyline without a vision past it will hurt them
Edit: all I am arguing is why stuff potential storylines for the long term as patches in the next three but develop them. For example nyalotha didn’t need to be a patch it could have been something much larger.
Last edited by Fentawow; 2023-11-05 at 05:23 PM.
Last edited by Samin; 2023-11-05 at 05:33 PM.
Second raid will have something to do with the Hallowsfall crystal I bet, to space out the void raids. Then Uldaz/core for the finale.
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I think there's a decent chance that SMC will be occupied and has to be freed, hopefully they confirm that it turns into a normal city after if that is the case.
If it's occupied then we would need a city to stay in at the beginning. Zul'Aman, Stratholme and Flying Exodar would all work. Also Dalaran but I hope not.