1. #57341
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Kith'ix is a good idea and will allow for a troll raid that's not a classic massacre.
    We could even be fighting WITH the trolls. Talan'ji could be rallying them. We'd be fighting corrupted Loa, undead trolls, void cultists.

  2. #57342
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    We could even be fighting WITH the trolls. Talan'ji could be rallying them. We'd be fighting corrupted Loa, undead trolls, void cultists.
    With the final outcome being the Amani finally accepting the Horde.

    Makes too much sense and Horde will desperately need a zone after TWW.

  3. #57343
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    My question... how does that lead to Midnight? Id it Xal going "shit I need more power/we need Dimensius" after she loses?
    Might involve Alleria and not Xal. The way its worded sounds like its extradimensional entities invading and assulting the Sunwell, not Xal's army.

    During the Nightborne quest line one of the Void Ethereals calls the Sunwell the "vessel". So I am guessing it way more related to her story, the Locus-Walker and Telogrus.

  4. #57344
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Uhhhhh, Kithix? The site for an additional Void incursion?

    Amani zone will need a renown faction and is probably not going to be "Amani Deathsquad"
    The Amani don't care about Quel'Thalas. They were willing to let the Scourge destroy the land if they could get their revenge.

    The Amani will be corrupted by the Void in exchange for the power to get revenge on the Elves.

    The Amani are never going to ally with the Elves to fight the Void, as they were willing to let another dark power (the Scourge) destroy Quel'Thalas to get revenge on the Elves.

    We already know that the Renown factions will most likely be associated with the various Elven tribes that will have to be united to make a stand against the Void, as well as the Light forces who will help them. No word was wasted by Metzen on Trolls.

    What you propose is not going to happen.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    We could even be fighting WITH the trolls. Talan'ji could be rallying them. We'd be fighting corrupted Loa, undead trolls, void cultists.
    This is never going to happen.

    Metzen already said that the main Protagonist forces of the expansion are the Elves and the Light.

    He didn't waste a single word on the Amani.

  5. #57345
    Elf RP senses... tingling!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Might involve Alleria and not Xal. The way its worded sounds like its extradimensional entities invading and assulting the Sunwell, not Xal's army.

    During the Nightborne quest line one of the Void Ethereals calls the Sunwell the "vessel". So I am guessing it way more related to her story, the Locus-Walker and Telogrus.
    I have been sus about Xal transferring into Alleria, or Alleria becoming the new Harbinger. Would be sad to see Xal go so quickly but Alleria getting turned by her would be poignant.

  6. #57346
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Elf RP senses... tingling!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have been sus about Xal transferring into Alleria, or Alleria becoming the new Harbinger.
    No Rebuttal as expected.

    The Amani were already willing to sacrifice Quel'Thalas to the Scourge for revenge.

    They will gladly let the Void destroy Quel'Thalas if they can get revenge (Which they won't).

  7. #57347
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Elf RP senses... tingling!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have been sus about Xal transferring into Alleria, or Alleria becoming the new Harbinger. Would be sad to see Xal go so quickly but Alleria getting turned by her would be poignant.
    Or we defeat Xal but Alleria succumbs to the Void and darkens the Sunwell in the Midnight opening cinematic.

  8. #57348
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Since Worldsoul saga is the culmination of the 20-years-old storyline, Midnight needs to have a Troll raid for old times' sake, concluding with the final eradication of the Amani.

    Trolls can take one last L.
    Zul'jin gonna return even more crippled. "The Elves took my eye... I cut off my arm to escape them. Then, after the Horde had cut off my one remaining arm, I lost my left leg past the knee to an Amani War Bear group... "

  9. #57349
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No Rebuttal as expected.

    The Amani were already willing to sacrifice Quel'Thalas to the Scourge for revenge.

    They will gladly let the Void destroy Quel'Thalas if they can get revenge (Which they won't).
    What you're saying is a valid reason for a PORTION of the Amani to side with the void. But it's not going to be all of them because modern Blizzard doesn't do evil races/tribes anymore. There is obviously a sect of Amani that will ask for our help and will give us access to a larger portion of Amani lands.

    Oh yeah, and no chance that Blizz gives the troll tribe with very topical political reasons for hatred (displacement) the villain bat in the 2020s.

  10. #57350
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    Zul'jin gonna return even more crippled. "The Elves took my eye... I cut off my arm to escape them. Then, after the Horde had cut off my one remaining arm, I lost my left leg past the knee to an Amani War Bear group... "
    That character is just pathetic. He made a cameo in SL and Blizzard didn't even called him by his real name, just "Wrathful Soul".

  11. #57351
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Christ, imagine the views in there. Ancient Titan architecture, the worldsoul outside the windows in the final room. Now, who do we fight? Obviously too early for Xal'atath.

    Raid 1 - bad Earthen, kobolds, etc? Sorting out all the issues relating to the Causeway or whatever they call it. Big machines involved. Similar to Blackrock Foundry.

    Raid 2 - bad Nerubians, perhaps some corrupted Arathi Shadow priests? Monster from the underground sea? Ensuring the Shadow doesn't claim Hallowfall? Watch Xal'atath run off with the heart despite our best efforts?

    Raid 3 - Uldaz, old Titan machinations, abandoned Watchers, some of them perhaps corrupted by the Shadow? Some Void general standing in Xal'atath's place. Too soon for Iridikron or is it his time? In this raid, we make some big revelations about the Titans. The War Within is won, but we're only just beginning to realise the mess we're in.
    I'm quite sure the first raid is confirmed to be the "bad Nerubian, kill their Queen" raid.

  12. #57352
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    What you're saying is a valid reason for a PORTION of the Amani to side with the void. But it's not going to be all of them because modern Blizzard doesn't do evil races/tribes anymore. There is obviously a sect of Amani that will ask for our help and will give us access to a larger portion of Amani lands.

    Oh yeah, and no chance that Blizz gives the troll tribe with very topical political reasons for hatred (displacement) the villain bat in the 2020s.
    Modern Blizzard wrote BfA.

    In BfA, the entirety of the Amani and Gurubashi tribes remain hostile to the Horde and have to be killed.

    They remained hostile and would rather die than make peace with the Horde even though their tribes were on the edge of extinction and G'Huun threatened Zuldazar with annihilation.

  13. #57353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Maybe Zul'Aman will be the 12.0 capital.

    And maybe we table the turns and have a Troll raid where we defend the city from Void invasion instead of mindlessly slaughtering Trolls yet again.
    Oof, imaging having opportunity for Silvermoon City and going with Zul'Aman.

  14. #57354
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I don't buy decay gnolls there. 13.0 is supposed to be a major culmination, and these gnolls are such a small threat. They can easily be forgotten, it happened many times in the past.
    That’s why I am saying why stuff them in to a patch as something minor develop storylines to continue stuff into the future. We have enough key plot for next 3 xpacs that they need to develop past it or the culmination of the major storyline without a vision past it will hurt them

    Edit: all I am arguing is why stuff potential storylines for the long term as patches in the next three but develop them. For example nyalotha didn’t need to be a patch it could have been something much larger.
    Last edited by Fentawow; 2023-11-05 at 05:23 PM.

  15. #57355
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No Rebuttal as expected.

    The Amani were already willing to sacrifice Quel'Thalas to the Scourge for revenge.

    They will gladly let the Void destroy Quel'Thalas if they can get revenge (Which they won't).
    You should do the Draenei red skin quest, it shows why you're wrong.

    Although it would be a shame to get Forest/Amani trolls and not also get a medium range axe throwing class or hero spec.
    Last edited by Samin; 2023-11-05 at 05:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  16. #57356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Oof, imaging having opportunity for Silvermoon City and going with Zul'Aman.
    If the void corrupts the Sunwell, there won't be much of Silvermoon left that isn't corrupted too.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  17. #57357
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    I'm quite sure the first raid is confirmed to be the "bad Nerubian, kill their Queen" raid.
    Nice. Makes sense.
    So I wonder what a third raid theme could be, assuming the second is Uldaz.

  18. #57358
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    If the void corrupts the Sunwell, there won't be much of Silvermoon left that isn't corrupted too.
    Could be that the Light crystal from Hallowfall provides us with a way to raise a shield around Silvermoon to protect ourselves while we build up to attack IQD.

  19. #57359
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Nice. Makes sense.
    So I wonder what a third raid theme could be, assuming the second is Uldaz.
    Second raid will have something to do with the Hallowsfall crystal I bet, to space out the void raids. Then Uldaz/core for the finale.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Oof, imaging having opportunity for Silvermoon City and going with Zul'Aman.
    I think there's a decent chance that SMC will be occupied and has to be freed, hopefully they confirm that it turns into a normal city after if that is the case.

    If it's occupied then we would need a city to stay in at the beginning. Zul'Aman, Stratholme and Flying Exodar would all work. Also Dalaran but I hope not.

  20. #57360
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think there's a decent chance that SMC will be occupied and has to be freed, hopefully they confirm that it turns into a normal city after if that is the case.

    If it's occupied then we would need a city to stay in at the beginning. Zul'Aman, Stratholme and Flying Exodar would all work. Also Dalaran but I hope not.
    The thing is, we do not need the entire city for it to be a capital hub. We could start with a small part of the city under a shield of Light protecting it from the Void and slowly expand. Then perhaps in the end the one who betrays us is not the Void but the LIGHT.

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