I think we'll see a group of Naga join us during Midnight. They are technically a subgroup of Elves. I do have to wonder what is so important about the Sunwell though that Night Elves and possibly Naga are needed to defend it?
I think we'll see a group of Naga join us during Midnight. They are technically a subgroup of Elves. I do have to wonder what is so important about the Sunwell though that Night Elves and possibly Naga are needed to defend it?
I think they came up with that as a day night cycle and then created a lore reason for it.
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Im guessing mid October personally. Pre Patch right before the summer cutoff to increase subs.
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Neutral naga race. Forrest trolls for the horde, high elves for the alliance.
13.0 is neutral tuskarr, taunka for the horde, Vrykul for the alliance.
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I honestly think they are burying that lore from Shadowlands. At least for now. Could be wrong and i know you wouldn't be happy about it. We will see.
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The Arathi humans we meet were splintered away from the rest of the kingdom after receiving a vision of a falling star and it took them to Harrowfall.
So its definitely a naruu imo.
They are continuously talking about a world revamp. The return to Quel’thalas for Midnight was brought up as an example.
Delves could have a run length time of 15 minutes.
By the time of War Within, Moira has gone missing.
Moira was said to have an interest in Earthen.
We will go on adventures with her son Dagran
Anduin will interact with the Arathi in Hallowfall
While they are planning on increasing the cadence of their expansion releases, they want to keep it at a responsible pace, both for on the development side as well as for player base. They are really happy with the overall engagement with Dragonflight.
They really want to avoid a repeat of the gap between Siege of Orgrimmar and Warlords of Draenor.
While 10.2 is the final raid, they have more story to tell.
The interesting stuff from a wow head interview if it hasn't been posted.
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Source by the way.
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Oh that interview also confirmed Difficulty levels for delves.
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They also contradicted Ion a bit and said the goal was to have almost every flying mount switched to dynamic flying. Ion wouldn't go that far but hes more cautious so we will see.
If we look at what the Fallen Star was in Diablo 3, it was the archangel Tyrael who gave up his seat on the Angiris Council in order to help humanity take on evil.
Although, the crystal has been lodged in Hallowfall for at least hundreds of years. So you'd think if somebody was inside, they would have moved outside by now?
"A dark heart awaits the taking."
This thing is getting increasingly darker. If it goes dark entirely, maybe Xal'atath takes its darkness but we then find a way to rekindle its Light or something.
Why do people keep saying this as if it's true.
Evokers are literally based on the 5 dragonflights and their heroic characters Alexstraza, Kalecgos, Chromie, Ysera, and others. They hardly came from nowhere.
There's no such equivalent with Bards in WoW, so yes they would come out of nowhere.
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Hmph, no one was with me when I said we were getting an underground expansion.![]()
Looking through the press kit I found Princess Talanji just hanging out in the Azj-Kahet area.
- https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...image=OWETA:78
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You can look back if you like but there were plenty of discussions on varieties of expansions but everyone had to keep reading you and welldonesteak talk about Yrel invading and how all evidence pointed to that. Nothing personal to either of you, just how I remember it.
Yeah in Early to Mid September. After Toweliee's leak in late September I shifted towards an underground expansion. Most folks here were saying Void, Revamp, or Avaloren up to the very end. In fact I got quite a bit of hell for saying Ka'resh wasn't happening and Avloren was too soon to be an expansion location throughout the month of October.
It's cool, general memory loss is what typically happens in threads like these after the reveal of new features.![]()
I hope they see the potential of the Old World and give it at least one last shot before the end.
I mean, look at WW and all these dull zones no one heard about before... the only interesting one is Azj-Kahet, and that's only because of Azjol-Nerub IMO.
Meanwhile, we have countless zones in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms filled with playable race stories and charismatic known threats lore stuck in the past and enough space to develop new stories and threats... BUT NO! Let's venture into yet another tiny made-up place...![]()
I mean we didnt get it at all like you said though. No undermine. No tinker. You got the basics right but thats it. Im all for your ideas, just not how hard headed you can be when discussing them.
Anyways, it will be a massive waste of potential and opportunity if they don't release tinkers/artificers in 13.0.
Well I did keep mentioning Mereldar because she'd make so much sense to be there in some form (Lightforged like Turalyon maybe). Honestly I think either they are there and they contacted her through the crystal or the crystal is the Prime of their line like X'era was to O'ros
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A spellbreaker/spellblade would be so nice to have assuming you mean class.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-11-06 at 06:50 AM.
Eh, I always said a new class in 11.0 was a long shot, and that an underground expansion would be weird without Undermine, and it is. I don't work for Blizzard, so I'm never going to get every little detail. However, I will say that I'm quite glad that we're heading underground to protect the world soul (as I predicted) instead of going to Avaloren for "reasons". The game is better off for it.
We'll see when they decide to slot them in. As I've always said about that class, it isn't a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when".Anyways, it will be a massive waste of potential and opportunity if they don't release tinkers/artificers in 13.0.
I am guessing they used her as a scale model cause wtf is she doing down there
I can honestly see Undermine being a patch during TWW and if Tinkers don't come with that the door has essentially closed for them, for some weird reason also people are saying they feel these last 3 expansions will be the last before Blizz decide to move onto a WoW2, whats made people feel this as I'm sure Mr Metzen said that they want to do 10 more years of content after these 3 expansions.