1. #5741
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I would contest your claim that I am mischaracterizing her entirely in calling her that.
    You definitely are. Emberthal is certainly not the level of unexplained awesome and beloved by all that characterises a Mary Sue or even close to it. She's good at the things she's supposed to be good at on account of that being her actual job, has not much knowledge of the world outside the Forbidden Isles and people aren't randomly fawning over her for no reason.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Nah you don't really choose. You can side with both. And with the lunatics who believe that Deathwing will come. And with some local Blacksmiths.
    Eh, the latter is more "provide aid to", you can only do the main key quest for Sabellian and Wrathion and they're the only ones with reputations. You can certainly max rep with both, though.

  2. #5742
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    Yea, my bad. They are afking and do nothing, so I just dont remember them good.

    And Mag'Hars, that have 1 named character at all.
    And Highmountain that have Lasan and Bains girl Maya.
    Or even goblins that have leader from other Cartel.

    Alliance have that too, mind you, I am not some Hard Horde fan anymore.
    Pandarens aside, blue team have mechagnomes with AFK Erazmin, Void Elves with some dude somewhere in space aside Alleria, Lightforged with leader human Turalion and T'paaros as meme. WoW definitely lack minor characters and race-driven stories. Even heritage chains, that idealy should represent more characters, fails to deliver. We meet same old characters, same stories (Aside Orcs, that chain was great in many ways)
    Highmountain have everyone we met during their quests. So obviously Mayla and Lasan as well as Jale (damn, most of the people we met got killed!). The Mag'har are such an asspull that I can't be bothered; they were in a hurry to cross the collapsing time portal and at the same time they brought a significant army representing all tribes, some of their tech and plenty of stowaways so . . . wtf? Same with Lightforged, there are so few of them though I would count all the main characters from the Argus campaign as major names, Fareeya and Y'mera were both pretty cool, Baraat, Enaara and Sorvos less so. But still several named NPCs who have actually done something at some point. Same with Mechagon, all the Rustbolt Resistance NPCs that are involved in the rebellion can be counted on for the future; I'd count at least Pascal and Izira as useful.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Eh, the latter is more "provide aid to", you can only do the main key quest for Sabellian and Wrathion and they're the only ones with reputations. You can certainly max rep with both, though.
    Regardless, the game definitely doesn't make you choose one or the other; heck given they have unique collectibles and an achievement for befriending both, the games assumes you will try that anyway. Plus it's not like player choice matters or else they would have had to respect Sylvanas' simps somehow.

  3. #5743
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    You definitely are. Emberthal is certainly not the level of unexplained awesome and beloved by all that characterises a Mary Sue or even close to it. She's good at the things she's supposed to be good at on account of that being her actual job, has not much knowledge of the world outside the Forbidden Isles and people aren't randomly fawning over her for no reason.
    As I said, I was not mischaracterizing her entirely. However, I was characterizing the Dracthyr of a whole—a species of which she is a single instance—as possessing qualities that make them unusually special for the setting. I was being disingenuous, and they are not wholly deserving of the label as a species, but you can't deny there is some quality present there in a race which is defined exclusively by being the ultimate super-soldiers bred for the express purpose of having All Teh Powahs. Still, I confess that my statement was ultimately probably not wholly applicable and ought to be discarded, and so I shall concede the point overall and state I was wrong.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-05-12 at 10:43 AM.

  4. #5744
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarohk View Post
    So I have 7 lvl 70s but haven't really done much end-game content.

    Don't we chose at some point to side with Sabelian or Wrathion?

    I doubt Blizz would give the aspect to one side or the other, leaving half of the players with disappointment. So it's probably Ebyssion
    You choose between Sabellian or Wrathion for a weekly quest. While the game seems perfectly content leaving only choosing one as a valid option, there is also nothing that contradicts the player helping both at different times until they both equally like the player. If anything I would argue that this seems like the intended resolution.
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  5. #5745
    So it's going to be Ebyssian based on an icon from a spell from the new evoker spec? Am I reading that right.
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  6. #5746
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    So it's going to be Ebyssian based on an icon from a spell from the new evoker spec? Am I reading that right.
    That is most probable btw. New model, ring on nose, that chin more Tauren-like, and name Black Aspect. Its 100% new Ebyssian picture.
    With that we could assume that Nozdormu remains Bronze Aspect.
    Last edited by Pyrophax; 2023-05-12 at 11:29 AM.

  7. #5747
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    So it's going to be Ebyssian based on an icon from a spell from the new evoker spec? Am I reading that right.
    The spell is called Aspects favor, and there is one for Noz with his head as the icon, and there is one for the black dragon aspect, and the icon has a nose ring.

    And there is only 1 prominent draconic character with a nose ring.

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  8. #5748
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    If Emberthal is chosen, it would really be the worst way to tie up this story in my opinion; whereas I somewhat dislike Ebyssian as a choice because he's fairly flat, it at least comes with the silver lining of subverting Blizzard's typical trope of having the young, plucky upstart upstage their older counterparts. Emberthal is not only wholly unsuitable for the position on a thematic level on account of being a Dracthyr, it also just doesn't strike me as a good way to continue the arc of the representative of a race that nobody wanted to begin with.
    I don't necessarily disagree. But my personal desires don't blind me to what is so flagrantly being set up here. In fact, the reason you dismiss Emberthal is another point for her: Blizzard has been trying to legitimize Dracthyr as dragons since the moment they were announced. What better way to hammer their status as dragons in than to make one of them an Aspect outright?

  9. #5749
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    That is most probable btw. New model, ring on nose, that chin more Tauren-like, and name Black Aspect. Its 100% new Ebyssian picture.
    With that we could assume that Nozdormu remains Bronze Aspect.
    Nozdormu is more surprising than Ebyssian. Either they didn't want to spoil the dungeon or maybe he does remain saved.

    I hope this means Merithra gets a new model too.

  10. #5750
    Herald of the Titans Hugnomo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Nozdormu is more surprising than Ebyssian. Either they didn't want to spoil the dungeon or maybe he does remain saved.

    I hope this means Merithra gets a new model too.
    Right! I wanna see a new model for Merithra. And for Ebyssian as well. I liked the nose ring and the chains, but he's gotta have a complete unique design, not just a couple of 3d elements. I'm glad this might mean Nozdormu makes it out and I'm curious to see how he avoids his fate, if he does.

  11. #5751
    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    I don't necessarily disagree. But my personal desires don't blind me to what is so flagrantly being set up here. In fact, the reason you dismiss Emberthal is another point for her: Blizzard has been trying to legitimize Dracthyr as dragons since the moment they were announced. What better way to hammer their status as dragons in than to make one of them an Aspect outright?
    I suppose I see your point. Perhaps I am merely averse to the concept on account of it being a Dragon Aspect that isn't a Dragon. Still, I just don't think she is as enjoyable a character to watch as Wrathion or Sabellian, and I don't know if her military kind of authority would mesh well with the way the position is supposed to work. Furthermore, in spite of Blizzard's statements, it is simply the case that Dracthyr are not dragons, and I feel as though any effort to vindicate that statement is doomed to fall flat. Even relative to Ebyssian, there is something comparatively enjoyable about seeing the wise old competent sort take charge instead of being upstaged by the younger, more proactive heroes, whereas the "reluctant leader" trope is honestly quite overdone.

  12. #5752
    Dracthyr aren't dragons and aren't said to be dragons, they are more akin to Drakonids. Its a hard pill to swallow but they just didn't make Dragons playable for the Dragon expansion.

    For the reason they aren't dragons, it's silly that one should be an aspect.

  13. #5753
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    Weird cause I've never seen that version of the building anywhere (and having mucked around on certain 'building' private servers I know that building isnt in the BFA game files.

    Maybe the pics of the dungeon are taken from a different build that went live and those wmo's just arent in it yet?
    Figured out why I couldn't find it, it's not a separate model but baked into one giant model for that part of the dungeon.

    Closer peek at the two factions parts of the model: Alliance - Horde

  14. #5754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    The issue is that this reflects well on Ebyssian only because it was done with that express purpose. Although Wrathion and Sabellian are not totally out-of-character, they are seemingly expressing themselves only at their worst and most absolutely insufferable; their portrayal within the context of the patch and its content seems to be specifically oriented around Blizzard being able to justify putting Ebyssian in power.
    I'd disagree since the supposition of an agenda of some kind on the part of the developers isn't really in line with the continuity of the characters from their very introductions - Wrathion and Sabellian aren't *suddenly* insufferable, they've always been so. Similarly, Ebyssian isn't suddenly the elder statesman and mediator of the Black Dragonflight as he's been in that mold since [i]Legion[/] and on into BfA. Sabellian and Wrathion embody the qualities of desperation and entitlement, respectively; whereas Ebyssian is more the aspect of reluctance or acceptance as concerns the legacy of what it is to be of the Black Dragonflight.

    I'd say all three of them need more growth before becoming the Earthwarder if that's to be any of their fates, but Ebyssian is in the lead nonetheless.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  15. #5755
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugnomo View Post
    Right! I wanna see a new model for Merithra. And for Ebyssian as well. I liked the nose ring and the chains, but he's gotta have a complete unique design, not just a couple of 3d elements. I'm glad this might mean Nozdormu makes it out and I'm curious to see how he avoids his fate, if he does.
    The 3d pieces only show up in the cutscenes and not when you see him in game which is a weird limitation imo.

    He did get an small model upgrade, but a weird one.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yikes. Slow cow wins the race? I guess Aspects had to fit their racial diversity quota!
    The most boring out of the three, with the lamest race model: Tauren.. would have liked a human visage like Neltharion more. It would have been real lame if chromie would have been aspect. She would obviously be bigger, meaning an oversized gnome standing in valdrakken. More like a giant baby. Luckily it seems Nozdormu seems to stay.

    I guess it makes sense as he is the calm one, still not great, but not terrible either.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2023-05-12 at 12:33 PM.

  16. #5756
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Figured out why I couldn't find it, it's not a separate model but baked into one giant model for that part of the dungeon.

    Closer peek at the two factions parts of the model: Alliance - Horde
    I see there also the new dwarf tank which was datamined earlier, but which was apart then. Is that a loose item or are we onto something
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  17. #5757
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    I'll just say that I'm thoroughly enjoying DF. This is quickly becoming my favorite expansion since MoP.

  18. #5758
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I'll just say that I'm thoroughly enjoying DF. This is quickly becoming my favorite expansion since MoP.
    Good for you!!

  19. #5759
    Wonder who the final boss is going to be if Galakrond is in the mega dungeon. Just corrupted Iridikron?

  20. #5760
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    The spell is called Aspects favor, and there is one for Noz with his head as the icon, and there is one for the black dragon aspect, and the icon has a nose ring.

    And there is only 1 prominent draconic character with a nose ring.
    I think Ebyssian's nose ring is a bit to on the nose.
    Last edited by huth; 2023-05-12 at 12:56 PM.

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