1. #57881
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I really pray they just give Velf tattoos and make the entropy racial an optional thing so people will shut up about Helf as an AR. Just give them all the belf customizations too. At that point it's just voicelines.
    I would gladly shut up forever about High Elves if Void Elves got:

    - More normal hairstyles like the ones Blood Elves have (doesn't have to be the exact same ones though), including braids and half cuts.

    - A way to toggle off turning blue in combat; this doesn't fit everybody's head canon about their Void Elves.

    - War paints or tattoos (for both races) that lets you look like a Warcraft 2 High Elf Ranger or a Warcraft 3 Sorceress.

    - Preferably new face options for both races, so they don't have to look like angry wasps anymore... let them look nice.

    - Non glowy eyes, like the High Elf mother protecting her child in the Sylvanas animated short.

    - The ultimate thing would be new body poses, but that's a large change and something all races need... it's just that I think Blood/Void Elves have such an overly stylised pose. I'd like a more neutral option.

  2. #57882
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Temper that expectation. But uh...probably next week if not the 1st week in December. its either now or then due to the holidays sandwhiched between.

    This is absolutely why it was moved lmao.
    I think Ion is full of shit and that dracthyr with leather gear in the warband screenshot was definitely not an evoker.

    As for paladins, I feel like the Tyr's guard is a sure in for blanket paladins. I mean they have a kultiran paladin already.

  3. #57883
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    - The ultimate thing would be new body poses, but that's a large change and something all races need... it's just that I think Blood/Void Elves have such an overly stylised pose. I'd like a more neutral option.
    I really am shocked that they never, not even once, openly considered posture options for Belves/Velves when they are so popular.

    I can understand not doing Forsaken posture because MUH FANTASY but Belves are like the 2nd or 3rd most played race.

  4. #57884
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    I think Ion is full of shit and that dracthyr with leather gear in the warband screenshot was definitely not an evoker.

    As for paladins, I feel like the Tyr's guard is a sure in for blanket paladins. I mean they have a kultiran paladin already.
    Part of the Identity of both Paladin's and Shamans, I feel, is intrinsically tied to the fact that at one point they were available only to one faction. I would love to be able to play a different race of shaman (kidding of course Rock & Stone 4 lyfe) but I think Pally and Shaman, Druid, Demon Hunter and Evoker are probably going to be the hold outs for everyone can be everything. Maybe eventually they will join the fold, Shaman and Pally, but I don't think now is the time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    That would mean the next patch has been on the vendor for over a month before it going up on the PTR. That's a bit ridiculous. It's never been that long. Unless it's something huge.
    Im subscribing to the theory that whatever is in 10.2.5 is spoiling the raid. My guesses in order of most to least likely.

    Amirdrissal in the Plains because accessing a zone in a Dragonflight expac via portal is dumb.
    Epilogue Questline
    Tyr and the Gang fight Alexstraza
    Vyranoth still bad

  5. #57885
    Considering the newly revealed arc of the saga I don't think bringing Tyr back is 100% going to be a good thing. To that end I think Tyrs Guard may be bait, like that one Belf yammering on about Order feels like an obvious villain.

  6. #57886
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Part of the Identity of both Paladin's and Shamans, I feel, is intrinsically tied to the fact that at one point they were available only to one faction. I would love to be able to play a different race of shaman (kidding of course Rock & Stone 4 lyfe) but I think Pally and Shaman, Druid, Demon Hunter and Evoker are probably going to be the hold outs for everyone can be everything. Maybe eventually they will join the fold, Shaman and Pally, but I don't think now is the time.
    But again, Tyr's guard is the perfect lore excuse. Especially that they have a kultiran in their ranks. Also let's not forget the nelf paladin in legion.

    Plus if maghar and LFD can be locks then anyone can be anything.

  7. #57887
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    But again, Tyr's guard is the perfect lore excuse. Especially that they have a kultiran in their ranks. Also let's not forget the nelf paladin in legion.

    Plus if maghar and LFD can be locks then anyone can be anything.
    I don't disagree with you.

  8. #57888
    huge chance to get a CGI cinematic at Midnight from novel Velen: Prophet's Lesson

    location actions - Quel'Thalas

    Allies - Horde Alliance Dragons and Naaru

    Enemies - Shadow

    the main character - Anduin (again lol) only now he doesn't cry

  9. #57889
    One-patch unlocks for Shaman/Druid/Paladin are a bad thing for anyone who cares about their totems, forms and charger mounts being unique.

    Id you don't care about those, it's whatever, but they are 100% getting homogenized otherwise.

  10. #57890
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    One-patch unlocks for Shaman/Druid/Paladin are a bad thing for anyone who cares about their totems, forms and charger mounts being unique.

    Id you don't care about those, it's whatever, but they are 100% getting homogenized otherwise.
    Honestly Shaman Totems need to be going the way of the Druid Forms and Warlock Pets. Its time. My Wildhammer Totems look like trash compared to the Dark Iron ones.

  11. #57891
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Now do one with the Jailer in the place of the Tuskarr and call it Wrath of the Bolvar. Drop it on an alt account with zero posts as well. Name the account Nimalram
    The perfect plan... they'll never know.

  12. #57892
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Honestly Shaman Totems need to be going the way of the Druid Forms and Warlock Pets. Its time. My Wildhammer Totems look like trash compared to the Dark Iron ones.
    Yeah but they didn't unlock the racial druid forms for everyone. Race fantasy is dead if they homogenize everything, you'll just get Super Fire Totem etc.

  13. #57893
    Y'all are waaay too stuck on thinking Horde vs Alliance. Not only have the systems of the game been moving away from that with cross faction grouping and cross faction guilds. But the story is pretty clearly moving away from that, at least for now. It was also heavily criticized in BFA since we literally always end up joining forces to beat the big bad anyway and that was like the third time just in wow they've done that story. Midnight is supposed to be as close as the void gets to victory on Azeroth, but you really think theyll hesitate to make Silvermoon the neutral Capital when its under assault by a third party? Like they hesitated with Dalaran? Lor'themar was also one of the driving forces in getting the Alliance and Horde to work together again during BFA anyway. If it means saving the Sunwell or even all of Azeroth with the stakes they set at Blizzcon, the blood elves wouldn't hesitate to let the Alliance hang with them while they fight the void. Story wise it doesn't even have to mean it becomes a purely neutral city accepting of everyone anyway once Midnight is over with.
    Last edited by Treegdar; 2023-11-09 at 03:30 PM.

  14. #57894
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Amirdrissal in the Plains because accessing a zone in a Dragonflight expac via portal is dumb.
    Epilogue Questline
    Tyr and the Gang fight Alexstraza
    Vyranoth still bad
    Amirdrassil was planted in the Dragon Isles: It's 100% going to appear where the zone portal is. Then I expect it to share its space with Quelthalas & Lordaeron when Midnight comes out, if it being in the rest of the world is even a priority: It's essentially just an RP zone. It's never going to be a real hub.
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Probably because they take some major client changes to pull off. It may not seem like much to you, but it's likely not that easy on the technical side.
    That's suddenly too much to do in a x.x.x patch? 11.0 is a year away. I'm expecting 2 pretty beefy minor patches at the very least.

  15. #57895
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Amirdrassil was planted in the Dragon Isles: It's 100% going to appear where the zone portal is. Then I expect it to share its space with Quelthalas & Lordaeron when Midnight comes out, if it being in the rest of the world is even a priority: It's essentially just an RP zone. It's never going to be a real hub.
    Unless that's part of 10.2.5 content. Why bother with hiding spoilers if the tree appearing isn't a big deal?

    It could be a mini zone like Forbidden Reach.

  16. #57896
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Yeah but they didn't unlock the racial druid forms for everyone. Race fantasy is dead if they homogenize everything, you'll just get Super Fire Totem etc.
    I do wish they were more focused on race identity than class identity, because ironically they're basically opposite things. So much so that they actually removed Demon pet forms? Did anyone want that? Those Heroic Talent trees sound so homogenous. And giving Druid 4 options while giving Demon Hunters 2 feels like trolling.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    One-patch unlocks for Shaman/Druid/Paladin are a bad thing for anyone who cares about their totems, forms and charger mounts being unique.

    Id you don't care about those, it's whatever, but they are 100% getting homogenized otherwise.
    I know they've been putting it off a really long time, but is developing a few models really take that long? They add dozens of those every patch.

  17. #57897
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Yeah but they didn't unlock the racial druid forms for everyone. Race fantasy is dead if they homogenize everything, you'll just get Super Fire Totem etc.
    Im fine with them updating Racial Totems (Defaults) then giving us alot of options to pick from in a menu. Honestly its pathetic that I cannot tell what my totems are supposed to be as a Wildhammer.

  18. #57898
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Unless that's part of 10.2.5 content. Why bother with hiding spoilers if the tree appearing isn't a big deal?

    It could be a mini zone like Forbidden Reach.
    I think Amirdrassil is going to be a part of future DF content and beyond regardless, without going into spoilers for still unavailable campaign chapters, they are definitely setting it up as a major point of interest going forward.

  19. #57899
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    One-patch unlocks for Shaman/Druid/Paladin are a bad thing for anyone who cares about their totems, forms and charger mounts being unique.

    Id you don't care about those, it's whatever, but they are 100% getting homogenized otherwise.
    If, BIG IF, that happened I'm sure it'd only be temporary and they'd gradually release the new mounts and.totems.

    I'd be fine with a universal paladin charger that all races share as long as all races eventually have their own as well.

    Same.thing with totems, could even be a barber options to switch between racial and shared totems.

  20. #57900
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I think Amirdrassil is going to be a part of future DF content and beyond regardless, without going into spoilers for still unavailable campaign chapters, they are definitely setting it up as a major point of interest going forward.
    That could make people happy. If they could somehow turn flying over the water into a hidden loading screen it would make sense for Amirdrassil to be 12.0's hub & the islands ranging between Suramar, Silvermoon & the Sunwell being full island nation of Quelthalas.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-11-09 at 03:42 PM.

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