Your point isn't proven. My earlier post was a bad one, I'll confess. I hastily wrote that we don't have any idea of any of that, when I am fully aware about Archimonde and Sylvanas taking direct orders. In my mind I was honed into the Aspects/Titans and Il'ygnoth/Old Gods bit, but I failed to specify that clearly.
That said, Il'gynoth being a tiny growth of N'Zoth means that he's effectively a creature that spawned from him, in other words his creation. He and N'Zoth aren't one and the same. It's also flowery language that can't really be taken at face value, regardless of what it says.
As for the Aspects, we don't really know what their connection to the Titans' directive really is. You're assuming they're just walking around blindly, but for all we know they may have been given precise orders by their makers. Tyr might have instructed them exactly how to place enemies they do not want to see dead inside stasis chambers.
Your point is wrong because you're assuming the Aspects were empowered once but ever since have been entirely on their own, which is both difficult to prove and arguably goes against what in-game lore suggests to us. Just look at all the story surrounding Alexstrasza in Dragonflight, and how she struggles with coming to terms with the rebels having a valid point, or how the Keepers treated dragon eggs.
Your point is wrong twice because there's no reason at all to assume there isn't a link between the Titans' abilities and ideas of imprisonment/stasis, and those of the Dragon Aspects'. They are created by them, from their powers of Order, and seek to carry out their mission on Azeroth. Therefore, there's a very strong link between the imprisonment of Iridikron and the logo of The Last Titan.