1. #58521
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Why are random mid-expansion cinematics like the ones featuring the Incarnates always long and pretty engaging, while the ones at the end are either short, uninteresting, or both?
    There's this thing called production schedules and pipelines. Basically when you get to the tail-end of a current product less resources are allocated to the existing product as people are moving over to produce and deliver content for the next product.

    What we're seeing here with 10.2 has basically been the last fart of the old structure where there weren't 3 Teams dancing in tact and this was the last time we'll see such a messy conclusion.

    At least that is what the cope is about this circumstance.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  2. #58522
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    There's this thing called production schedules and pipelines. Basically when you get to the tail-end of a current product less resources are allocated to the existing product as people are moving over to produce and deliver content.

    What we're seeing here with 10.2 has basically been the last fart of the old structure where there weren't 3 Teams dancing in tact and this was the last time we'll see such a messy conclusion.

    At least that is what the cope is about this circumstance.
    I envy your optimism. But regardless of execution in the future, I fear the writing will stay the same.

  3. #58523
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Well, it was meh.
    The initial cinematic was pretty, but the dialogue in the second ruined it.

    I was flat out expecting Alex to go "the real blessings were the friends we made along the way".

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #58524
    Lovely so Azeroth is a baby first one imprisoned by the Titans now seems like a reasonable bet.

  5. #58525
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    There's this thing called production schedules and pipelines. Basically when you get to the tail-end of a current product less resources are allocated to the existing product as people are moving over to produce and deliver content for the next product.

    What we're seeing here with 10.2 has basically been the last fart of the old structure where there weren't 3 Teams dancing in tact and this was the last time we'll see such a messy conclusion.

    At least that is what the cope is about this circumstance.
    yeah this is just a cope. this is the third expansion in a row with bad writing and low quality cinematics. those who made this are just not good at their job.

  6. #58526
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Well, it was meh.
    The initial cinematic was pretty, but the dialogue in the second ruined it.

    I was flat out expecting Alex to go "the real blessings were the friends we made along the way".
    Not that her line was any better. I also get the feeling there is supposed to be some form rejection of the titans between the lines of her dialog, which given the story direction feels a bit forced, though maybe that is just me because I simply can't trust Blizzard in such regards.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  7. #58527
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Janitor View Post
    Not that her line was any better. I also get the feeling there is supposed to be some form rejection of the titans between the lines of her dialog, which given the story direction feels a bit forced, though maybe that is just me because I simply can't trust Blizzard in such regards.
    They never really "followed" them. They only cared about keeping Azeroth safe (which is essentially what they were asked to do/how they interpreted it).

  8. #58528
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Janitor View Post
    Not that her line was any better. I also get the feeling there is supposed to be some form rejection of the titans between the lines of her dialog, which given the story direction feels a bit forced, though maybe that is just me because I simply can't trust Blizzard in such regards.
    I'm tired ...

  9. #58529
    I really do not understand why they made an unencrypted, easily dataminable and spoilery spell effect for the aspects getting blessed by the tree... if it happens in a CUTSCENE.

    Like, why? It ruined the whole surprise. What was the idea?

  10. #58530
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    The cinematic should've been the tree bleeding into reality.

  11. #58531
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I really do not understand why they made an unencrypted, easily dataminable and spoilery spell effect for the aspects getting blessed by the tree... if it happens in a CUTSCENE.

    Like, why? It ruined the whole surprise. What was the idea?
    Simple, it was missed in the encryption pass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post

    Any update on Amirdrassil as a whole yet?
    Literally waiting for someone with a kill to go outside to check if it's playable, but it is definitely decrypted.

  12. #58532
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Simple, it was missed in the encryption pass.
    Why does it exist at all is my question. It isn't an ability used in the fight. It happens in the cutscene.

    Did they really need an ability for the tree turning yellow for a split second beforehand?

  13. #58533
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Why does it exist at all is my question. It isn't an ability used in the fight.
    Probably an aura to apply the visual effect to the eyes for the NPCs.

  14. #58534
    when was the last cool non cringe cinematic? probably denathrius vs renathal, right?

  15. #58535
    Wow, this....was incredibly boring. Fyrakk is the most shafted xpac final boss of them all so far, he feels and is presented like an afterthought. The aspects get their powers back,but this time from Azeroth, not the titans (sounds more and more like Azeroth or all world souls are not naturally meant to be titans), woooow. How long ago in the lore was Cata, when Alexstrasza declared the "age of mortals"? But oh well, at least watching the Cata finale and this back to back makes it somewhat funny in its stupidity.

    Also lol at Odyn just getting frozen into an ice block by Vyranoth snapping her fingers. This is the dude who went to war with the OGs and played a large part in destroying the Black Empire? This chump is the Prime Designate the titans left behind to watch over the world in their name?
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  16. #58536
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    I don't get why they felt they needed to even make cinematic 2.

    Why not spend the resources that went into that, into a cinematic that's actually exciting to watch and leave the dialogue as just a cutscene or a simple stay awhile and listen/prompted dialogue?

    The Aspects turning into dragons and just reveling in their magic again (even if nothing of actual note was to happen), would've been a lot more exciting to watch than having Alex explain the plot to us.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  17. #58537
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I don't get why they felt they needed to even make cinematic 2.

    Why not spend the resources that went into that into a cinematic that's actually exciting to watch and leave the dialogue as just a cutscene or a simple stay awhile and listen?

    The Aspects turning into dragons and just reveling in their magic again (even if nothing of actual note was to happen), would've been a lot more exciting to watch than having Alex explain the plot to us.
    It is expensive, they do not have the budget to do such things anymore. The Saurfang Cinematics in BFA probably blew all the budget for such cinematics endeavours.

    Supplementary material would be cheaper to sustain the narrative at this point with outsourced work because at least they could keep everything a bit more cohesive and glued together but even that they refuse to do these days beyond releasing a prequel book at the end of the expansion it is supposed to be for.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  18. #58538
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I don't get why they felt they needed to even make cinematic 2.

    Why not spend the resources that went into that, into a cinematic that's actually exciting to watch and leave the dialogue as just a cutscene or a simple stay awhile and listen/prompted dialogue?

    The Aspects turning into dragons and just reveling in their magic again (even if nothing of actual note was to happen), would've been a lot more exciting to watch than having Alex explain the plot to us.
    Second cinematic was a cutscene.

  19. #58539
    The Patient johnny download's Avatar
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    you know it's bad when we can't even get raiders to go outside IN THE GAME

    show us the dang tree!
    "called it" - me when my diaper fills up

  20. #58540
    Quote Originally Posted by johny download View Post
    you know it's bad when we can't even get raiders to go outside IN THE GAME

    show us the dang tree!
    I've poked various people, so hopefully someone either tweets about it or an article goes up at some point.

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