Love is in the Air revamp means we'll see this probably mid-January I imagine, then.
Piecemealing Old World content in minor content patches is cringe, I'd rather not have it if its going to be used as marketing goop.
This just feels exploitative and nonsensical.
Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2023-11-16 at 06:22 PM.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
Ok, so we are back to even more Alliance content in DF. Maybe blizz somehow forgot we have another faction of players. Heh, sometimes.
Still no timewaking, huh. Strange they wait for almost last patch for that.
I really hope for some major profession knowledge catch up from datamining.
I think this is particularly interesting:
Traitor's Rest is that fossil of the two-headed dragon in Azure Span.Discover the history of the Dragon Isles and meet a unique cast of characters, hear stories of old, and witness the iconography of a time before. Participate in Solo and Group activities within Traitor’s Rest with a Weekly Public Event, plenty of opportunity to explore, and earn rewards like Battle Pets, Mounts, and a Transmog set.
Damn it man, still no blanket paladins.
Wtf was the point of tyr's guard then?????
Every time paladin race combos expansions is teased nothing happens.
We get the legion nelf, then we get tyr's guard with a kultiran and still nothing.
Well, here's to 2.7 if not 11.0 and beyond.
I feel like Amirdrassil wont become a capital in the sense of having all the same functionality as Stormwind or the xpac hubs - but will be a capital in just the lore sense - lots of npcs, maybe a few vendors, a flight path etc.
Would be neat if Im wrong but we will have to wait and see for it to be built first
I dunno. I could see Gilneas still have diehard Sylvanas loyalists to fight. Not to promote faction conflict, but to underscore once again how the loyalists are nothing like the good Forsaken the player hangs out with, and that the ones we kill are the last remaining ones, who will surely never show up ever again.
Honestly I can't really see what else it would be.
Ghosts maybe? Gnolls?
The world revamp dream will never die!
I never understood the whole "gather people in one capital" thing. It isn't so hard to add a bank/AH and a bunch of portals in a few places. It's not like the people actually interact with each other in capitals or anything.
If Amirdrassil (ideally the Nelf capital would be in Kalimdor but w/e) had all of that I'd definitely just put my HS there.