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That's the frustrating part, as my belief is that both factions aren't being served particularly well right now (though the patterns stretch back quite a while), but for different reasons.
The main narrative has had a tendency to be very focused on Alliance characters and races, but when the factions are explicitly in focus, that usually flips and the Horde becomes the main characters while the Alliance are completely reactionary to them. This has twice manifested as the Horde doing something extremely evil/stupid then self-flagellating for a year while the Alliance are perpetual victims that can never answer in kind. It doesn't feel great for either side.
This isn't helped by the fact that the few bits of faction-exclusive content we've gotten lately, the heritage questlines, would be difficult to argue that the Horde ones haven't gotten more love than the Alliance. It's become a perfect mixed bag where both sides are technically being delivered what they want, but it's coming with caveats and asterisks. Ideally, the reclamation of Gilneas would be an Alliance-only questline and the Horde would get their own equivalent, and the Horde really just needs more representation in the main storyline.
That's the risk of going neutral with everything: not all questlines make sense to be that way and can be compromised by adhering to it, and you may dilute your setting further if you don't replace that light politicking and tension with something else. I'm hoping that they'll do such a long anticipated event the justice it deserves and it doesn't just feel like another sidequest.