Excerpt from Maria Hamilton's interview. Not a native here, but I always thought "to do something by" means exactly -
to do something before <time reference>. By saying 2030 they give themselves a looser timeframe in case some things go wrong.
2. From all we have heard, their intention is to speed up the release cadance a bit, and ~1.5-ish years is what they actually aim for (to be honest, it's something that Ion said using the words
1.5-ish in Preach interview) - which is exactly 3 raid tiers, ~6 months each.
3. From what I understand, you intentionally sabotage the quicker patch cadance for the sake of delaying the payment for the game? You won't get a 4th raid tier, if that is what you mean, and $40 dollars every 1.5 year vs. every 2 years isn't that much of a big deal I guess, lol.