1. #59261
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    That is why i only play for one month or two. There is no endgame which has any notable gameplay i consider useful for my retention in currents WoWs implementation. Mythic+ dungeons are not for me. Raids are not for me. So here i am. Nothing left to play after a while.

    Delves unlikely will change that. As they simply stop at heroic raiding item level, and replace or at least complement world quest progress. Also i wonder if Delves will have difficulty levels, which is unlikely.

    If Blizzard ever should decide to add Delves 1-20 with the best gear avaialble from Delves 15-20, at the same level we get from mythic+15-20 or mythic raids, i probably would play longer.

    What i want to see is that Blizzard gets rid of their group bias. Gets rid of the idea they have to force everyone into premade groups to get BIS gear for their gameplay. Then, and only then, i see the game developing into the right direction. Delves will not be that. They are just another excuse not offering real competetive progression for solo players instead of group gameplay.

    That is their challenge. That would change everything. But as i know Blizzard for years, that is very unlikely to change. Because they simply cannot leave their gatekeeper mentality for guild groups.
    Why does it have to be mythic gear? If you are getting both gear and challenging progression, why does it matter if it caps lower?

  2. #59262
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    Better let me ask: why shouldn't a solo player that beats the hardest bosses probably even harder than the ones in Elden Ring get no mythic gear? Anyone who masters delves level 20 should have mythic raid like ilevel gear from delves.

    Let's overcome gate keeping together. That could be a start. It could make the game interesting for way more players than just the ones that want to play with friends or guilds only.
    I mean you are talking about some imaginary boss that will be harder than everything. And it IS imaginary because if it is challenging for my prot/ret paladin, my poor mage will be out several levels earlier.

  3. #59263
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    I think the best example recently is Legion. You have a big, overarching goal, you have some very race specific story line and some faction TENSION (not all out war). It is of course just personal opinion.
    Faction tension that was rather intrusively forced on the player who had no real reason to deal with it and really had more important stuff to do at the time.

  4. #59264
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    I am sure Blizzard will find a way to balance delves correctly, so every role (probably with stat tables) could face a fair challenge.
    That's funny, tell another one!

  5. #59265
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    No i really mean it. It may be some effort, yet i think delves and delve hard bosses will have proper balance at some point, after a lot of iterations and listening to feedback. But i think it would be worth the effort.

    We had the same problems with mythic+ dungeons, and yet blizzard iterates over and over to correct balance issues.
    And they are nowhere close at the higher levels that somewhat approach mythic raid challenge. They are doing ok at 2-15 where every composition can clear it, 16-20 you can still clear it but you will definitely face a much greater challenge with a weak combo compared to the meta ones and 21+ Light help you if you stray too far from the meta. If you wanted something like a leaderboard? There may be 2-3 combos that feature a total of 8-9 specs that can compete and everyone else is left in the dust.
    And if we are talking challenge, +20 are definitely harder than a Heroic raid but nowhere near the level of the last 2-3 Mythic raid bosses and 21+ is dominated by whatever the meta group is. So I have no idea how you expect this to work for content that is supposed to scale from solo to 5man, for every spec and combination between 1-5 people. Those are 92mil permutations.

  6. #59266
    I see Delves as an evolution of the "Withered Army Training" event in Legion/Suramar. I know the withered army were mostly canon fodder to help the player overcome the quest/event. And hopefully the Delves are more advanced in terms of party AI. But the concept is the same and not that unique.

  7. #59267
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    And they are nowhere close at the higher levels that somewhat approach mythic raid challenge. They are doing ok at 2-15 where every composition can clear it, 16-20 you can still clear it but you will definitely face a much greater challenge with a weak combo compared to the meta ones and 21+ Light help you if you stray too far from the meta. If you wanted something like a leaderboard? There may be 2-3 combos that feature a total of 8-9 specs that can compete and everyone else is left in the dust.
    And if we are talking challenge, +20 are definitely harder than a Heroic raid but nowhere near the level of the last 2-3 Mythic raid bosses and 21+ is dominated by whatever the meta group is. So I have no idea how you expect this to work for content that is supposed to scale from solo to 5man, for every spec and combination between 1-5 people. Those are 92mil permutations.
    I mean you have a point, but for the vasy majority of wow players it doesnt matter at ALL what the balance is at m+ keys above lvl 20. Same goes for mythic raiding. Very few ever does it. Even fewer actually clears it.

  8. #59268
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    I mean you have a point, but for the vasy majority of wow players it doesnt matter at ALL what the balance is at m+ keys above lvl 20. Same goes for mythic raiding. Very few ever does it. Even fewer actually clears it.
    Absolutely. I don't see it as a problem. But I am not claiming that there will be a solo mode that will be balanced as a Mythic level challenge.

  9. #59269
    I gotta say, I really like the Trust system in FFXIV, but these NPC followers are so much better. You can ask the NPC tank to lead the damn dungeon! And the NPC tank also stops if you're a healer and run out of mana.

  10. #59270
    Delves seem more similar to Visions, not withered training.

  11. #59271
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    So how likely is a revamp for the Eastern Kingdoms in Midnight?

    > Undercity in Horde control.
    > Silvermoon neutral.
    > Gilneas, Ironforge, and Stormwind in Alliance control.
    > Arathi return with us to settle in their old home.
    > Earthen settle in the Hinterlands.
    > Major updates to Blood Elves, Trolls, Void Elves, Undead, Worgen, Humans and Dwarves.

  12. #59272
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    So how likely is a revamp for the Eastern Kingdoms in Midnight?

    > Undercity in Horde control.
    > Silvermoon neutral.
    > Gilneas, Ironforge, and Stormwind in Alliance control.
    > Arathi return with us to settle in their old home.
    > Earthen settle in the Hinterlands.
    > Major updates to Blood Elves, Trolls, Void Elves, Undead, Worgen, Humans and Dwarves.
    I would hate neutral Silvermoon

  13. #59273
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    So how likely is a revamp for the Eastern Kingdoms in Midnight?

    > Undercity in Horde control.
    > Silvermoon neutral.
    > Gilneas, Ironforge, and Stormwind in Alliance control.
    > Arathi return with us to settle in their old home.
    > Earthen settle in the Hinterlands.
    > Major updates to Blood Elves, Trolls, Void Elves, Undead, Worgen, Humans and Dwarves.
    I'm not sold on neutral Silvermoon but it may make sense with High Elves. However I can see them bringing the Exodar (flying) as an Alliance area to balance things out if they decide to keep cities for factions.

  14. #59274
    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    very likely to happen

    They said recently that they wanted thematic diversity for their expansions, and most people think that Midnight will only take place in Quel'thalas, whereas Metzen has said that we'll be returning to the old world in general, and that the void has invaded it.
    It would at least explain all the Elwynn/Stormwind human assets that keep popping up in HD forms. I guess they could just be for towns in HD Northrend but otherwise...

  15. #59275
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It's to attract a lot of people to one place to make the game look busier and more alive.
    By that logic, Shadowlands was a great expansion for not doing that, instead dividing the players by 5 (well, the people that treat the game as a lobby only idled in Oribos, but they do that in every expansion, no matter the world content)

    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    not that I see - LFG custom is locked behind a level gate so lowbies cant join which made the bulk of a lot of PUG RP stuff back in legion days. Honestly such a lost thing even though the RP was total trash people made really fun mini games like murder mystery.
    I would say Communities are better for RP as they're persistent, but yeah, the level 50 requirement sucks.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  16. #59276

    A little shocked we're not getting Tuskarr & Gnoll allied races this expansion.....unless

  17. #59277
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post

    A little shocked we're not getting Tuskarr & Gnoll allied races this expansion.....unless
    I am disappoint they missed the chance to write Gnollower.

  18. #59278
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post

    A little shocked we're not getting Tuskarr & Gnoll allied races this expansion.....unless
    I think both are possible, but especially Tuskarr. They set up the Decay Gnoll coming back which definitely has implications.

  19. #59279
    We are getting another Dwarf like race next expansion. Do you honestly think we're going to get either Tuskarr or Gnolls? They might do an allied race each expansion with a race that's central to theme of said expansion. I doubt we'll ever see either of those two. Same as Jinyu or whatever.

  20. #59280
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    We are getting another Dwarf like race next expansion. Do you honestly think we're going to get either Tuskarr or Gnolls? They might do an allied race each expansion with a race that's central to theme of said expansion. I doubt we'll ever see either of those two. Same as Jinyu or whatever.
    Tuskarr & Gnolls were, like, the central feature of Dragonflight's announcement. It was literally the most exciting thing they showed besides new talent trees. And they knew it. All the preview screenshots utilized gnolls & tuskaar

    Plus I doubt the Earthen are going to be that involved in TWW's plot. They live in the town uptop the caverns. They're essentially like the Brokers in shadowlands: Set-dressing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    very likely to happen

    They said recently that they wanted thematic diversity for their expansions, and most people think that Midnight will only take place in Quel'thalas, whereas Metzen has said that we'll be returning to the old world in general, and that the void has invaded it.
    I expect southern Kalimdor will be revamped during TWW pates. Lordaeron, Kalimdor, Tirisfal; whatever the top half of eastern kingdoms is called getting updated in Midnight. Then Northrend in TLT. Then perhaps the next saga involved Hyjal & Stranglethorn.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-11-20 at 03:57 PM.

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