Whilst I appreciate the desire, creating your own companion would mean they had to be a mindless, largely silent character who just sort of stood there awkwardly. Even if they vocally responded to commands, having difference voice-lines for every single race and gender would be a huge task. Doing a specific single companion is obviously hugely less work, and as they change each season no annoying one should stay too long. I do appreciate Brann is a potentially annoying one, but at least it's not Harrison Jones.
I really don’t understand why they could not at least put in a second or third Allied Race. Like Jinyu/Ankoan for Alliance, Mogu for Horde, Earthen as neutral. Would have looked much better.
This isn't stuff that would have been in their announcement for the entire expansion.
The reason it doesn't happen is that it's hugely wasteful to put in content so few people would engage with, but which requires as much effort as content tons of people will.
If they did that, they probably wouldn't call it Warfronts, nor make the reward system work like Warfronts.
They have, now. Most of WoW's writing team who you're shitting on are highly qualified and experienced. Ironically the era of WoW you thinking the writing is "good" from is the era when most of the writers had no writing qualifications, and were hired for reasons like "Is my guildmaster in EverQuest" or "wrote some really spicy posts shitting on a game I don't like". If you don't believe me, go to LinkedIn and look at people's educational and employment history. Steve Danuser for example has a BS in English and has been working as a writer or creative director in MMOs since 2003. But people act like he's some guy they hired off the street. Whereas Alex Afrasiabi, who was WoW's lead creative for a while and wrote a lot of WoW quests and lore, didn't have any kind of writing or software design or game design qualification (IIRC - one of him or Jeff Kaplan didn't), and was hired solely because he was Rob Pardo's guildmaster in WoW.
EDIT - Sadly I see Afrasiabi deleted his LinkedIn, presumably after The Incident.