1. #60221
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Interesting stuff found on 10.2.5 PTR

    Why does that icon look like a beetle or an armadillo curled up into a ball?

  2. #60222
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Why does that icon look like a beetle or an armadillo curled up into a ball?
    Probably because they're copying the beetle mount from Guild Wars 2. We already had a good idea since the dynamic ground mount for testing is the Mechagon wheel.

  3. #60223
    Quote Originally Posted by Viridiel View Post
    Probably because they're copying the beetle mount from Guild Wars 2. We already had a good idea since the dynamic ground mount for testing is the Mechagon wheel.
    Not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to see what it looks like in-game

  4. #60224
    Brewmaster Jekyll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to see what it looks like in-game
    Car crash. Car cash everywhere.

  5. #60225
    Ten minutes till MAYBE more news this week confirmed. Probably not.

    No weekly review...?
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-01-08 at 06:12 PM.

  6. #60226
    I wouldn't expect any news until a week or two for the 10.2.6 preview (and obviously 10.2.5's encrypted content).

    The real question is how many of the new questlines will be delayed another week or two.

  7. #60227
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Ten minutes till MAYBE more news this week confirmed. Probably not.

    No weekly review...?
    Sometimes 'this week' schedule is posted late or even day later. This week is dead for news anyway, best we can hope is 10.2.6 reveal on Thursday next week (although not certain, patch won't be that small since it will contain both pirate stuff and season 4 files).

  8. #60228
    Nothing crazy this week, just some updates on Azerothian Archives and 10.2.5 in article form, maybe some more seeds of information there.

    SoD Phase 2 going live Feb 8. Maybe some seeds planted there for references to the Worldsoul Saga, otherwise will be fun to watch play out regardless!

  9. #60229
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Nothing crazy this week, just some updates on Azerothian Archives and 10.2.5 in article form, maybe some more seeds of information there.

    SoD Phase 2 going live Feb 8. Maybe some seeds planted there for references to the Worldsoul Saga, otherwise will be fun to watch play out regardless!
    I wouldn't call the season 4 voting "nothing crazy", but yeah, can't wait for the 10.2.6 reveal. Btw, the voting has a timer of 6 days left, which means they can easily add it to the first puplic build in two weeks I guess.

  10. #60230
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    I wouldn't call the season 4 voting "nothing crazy", but yeah, can't wait for the 10.2.6 reveal. Btw, the voting has a timer of 6 days left, which means they can easily add it to the first puplic build in two weeks I guess.
    Didn't see that part til this morning, so my bad on omitting it. I don't know if I'm confused on what exactly it is, but it feels pretty underwhelming? They're just having players vote on which tier to bring back by class, and that's it? I'm willing to give them a lot of slack because TWW and World Soul is super ambitious and there is probably limited resources left for Dragonflight, but as someone who isn't necessarily a raid/m+ player, I can't really determine whether or not this actually is anything.

    That being said, cool that they're trying to engage with the community's voice more, but I can almost guarantee that same community will have plenty to complain about it. Letting players vote for random raid bonuses sounds both claustrophobic for some players and annoying for others. But again, if there's ever a time to try things, it's a throwaway raid season, so do your thing Blizz

  11. #60231
    If there is any extra life to Dragonflight, it isn't with instanced content. 10.2.6 may be a new outdoor zone and Pandaria Timewalking may be the entire campaign.

    So I don't see the point in being super extravagant with Season 4 as they are moving away from instanced (group) content being the focus of WoW. It's just a little extra to do if you like raiding/M+.

  12. #60232
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Didn't see that part til this morning, so my bad on omitting it. I don't know if I'm confused on what exactly it is, but it feels pretty underwhelming? They're just having players vote on which tier to bring back by class, and that's it? I'm willing to give them a lot of slack because TWW and World Soul is super ambitious and there is probably limited resources left for Dragonflight, but as someone who isn't necessarily a raid/m+ player, I can't really determine whether or not this actually is anything.

    That being said, cool that they're trying to engage with the community's voice more, but I can almost guarantee that same community will have plenty to complain about it. Letting players vote for random raid bonuses sounds both claustrophobic for some players and annoying for others. But again, if there's ever a time to try things, it's a throwaway raid season, so do your thing Blizz
    I am pretty confident that it's not about what will return in future expansions. But rather what tier set you will get from the S4 tier pieces and catalyst.

    Rather than three different sets that might be annoying to farm, assuming it works similar to SL. You will have one community chosen Transmog, that comes with a community chosen set bonus.

    It comes up ble because there was only one tier set in SL, which meant that the catalyst could simply always give that set and appearance.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  13. #60233
    I still don't see the hype of a Pandaria timewalking season.

    You can replay the storyline again.

    Ooookay? Outside of the cape quest, you can already do that on an alt.

    Challenge Mode back. Yeah that's cool. But other than that? Idk

  14. #60234
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I still don't see the hype of a Pandaria timewalking season.

    You can replay the storyline again.

    Ooookay? Outside of the cape quest, you can already do that on an alt.

    Challenge Mode back. Yeah that's cool. But other than that? Idk
    No one knows what it is. Just redoing the campaign again seems unlikely unless there is some twist to it. Timewalking dungeons are already a thing, and Siege of Orgrimmar as the Timewalking raid already seems confirmed. Only things left is really Challenge dungeons or some other thing.

    What is most exciting though is probably that there will be an improvement to Timewalking in general, which is sorely needed now that its main draw of running old dungeons again is taken by the seasonal rotating dungeons in M+.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  15. #60235
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    No one knows what it is. Just redoing the campaign again seems unlikely unless there is some twist to it. Timewalking dungeons are already a thing, and Siege of Orgrimmar as the Timewalking raid already seems confirmed. Only things left is really Challenge dungeons or some other thing.
    I am guessing that the draw will be doing Pandaria content on your main as opposed to an alt (if you haven't before) as well as earning some kind of currency that allows you to buy new items.

  16. #60236
    Curious if perhaps time running Pandamonium could be similar to how they did a quest line with Elisande but with Garrosh.

  17. #60237
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I still don't see the hype of a Pandaria timewalking season.

    You can replay the storyline again.

    Ooookay? Outside of the cape quest, you can already do that on an alt.

    Challenge Mode back. Yeah that's cool. But other than that? Idk
    Except that it's called Timerunning
    Some items that were datamined showing a staff that slows people as one of the "Timerunning" items.

    I think it's less of a leisure stroll through memory lane and more like they're going to make a Pandaria Campaign Speedrun challenge. People speedrun to max level, so now they're going to make it a feature and using Pandaria as the staging ground.

  18. #60238
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to see what it looks like in-game
    Roll animation from the monk class, spread to pets and mounts?

  19. #60239
    It can't be literally a rolling animation only as it would mean you are limited to just a few ball-type mounts.

  20. #60240
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Except that it's called Timerunning
    Some items that were datamined showing a staff that slows people as one of the "Timerunning" items.

    I think it's less of a leisure stroll through memory lane and more like they're going to make a Pandaria Campaign Speedrun challenge. People speedrun to max level, so now they're going to make it a feature and using Pandaria as the staging ground.
    "Timerunning" could just mean "new/improved" timewalking and have nothing to do with timers or speedruns. Pointless to speculate so early.

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