What kind of NPC's does Gilneas have? There should be a portal to SW right?
What kind of NPC's does Gilneas have? There should be a portal to SW right?
Yeah, no, they got sick of the twitter whining over every single new questline and decided to encrypt them all. They can't run every single storyline through the nerd lore committee of like the same five people on Twitter.
How do you start the epilogue quests? I got nothing in the adventure guide and nothing popped up when logged in.
Actually - differentiation leaders and action characters is good thing. Let old characters be old. Let Thrall be chieftain, let Tyrande rule NE and not be running across Azeroth with torch in ass, let Anduin journey just as human adventurer, not KING OF STORMWIND.
Its pretty clear that devs want new faces (pref female) and retire old ones.
Humans - Anduin acting, Turalion on throne
Dwarves - Dagran II acting, Counsel ruling.
NE - Shandris acting, Tyrande rules, Malf gardening.
Gnomes - none for now, maybe Erazmin acting, with gelbin rules? Or Kelsey?
Draenei - none for now, maybe Orphan from Shattrath? Dornaa, with Velen AFK in Exodar.
Worgens - Tess and Genn.
Kul-Tirans - Taelia acting, Jaina rules.
VE should not exist, but they have none for now. Alleria care shit about them. but she is VE and acting, for now. Umbrik maybe as ruler?
Orcs - Durak and Rehze can act, Thrall AFK.
Tauren - none acting, Baine rules by inaction.
Trolls - Zekhan and Rokhan.
Forsaken - that is tricky one. I name Lillian acting and Calia can eat shit. But she will be ruler, its just too obvious to ignore.
BE - none for now, maybe oprhan from Shattrath again? Salandria. And Lorthemar will rule.
Goblins - none for now. Gazlowe as ruler.
NB - none acting, Thalyssra to AFK near Bob.
Zandalari - none acting, maybe Talanji. But she is ruler.
Pandarens have Lili, Dracthyr - Emberthal.
New heroes lads! PowerRanger Azeroth.
Last edited by Pyrophax; 2024-01-16 at 10:34 PM.
Tess being leader of the Worgen is one of the few female-replacing-male leadership roles in the entirety of WoW. She's literally the princess and has been for over a decade.
Why don't Genn and Shaw want to tell Turalyon about Anduin? Where does this mistrust come from? Did I miss something?
Greymane knows that Anduin doesn't want to be found.
Telling the Regent of Stormwind/the Alliance that Anduin is going to Southern Kalimdor isn't a good idea.
Turalyon will learn either way. Alleria and Anduin are literally teaming up in TWW lmao.
Iridikiron remains to be one of the few story-related things from DF to actually be decent.
Fyrakk looked like he was going the same path, but man 10.2's questline wasted all potential he had.
And I don't think I need to post about Vyranoth.
This is just so fucking cringe and beyond abysmal.
The only writing in Dragonflight I was truly content with, was that red dragon/dwarf dude just reminiscing about the past. They really nailed that one. The rest, imo, has been sloppy, cheesy, sappy, or just slow.
I miss the epic stories of yore.
Horde players can set their hearthstone to Gilneas. That's hilarious
"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"
Salty kids this day, heh.
NE cutscene was good, Vyranoth too. Worgens have good one also. 8/10 for now for me. Shame all that girl-power story this day, but alas - it could be much worse.
I don't care how many portals or flight paths or ships or spaceships I gotta take to get to whatever new places they introduce in the future. My hearthstone stays in Bel'ameth.