1. #60401
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I don't care how many portals or flight paths or ships or spaceships I gotta take to get to whatever new places they introduce in the future. My hearthstone stays in Bel'ameth.
    Even when the Night Elves will resettle Teldrassil?

  2. #60402
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Even when the Night Elves will resettle Teldrassil?
    Well probably by that time yeah. I gotta feeling this will take a really long time though. If ever. No doubt I'll be feeling nostalgic about Bel'ameth by that point as well. I hope they get that harbour and ships working to make the world feel more connected. Honestly if they fix Ashenvale and remove that stupid fire elemental I might just settle there anyway since it's my favourite zone.
    Last edited by Xilurm; 2024-01-16 at 11:13 PM.

  3. #60403
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    No are you joking?

    Zin'azshari music? Check.

    Tyrande mentioning all those places in Kalimdor? Check.

    Return to Teldrassil possible? Check.

    Malfurion is back? Check.

    This is beautiful.
    It's pretty evident they wrote the script in response to player feedback though. I wish it came naturally from the writers, that they understood why players want Hyjal and not Ohn'ahran Plains. That we want the story around Malfurion to make sense. It's an afterthought on their part.

  4. #60404
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    It's pretty evident they wrote the script in response to player feedback though. I wish it came naturally from the writers, that they understood why players want Hyjal and not Ohn'ahran Plains. That we want the story around Malfurion to make sense. It's an afterthought on their part.
    Well maybe by doing this they might understand. Especially if the feedback is good.

  5. #60405
    This is how it should have always been done.

    - The Kaldorei remain a Kalimdor people. The Night Elves are the people of the Land of Eternal Starlight, Period.

    - Bel'ameth serves as a solitary haven of repose and rest for the afflicted in Kaldorei society, and for the immortal souls of Teldrassil.

    - Meanwhile, the Night Elves will continue to uphold their sacred charge to Kalimdor, by protecting its forests (Ashenvale, Hyjal), and longing for the day when they will resettle the "ashen coasts" of Teldrassil.

    - It is clear that Bel'ameth is NOT the new Night Elf capital. It is NOT the new Darnassus. It is just a solitary haven of refuge and respite, like Karabor was for the Draenei, or Scarlet Monastery was for Lordaeron (pre-Fall). Nothing more.

    - The Kaldorei's seat of power will remain on Kalimdor. Always and forever.

    Perfect. And while ideally this whole Amirdrassil/Dragon Isles nonsense should have never existed in the first place, ultimately Blizzard salvaged this whole mess decently, by keeping the Night Elves a strictly Kalimdor-based people.

  6. #60406
    I'm hoping we eventually get a Northern Kalimdor expansion like EK is one with Midnight. Only as long as those places are restored to their former selves though. Fix Ashenvale, cleanse Felwood completely, fix Darkshore somehow, resettle Teldrassil.

    Geez can you imagine if in Midnight they remake the entire Quel'thalas region only to just mess it up further? I'd feel for the Blood Elf/High Elf players. Though I don't doubt Silvermoon will look beautiful in it's full glory. Hope they make it as big as Suramar.

  7. #60407
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I'm hoping we eventually get a Northern Kalimdor expansion like EK is one with Midnight. Only as long as those places are restored to their former selves though. Fix Ashenvale, cleanse Felwood completely, fix Darkshore somehow, resettle Teldrassil.

    Geez can you imagine if in Midnight they remake the entire Quel'thalas region only to just mess it up further? I'd feel for the Blood Elf/High Elf players. Though I don't doubt Silvermoon will look beautiful in it's full glory. Hope they make it as big as Suramar.
    For your own mental health I really dont want another NE expansion. Per @Varodoc - if blizz give some race spotlight - it will be bad.

    But for me - reconstruction of Quel'thalas, and then rewamp of northen Kalimdor would be best.

  8. #60408
    When people say that the "War" in Warcraft doesn't have to involve Alliance vs. Horde, they are correct.

    But it must still involve some kind of conflict. It's Warcraft, after all. Not Peacecraft or Reconstructioncraft.

    You can't have a storyline set in Quel'Thalas without the kingdom getting invaded and likely wrecked again.

    This was always the trade-off, that all Blood Elves fans should have anticipated when demanding for a Quel'Thalas Revamp.

    Expect Quel'Thalas to be invaded and likely wrecked in the Void invasion.

  9. #60409
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    When people say that the "War" in Warcraft doesn't have to involve Alliance vs. Horde, they are correct.

    But it must still involve some kind of conflict. It's Warcraft, after all. Not Peacecraft or Reconstructioncraft.

    You can't have a storyline set in Quel'Thalas without the kingdom getting invaded and likely wrecked again.

    This was always the trade-off, that all Blood Elves fans should have anticipated when demanding for a Quel'Thalas Revamp.

    Expect Quel'Thalas to be invaded and likely wrecked in the Void invasion.
    Wrecked is a strong word though. Look at the Dragon Isles, pretty intact, no real consequences from the Incarnates attacks. I mean Ohn'ahran plains isn't even on fire even though Fyrakk was flying all over the islands burning everything in his path like Deathwing did in Cata.

    We know that Quel'thalas will be invaded by the void, but do you really want there to be void puddles and stuff all over the place for the next 10 years, just sitting there? Or for Silvermoon to get even more wrecked ala Stormwind style and get forgotten for a few expansions?

    But anyway I don't think that's gonna happen anyway, even if there's some damage. They can easily use phasing tech now and just restore zones little by little before moving on to the next expansion, after the threat is gone.

  10. #60410
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    I'm impressed that the writers did the "Find the five plot dicks to proceed with the story" plot twice and both times they were both entirely unnecessary for the story being told and either dropped in and then forgotten (DF), or added retroactively and then forgotten (SL 9.1).
    Atleast the Oathstones made sense. Dragons thought they would be enough to restore their powers, but were wrong. Then they set out to revive Tyr to get his help, but Azeroth got them first.

  11. #60411
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Wrecked is a strong word though. Look at the Dragon Isles, pretty intact, no real consequences from the Incarnates attacks. I mean Ohn'ahran plains isn't even on fire even though Fyrakk was flying all over the islands burning everything in his path like Deathwing did in Cata.

    We know that Quel'thalas will be invaded by the void, but do you really want there to be void puddles and stuff all over the place for the next 10 years, just sitting there? Or for Silvermoon to get even more wrecked ala Stormwind style and get forgotten for a few expansions?

    But anyway I don't think that's gonna happen anyway, even if there's some damage. They can easily use phasing tech now and just restore zones little by little before moving on to the next expansion, after the threat is gone.
    The difference is that Dragonflight was always supposed to be a friendly, fun, light-hearted expansion, while Midnight is supposed to be a climactic Cosmic showdown, like Legion was.

    So I do expect at least one zone of Quel'Thalas to be all Void-wrecked, like the Broken Shore. I would also expect Void camps and invasion zones to pop up throughout the region, like it was with the Legion camps in Azsuna and Suramar.

    Maybe "wrecked" is a strong word; TBC Quel'Thalas is already half-wrecked by the Scourge, after all. There's not much left to wreck anyway. But still, expect Quel'Thalas to look like a region that is, you know, being invaded by an apocalyptic evil army.

  12. #60412
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    I'm p sure our ticking time bomb Alleria will help Void invade Quel'Thalas, kinda excited to see that.
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

  13. #60413
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Wrecked is a strong word though. Look at the Dragon Isles, pretty intact, no real consequences from the Incarnates attacks. I mean Ohn'ahran plains isn't even on fire even though Fyrakk was flying all over the islands burning everything in his path like Deathwing did in Cata.

    We know that Quel'thalas will be invaded by the void, but do you really want there to be void puddles and stuff all over the place for the next 10 years, just sitting there? Or for Silvermoon to get even more wrecked ala Stormwind style and get forgotten for a few expansions?

    But anyway I don't think that's gonna happen anyway, even if there's some damage. They can easily use phasing tech now and just restore zones little by little before moving on to the next expansion, after the threat is gone.
    Sure, but that has also been one of Dragonflight's biggest criticisms, especially if the conversation is about the "war" in "Warcraft". You're absolutely right, there are no consequences, and that feels a little off.

    But you're also right, a city can be in a warzone and not be decimated. This was very popularly done with Suramar. I think this will most likely be the way to go for Midnight. If the Sunwell is the means of invasion for the Void, then we'll most likely see Quel'danas as their staging ground and endgame zone, but if they manage to get much more solid ground in Quel'thalas than that, I would not be surprised if we see Silvermoon as a city held hostage. One of the big things we see is people making bargains with the void, whose to say that some faction wouldn't do this again and take over Silvermoon?

  14. #60414
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The entire storyline surrounding Ysera, Malfurion, and Merithra reeks of changes behind the scenes.

    Why DF loading screen shows Ysera if Merithra was always supposed to be the new "Main" Green Dragon?

    Yet why did Ysera do nothing if Blizzard was willing to sacrifice Malfurion to bring her back?

    And why did they create such a sad, sentimental, heartfelt farewell scene between Malfurion and Tyrande if they are just going to bring him back before the expansion is even over in the first place?

    And here I thought Shadowlands was Afrasiabi's fault and Danuser and his team are tooootally good writers.
    I think they probably had an idea for the Emerald Dream kind of expansion, but it must've evolved into the Dragonflight expansion... and then it petered out to what we got due a lot of inconsistencies, and forcing ideas that didn't make sense... it was also probably something that was supposed to be tied in with the Drust storyline in SL but that was cut because of all the lawsuits.

    And one other thing, I think everything up until 10.1 was Danuser's direction but to 10.1.5 and beyond, someone else took the story in a totally different direction... like even Danuser should've known about the plot that was going on with Smolderon. And yet after 10.1, Danuser stopped making interview appearances..

  15. #60415
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Pleasantly surprised with the grounds Vyranoth gives Iridikron shit for, i.e ditching their cause by going for the Not-Dragon Soul and leaving Fyrakk to go mad and die. For all that her turn was massively rushed, she's among the better takeaways of this expansion.
    I think both of them have been a great addition to the story and hope we see more of Iridikron next xpac but judging by that last cinematic, probably not

  16. #60416
    So, Reclaiming Gilneas is not really about Gilneas and Worgen. It is about seeding a future plotline that has nothing to do with them and about giving a chance to Forsaken to show they changed (not even to atone, just to show they are good guys now). Oh also, giving the race's leadership to someone who is not even a member of the race.

    I remember we thought Horde and Forsaken engagement would be similar to the Forsaken questline from SL where it is just the champion and he doesn't actually do anything but escort Calia around . . . we thought wrong.

    Tempted to just do this on one of my Forsaken since it is more about them than it is about the worgen anyway.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-01-17 at 07:28 AM.

  17. #60417
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well, 3% of all people have the dragonflight season 1 mount, the sabertooth, according to data for azeroth. Which means that during the first season of the Expansion, even less than 3% of all people even got one new saddle. To give you something to compare with, Cutting Edge Sarkareth was done by 2,1289% of all people - so you are surely gonna tell me that Mythic raiding is now also casual, or what?

    I would guess that most casual pvp players play random bg's and dabble into solo shuffle since it's less annoying and toxic than having to deal with LFG pugs. There is a reason Blizzard wants to do battleground blitz with rating, since PVP is dying for anyone but the very few.
    Are you seriously trying to debate dead content vs mythic raiding on percentiles?
    I guess Shadowlands covenant stuff is also super hardcore content because some of those achievements and mounts are sub 1%. I guess pet battles in the Emerald Dream are more hardcore than mythic raiding too.

    Open up LFG
    Grind wins 500 MMR below what the game even starts you at
    Get mount

    I've seen RPers who click their bars finish this in less than a week with other clicking RPers.

  18. #60418
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    Are you seriously trying to debate dead content vs mythic raiding on percentiles?
    I guess Shadowlands covenant stuff is also super hardcore content because some of those achievements and mounts are sub 1%. I guess pet battles in the Emerald Dream are more hardcore than mythic raiding too.

    Open up LFG
    Grind wins 500 MMR below what the game even starts you at
    Get mount

    I've seen RPers who click their bars finish this in less than a week with other clicking RPers.
    Ok sure. I won't discuss this anymore with you because you are the avatar of elitism haha. Also, yes, I find Mythic raiding easier than the saddle grind because it's not as tidious and slow. Have fun with your life, and welcome to my ignore list

  19. #60419
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    So, Reclaiming Gilneas is not really about Gilneas and Worgen. It is about seeding a future plotline that has nothing to do with them and about giving a chance to Forsaken to show they changed (not even to atone, just to show they are good guys now). Oh also, giving the race's leadership to someone who is not even a member of the race.
    Tess is the daughter of the former leader. She hasn't the curse, but she is the same race. Human.

    worgen are not a race. They are gilnean humans (like Tess), who suffer from the worgen curse.

    This is like saying, Jaina is not Kul Tiran because she has not a fat body type.

  20. #60420
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Tess is the daughter of the former leader. She hasn't the curse, but she is the same race. Human.

    worgen are not a race. They are gilnean humans (like Tess), who suffer from the worgen curse.

    This is like saying, Jaina is not Kul Tiran because she has not a fat body type.
    I see them as worgen first, Gilnean second. Otherwise I'd be able to play a human with a Gilnean accent and still be in the same "race"

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