Can Tyrande and Malfurion be found anywhere on the Amirdrassil after the quest?
Can Tyrande and Malfurion be found anywhere on the Amirdrassil after the quest?
I think I would much rather get one questline that's several hours long and has the time to do justice to the story it's telling than to continue getting these micro 20-30 minute long chains that wrap up in an instant and feel like afterthoughts. Part of me wonders if it's motivated by the same mentality that has them change the hue a few times on a race's hair so they can put Cosmetic Updates on a flashy patch banner. They want as many things as possible filling up that image even if they're of little substance.
They probably are only allowed to work on these quest chains for an allotted period of time when the main focus of development is a new expansion.
So if it's not a short questline, or a main patch questline, it's not happening.
This COULD'VE been a whole major patch but it wasn't.
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Also, I think WoW players refuse to understand or accept the intent of Worgen. Its not a super saiyan powerup or a choice, nor do they want the entire kingdom to be werewolves.
I'd say it about the whole expansion, using the blue dragonflight questline as the contrast because it's so involved. 10.1.7 is another example where the story content felt totally throwaway and like it was hitting the bare minimum. In the same vein, I'd rather them just tell us a story all at once like the blue story rather than something like the Tyr storyline being stretched out over a whole year lending it this whole "so what?" energy when it finally reached a conclusion.
I need to remind myself not to read the forums before I do the quests by myself. Always so much misinformation being spread around. I read a few pages back that someone said Genn went to look for Anduin after he made Tess the new Queen. But not, he just went to visit Liam's grave lmao.
And no, he ain't going anywhere.
In fact we might see even more from him.
Thanks. It was actually pretty close by lol
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What is this? Is it for RP purposes? How do I get all the npc's back lol?
While the Tyr thing was probably always a red herring where and the oathstones didn't matter/Azeroth would empower them instead, you can also point to Metzens reinvolvement maybe altering that story (confirmed he said to bring Tyr himself back).
But I think the Blue story was only able to be as developed and long as it was because A) it had to do with the main expansion story and theme, and B) it was while development was still focused on the current expansion.
In the Iridikron and Vyranoth cinematic why is the Void macguffin (Void Soul?) called Neltharion's trinket? Was it ever shown to be obtained from Aberrus or even referenced at all before Iridikron showed up with it in 10.1.5?
Huh yeah you're right. Totally missed that at the time. I assumed the trinket was just a riddle or some hint in how to get to Zaralek, but watching it with the rest of the story known I honestly feel like they tried to show Iridikron's interest in the trinket specifically with the cinematography of him clutching at it while it zooms in as he explicitly states Aberrus isn't important. Makes it feel less random that he goes off without Fyrakk at least to progress his real plan in Dawn of the Infinite.
Still hate how they handled Vryanoth tho. Initially she's supposed to be just as against Titan influence but for whatever reason destroying Amirdrassil and damaging the dream is so heinous that she not only stops helping Fyrakk but actively fights against him? And is now ok with the aspects because Alex said she was sorry about whatever she did in the past? Like at least hint at having some reason for her change in stance instead of, "Fryakk is slightly more unhinged and Iridikron continues to be a mysterious schemer so now I'll fight against them cause Alex said sorry"
You make a good argument, except that bit in particular. The game will call them Worgen no matter how much they claim to be Gilnean. And as I've said in a previous post, they don't treat it like a curse after the starting zone and the only time they address it as a real affliction is from the heritage armor quest... everywhere else they get brought up or involved, they don't even look like they're under any heavy burdens by the curse and have relative control over it (at least how they presented it).
The only person that disagreed that Tess should be a worgen was Greymane, had it have been anyone else they would've convinced her and she would've become a worgen.
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I wouldn't so much say he retired, but rather I think Blizzard doesn't want the whole "King of Gilneas" thing to hold him back so he can just be stuck to being a permanent advisor for the Alliance as a whole.
They just wanted him to pass the buck to Tess so players would stop groaning and asking about the current state of Gilneas. And also to solidify relations between the Forsaken and Gilneans since she has connections to both Voss and Calia.
Last edited by Woggmer; 2024-01-17 at 05:53 PM.
I think I figured out how the Darkheart will get all the Old God essences, if that is what it is meant to do.
Yogg- Drained from Galakrond by Iridikron
Yshaarj- Something to do with Timerunning Pandaria/Siege of Orgrimmar, 10.2.7 confirmed to have "Harbinger Quests"
C'thun- Will happen during TWW as Xal gets closer to Gorribal, Underground Silithus and the Heart Chamber
So how about N'zoth? I think the twist will be that Xal already took care of this: a part of N'zoth got sucked into the dagger when Wrathion attacked him, and then it disappeared after that. So if we ever see the dagger again it may be used for this function.
N'Zoth will return in the Worldsoul saga to help against Xal'atath.
Xal'atath let N'Zoth keep her blade because she knew he would put his essence inside the blade as contingency, making it then easier to capture it for herself.
N'Zoth has foreseen Xal'atath's ambition and, by placing himself within the blade, he will force the Good guys to cooperate with him if they don't want Xal'atath to win.
We are looking at an Old God vs. Old God, Evil vs. Evil subplot for the Worldsoul saga.
And there is also the treacherous Azshara, who N'Zoth will want to punish for her treachery.
What if this happens during Vanilla when the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj open? Last time we saw Xal'atath on retail was in time travel dungeon, and after that she has been spotted in SoD.
Would be really cool twist if she stopped by in the past to colect C'Thun's essence, and that we will getr to see it in SoD.