Imagine if it was some form of housing, lol. The Internet would break.
Imagine if it was some form of housing, lol. The Internet would break.
ya not gunna get my hopes up for tonight, I'm gunna assume next week at the earliest, though if something does happen tonight I'll be pleasantly surprised.. But I wont be expecting something
I guess I wonder if this will be fun side content or anything directly tied to 11.0. If it's Nightsquall in some form, I imagine he could be the one to tell us about the Isle of Dorn/Khaz Algar.
But I really enjoy that we're back to fervently speculating.
Well, we know the pirates appeared on the Dragon Isles by 10.1.7, on the Forbidden Reach.
Their aim was to plunder its secrets and form a large pirate fleet, to claim some "prize" the Nightsquall had set his sights on after returning from (presumably) Avaloren.
So have they found the secrets yet? Did they recruit anybody? Or is that all going to be part of the 10.2.6 story?
damn that massive vagueposting campaign and nothin tonight , im so down bad for 10.2.6 news
Probably a big week next week then and we're right on the cusp of Alpha, as well. Rest assured, we will be fed soon.
In the meantime, its time to listen to some Alestorm.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
At least point I'm expecting a different setting for the new patch.
They just introduced the archives, and we know Nightsquall is looking for treasures and artifcacts on the ilses.
My bet is he succeeds, and we are enlisted to chase him somewhere to get them back. I wonder if a new mini-raid/mega-dungeon will be the setting of that. Though it doesn't feel like it's going to be that.
I wonder if instead, we'll be getting some kind of pre-delve system, to test it on us and see how we react to the systems they want to try out for delves.
Lore wise, we'd be heading a pirate hideout and dipping into a cove to steal back his treasure on behalf of the Azerothian archives and the dragonflights, we don't even have to face him directly at this time.
Maybe it's random coves. We arrive by ship similar to island expeditions and plunder probably around 5 randomised layouts for rewards, cosmetics, flightstones and gold.
Maybe we get plunder isle, and during the storyline in this patch there are 3 or so 'pre-delves' to test that system a little on us. Goonies styled booby trapped pirate treasure hoardes.
Maybe it's just season 4 has random pirates helping and hindering you during a raid. Pick a chest pre-boss, do 10% more damage and take 20% more damage sort of thing. I'm hoping for something more like the first two I suggested.
To add to the discussions on housing, I'm not expecting that at all. But there is plenty of docks in game, I wonder if a character specific boat is our of the question, one you do not specifically sail, but select whilst on it places on the world map to move the boat to travel to. Give a hearthstone for the boat, and allow some minor customisation for now.
I have to say it sort of feels like it wouldn't feel necessary or relevant gameplay wise, and if housing if ever is done, it needs to involve professions a lot and to stay ever green. I doubt this particular patch is the way to do it. We want housing done big, and done right.
Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2024-02-03 at 02:26 AM.
I was justing wondering because it was mentioned in the Naga book too, maybe the Naga and Nightsqual texts were meant to have been written before anyone would know Iridikron has the dark heart, so they were all searching for it, even if they didn't totally know what it was. A total shot in the dark though, just trying to think of a reason to tie Nightsquall in now since we know Avaloren is out of the picture until at least 13.0
I really wouldn't get my hopes up for whatever the pirate thing is... At most, all I can expect is the start to Season 4 and whatever the new Fated Raid Affix will be theme'd around (possibly involving pirate ghosts of the Nightsquall)
- - - Updated - - -
That... actually is a fair point, we haven't seen what the Naga have been doing since Nazjatar and after Azshara was rescued in Ny'alotha. They've been prominent bad guys through out WoW (save for MoP and WoD) and we haven't seen them try to even come near the Dragon Isles.
There's clearly something going on with them.
It would make sense, but after rescuing Azshara from Ny'alotha, she doesn't seem keen on working with anyone else after getting spurned and abandoned by both Sargeras and N'zoth.
The Naga will always follow their queen, except for the ones that decide to go rogue like with Lady Vashj and the Coilfang (that joined the Illidari), or that one Naga that was locked up in a prison for worshipping Neptulon instead of Azshara. Though it raises questions if they'll go through another transformation with N'zoth gone, since that was the whole reason why they became Naga in the first place.
We know Azshara is meant to return to "rule the land, sea, and sky" once Xal'atath has completed her awakening. So probably in Midnight.
Her naga, though, could return in 10.2.6 along with the pirates.
For me, the Dream scenario would be one of:
> Plunder Isle as a Timeless Isle type of playground.
> New Class: Pirate.
> New Neutral Player Faction under the Nightsquall.
> Player Housing.
> Player Boating (lol).
But what I find to be more plausible is reused Dragon Isles content, in the spirit of Season of Discovery, to set the tone for S4.