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Which checks out with a Plunder Isle patch that is completely divorced from Dragonflight, but it feels incredibly unlikely we are getting a new landmass. Based on the quality of 10.2.5, and their post-expac reliance on "shit that's already in the files/doesn't require the art team" it will probably just be long questline puzzle with some freebie low-effort stuff (Druid of the Flame skintone, Bakar mounts)
I think people are mad and disappointed about the size/scope of the post-expac content, but it's still content, so it's not like they are lying. A single questline that rewards a mount and tmog is content.
Heritage quests will be one each, Harbinger quests may just be an hour tops like Gilneas (if that), Pandamonium may just be an entire expansion rehash through timewalking. They don't have creator devs for these patches and have to cobble together stuff.