Originally Posted by
Super Dickmann
When Metzen left whatever your issues with his redemption plots, Green Jesus or world peace, you could never deny him the showmanship or that he was the face and heart of the setting. When Kosak left you could praise the solid narrative direction of Mists and the de-emphasis of Green Jesus while having misgivings over the Cataclysm meme quests and how fucked up things like Uldum ended up. When Afrasiabi left you could give him props for still getting that the basic gist of the story is violence and the role of the orcs of the Horde, despite being responsible for the worst story the game has shat out in BFA.
With Steve, I've got nothing. I guess Denathrius is cool, I liked the Dreadlord retcon and a few of the ideas (the Maw relative to other villain factions, ZM's premise) had some meat to them. His worst, Shadowlands, was a trainwreck taking a bad premise and fumbling what interesting ideas he did have. His best, Dragonflight, was toweringly bland 99% of the time, with 1% (Gilneas, natch), just as abysmal as anything before the excuses started pouring about how he was now in charge. Though even that is charitable, sometimes we know which writer did what - we know for instance that Kosak was shadow-organizing Mists, hence why there was never a plot as organized before or since, whatever can be said of its virtues. We know he and Afrasiabi sparred over whether to axe Garrosh or Sylvanas and Afrasiabi was a Sadfang appreciator, which ultimately translated into BFA's Sadfang chronicles. Metzen's narrative contributions need no description. But with Steve, from what few interviews he has, is completely unpinnable. How much any the few good ideas of Shadowlands or the bland but functional parts of DF are on him is unclear. We know he's not the only world peace enjoyer, far from it, else the same twee message mongering wouldn't be going on in increasingly wretched forms three expansions in a row, so there's no reason to assume he can get credit for the good parts either.
In brief, man was a bad writer and made bad stories. Good riddance.