I think "the Ordering" is another way of putting it.
"The Titans empowered a number of races to help them fashion the world. To help them carve out the fathomless caverns beneath the earth, the Titans created the dwarf-like earthen from magical, living stone. To help them dredge out the seas and lift the land from the sea floor, the Titans created the immense but gentle sea giants. For many ages the Titans moved and shaped the earth, until at last there remained one perfect continent. At the continent's center, the Titans crafted a lake of scintillating energies. The lake, which they named the Well of Eternity, was to be the fount of life for the world. Its potent energies would nurture the bones of the world and empower life to take root in the land's rich soil. Over time, plants, trees, monsters, and creatures of every kind began to thrive on the primordial continent. As twilight fell on the final day of their labors, the Titans named the continent Kalimdor: 'land of eternal starlight'."
My interpretation of that text is that they shaped Kalimdor below the ground and around its coasts to make it "perfect" for the Titans' purpose.
Basically like those megaprojects when the Netherlands raise their seafloor to expand their landmass.
In this text, that seems to be to spread life. But in reality, it might've been to simplify the imprisonment of the Old Gods and/or the worldsoul, or to sort of stabilise things after Aman'Thul messed up with the Well of Eternity.
They're covering up the Y'shaarj incident in this text, and obviously the Well of Eternity appeared after that. So the Ordering of Azeroth didn't start until after they had pulled out Y'shaarj. They trusted the Earthen to take care of it, because it required intricate work like digging particular tunnels, creating Titan installations, and so on. They didn't just want a Titan to scoop out a trillion tons of stone.