1. #62001
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Yeah, the Purge Squad didn't make it to live, so that post is pushing a false agenda.

    The Purge Squad was replaced by 7th Legion troops for Launch.

    The finished product makes much more sense and is in line with the Alliance's objectives. The Alliance attacked the Vulpera because they were being hired by the Horde to smuggle supplies to Zuldazar, when the Alliance was planning to besiege the city:


    And, again, it's the 7th Legion that conducts those strikes, not some boogey boogey scary pUrGe SqUaD.

    Alliance Purge Squads are not Canon and were just some random intern playing around with the assets or whatever.
    ...so the only difference is the name. They're still setting an indigenous people on fire because they're hired to do a very normal thing. Do you also think it's fine to fire on humanitarian aid trucks?

  2. #62002
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    ...so the only difference is the name. They're still setting an indigenous people on fire because they're hired to do a very normal thing. Do you also think it's fine to fire on humanitarian aid trucks?
    Oh Goodness, you're one of those Twitter users, aren't you?

    Anyway, No, the Vulpera were not doing "humanitarian aid" LMFAO, they were giving supplies to the Horde during a world war time.

  3. #62003
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Oh Goodness, you're one of those Twitter users, are you?

    Anyway, No, the Vulpera were not doing "humanitarian aid" LMFAO, they were giving supplies to the Horde during a world war time.
    That's what humanitarian aid trucks do. Food, medicine, etc. That's what supplies means.

  4. #62004
    You should stop with this faction partisan discussion, it's very cringey and we're not in BFA anymore.

  5. #62005
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    No one in the Horde wants to be the bad guy either...
    Have you met Grazrug?

  6. #62006
    Forsaken fans want to be Scourge 2.0.

    Forsaken fans hate Calia Menethil because she's not an evil genocidal psycho like Sylvanas.

    A large majority of Forsaken fans definitely want to play the Villain.

  7. #62007
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    ...Who is that?
    Not sure if srs dude who keeps making "poor, wronged Horde" posts. You had to see his lore threads on the front page, he literally spams them each time he comes back from the ban.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-03-03 at 10:38 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  8. #62008
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    ...Who is that?

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's a vocal minority.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And even then, the Forsaken aren't the entire Horde.
    It makes more sense and is more logical for the Horde to be the Villains, rather than the Alliance.

    Just look at them...

  9. #62009
    Mecha gnomes look pretty evil to me tbh, can’t trust those.

    Anyway, this is very off-topic. Create a separate thread and talk about the factions there please.

  10. #62010
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Not sure if srs dude who keeps making "poor, wronged Horde" posts. You had to see his lore threads on the front page, he literally spams them each time he comes back from the ban.
    Pretty sure it's Varodoc's alt by now, the posting quality is similar.

  11. #62011
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    It's still weak. Anduin just got out of a very traumatising mind control in SL and is now coping with PTSD. Him getting under another influence would cheapen all of it and made him look pretty laughable, as being a constant puppet of the enemy.
    looking laughable is Anduin thing. Crying at the second intro cinematic is too much, He will never become cool and interesting, I hope he finds a girl in TWW so that he doesn’t seem like a 30 year old virgin.

    I always wondered why he acted differently from other teenagers. Always sad and depressed, only those with small carrots behave this way.
    Last edited by Cherry123; 2024-03-04 at 05:25 AM.

  12. #62012
    Sometimes i feel some people take this horde and alliance stuff too seriously, taking stuff very personally like they're a part of these fictional factions IRL and spilled blood for them. ^^

    Kinda weird, don't be too far gone into this fictional stuff, it's not real world in the end.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2024-03-04 at 08:54 AM.

  13. #62013
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Forsaken fans want to be Scourge 2.0.

    Forsaken fans hate Calia Menethil because she's not an evil genocidal psycho like Sylvanas.

    A large majority of Forsaken fans definitely want to play the Villain.
    You're moving the goalposts by kilometers at this point. How people RP has nothing to do with whether or not the devs could or should give an individual Alliance leader a villain arc like they did for Garrosh, which is the topic. Although you took us here, when we were initially talking about human subraces in the horde and whether or not it was realistic to portray a giant nato-like military complex as occasionally grey morally speaking.

    Specifically people hate Calia because she doesn't have the substantive backstory other faction leaders have, nor does she actually advocate for the race she portents to represent. She's like Jaina if you cloned her & the clone was constantly apologizing for being human.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-03-04 at 11:40 AM.

  14. #62014
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    They will announce 10.2.6 this week, I guess

  15. #62015
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    They will announce 10.2.6 this week, I guess
    they should

  16. #62016
    I really don't care if the Alliance does or doesn't get villain batted, so long as they can stop being Yes-Men for Anduin every time he preaches about peace. Very few people agreed to that sentiment, and more people just see Anduin as a cringe Gary Sue who is never wrong.

  17. #62017
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    I really don't care if the Alliance does or doesn't get villain batted, so long as they can stop being Yes-Men for Anduin every time he preaches about peace. Very few people agreed to that sentiment, and more people just see Anduin as a cringe Gary Sue who is never wrong.
    idk how people can say that when Anduin has been wrong time and time again?

    It's very rare that Anduin is actually right, he sticks by his ideals and constantly gets fucked over.

  18. #62018
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    They will announce 10.2.6 this week, I guess
    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii excited!

  19. #62019
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    idk how people can say that when Anduin has been wrong time and time again?

    It's very rare that Anduin is actually right, he sticks by his ideals and constantly gets fucked over.
    Yeah, that's the point, the player base disagrees with his ideals, it's just that every other character on the Alliance always agrees with him. The only exception being Tyrande who actually wanted to hunt down Sylvanas to get revenge and Anduin was more concerned about bridging relations with the Horde... and she called him out to be a naive child who doesn't know anything.

  20. #62020
    I don't want either the alliance or horde nor a third faction to be bad. That doesn't make sense, Russia isn't bad, USA isn't bad, etc. but they sure are rules by taking advantage of their strengths and grasp over resources, importance of their workforce and world presence, cultural impacts, etc. It doesn't have to get very political in wow (clearly the writers don't want to either) but factions should act in non-benevolent ways want it suits them.

    Turalyon has spent a thousand years fighting with an army. He hasn't known peace nor politics or "faction" for a lot of time. The choice to put him at the head of Alliance was a surprising one but it should have brought a bit warmongering than it did. With him at the helm, it would be expected to have a return to Cataclysm style of the Alliance, where they take the initiative in getting ahead of the potential threats. If done right, it would mean Horde loosing territory and Alliance gaining some and maybe consolidating their borders, etc. That would not make Turalyon a zealot or a crazy hot head, just a leading army man not recognizing the existence of peace as long as uncertainty and the horde is out there.

    But an ever existing issue with warcraft is the absence of resource management issue... Dragons don't have to feed, Alliance doesn't have any issue accepting pandarens, darkiron dwarves and void elves even if they bring no farmable land or no land at all. We get through every world crisis and there are no shortage of soldiers to send to the front (except for the last stand in front of orgrimmar in BfA) and no issue of famine, etc. So yeah, in a world of war such as this one, it's difficult to feel the urge to spit on your enemy even if you have an overwhelming advantage and every faction becomes a blanket of feel goodery :/

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