1. #62041
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    See, Blizzard? See what happens when you don't post any retail news for a month?

    Complete anarchy in the speculation thread!
    rest assured there'll still be a re-litigation of BfA/SL a week after TWW alpha starts, the cycle must never end

  2. #62042

    big nothing from this week in wow, oh well

    was kinda expecting some hero talents given how alpha is seemingly pretty soon

  3. #62043
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post

    big nothing from this week in wow, oh well

    was kinda expecting some hero talents given how alpha is seemingly pretty soon
    That's a shame. But I had a feeling they'd be milking the dry spell a little while longer, now that we're all sort of used to it and (mostly) stopped complaining.

    The upside is that this is definitely the last sucky week, since we know the HS event comes next week and from there it's just one thing after another all the way till summer.

  4. #62044
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    The upside is that this is dedinitely the last sucky week
    right, cuz unless they intend on droppping this patch without any news, teaser, announcement, or anything, we should be getting news for next week (assuming it drops on the 19th which i think is likely)

  5. #62045
    The dissemination of the Mary Sue/Gary Stu term has been a disaster for the human race.

    The entire basis for the term was the context of its origin fanfic. You can have a character that has all kinds of flaws and it won't change that they fit into the same mold if they're going to consume the story or have it warped to their whim entirely.

  6. #62046

  7. #62047
    once 10.2.6 launches we'll kick into warp drive with content.

    season 4 shortly after
    10.2.7 PTR

  8. #62048
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    i do think this could be a learning opportunity for them, though. The idea of untested patches are fine, but the lack of news was/is definitely felt. Maybe they could compromise and do an untested patch but have some stream of news about it, rather than keeping it entirely secret. either that or plan to have some other news to supplement the lack of usual patch info
    You'd think they would have learned that from delaying the Dragonflight reveal 8 months. I'm betting it was based on the Season of Discovery being a hit: If that hadn't been popular they would be covering 10.2.6 incrementally throughout february.
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    once 10.2.6 launches we'll kick into warp drive with content.

    season 4 shortly after
    10.2.7 PTR
    According to the Roadmap its 10.2.6, then TWW alpha, then season 4, then 10.2.7. This implies the alpha will likely be early April rather than later.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-03-04 at 06:27 PM.

  9. #62049
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    This wouldn’t even be a villain thing the goblins were the ones who attacked the dark irons on arrival trying to boil them in there mole machines and the DI just responded in kind.
    Yeah I wasn't reall invested in starting a discussion about it was just thinking about it. I loved the quest.
    I think we should generally not take everything so seriously in this game, then it is more fun, IMO
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  10. #62050
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    You'd think they would have learned that from delaying the Dragonflight reveal 8 months. I'm betting it was based on the Season of Discovery being a hit: If that hadn't been popular they would be covering 10.2.6 incrementally throughout february.
    yeah i think it does definitely have some inspiration from SoD, i think they said as much. we'll see tho if this ends up being worth it. im willing to give them a chance

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    According to the Roadmap its 10.2.6, then TWW alpha, then season 4, then 10.2.7. This implies the alpha will likely be early April rather than later.
    yeah realized i put these out of order, youre right

  11. #62051
    after 2 months of absolute secrecy, after a really bad patch (10.2.5) and after the complete lack of focus for retail they've shown recently they better deliver something good

  12. #62052
    I would prefer some kind of island similar to timeless isle than island expeditions 2.0 if it will be fully about pirates.

  13. #62053
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I would prefer some kind of island similar to timeless isle than island expeditions 2.0 if it will be fully about pirates.
    The book in the Forbidden Reach does say the pirates are going to plunder the secrets of the Dragon Isles.

    My guess is either Adventure Island Boogaloo, or simply reusing the Isles but giving us a bunch of secret new stuff to unearth.

  14. #62054
    Blizzard has been setting up Anduin as the main character at least since Legion (remember that story where we see him as an old king?). TWW will be all about him and his team (Alleria, Thrall). The problem is that half the playerbase still serd him as alliance content (aka, enemy faction content) and part of the other half seed him as a the king that didnt't want more war against their enemy faction.

    So the main problem is still the faction divide, but this time is just in the playerbase head.

    Blizzard needs and wants to get to the point where all players see all content as wow content, instead of Alliance/Horde content. That's why gilneas, belameth, and Baine quests are for everyone.
    Last edited by allegrian; 2024-03-04 at 08:09 PM.

  15. #62055
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Blizzard needs and wants to get to the point where all players see all content as wow content, instead of Alliance/Horde content. That's why gilneas, belameth, and Baine quests are for everyone.
    Everyone is well aware of what they're trying to do, it's that it sucks that's the sticking point. You can say that Thrall was world content in Cataclysm, but the Alliance playerbase were still rightly assmad that they had to follow the Horde Warchief, the Horde playerbase is no more interested in learning about how Anduin is the best thing invented since sliced bread and sex. WoW, unlike other games and even other MMOs, owes its success to the variance of fantasies it caters to. Your night elf hunter is not your orc warrior, your human paladin not your Forsaken warlock. There's a reason that the most reviled expansion story, notwithstanding whether it's in abject turns the worst one, is Shadowlands, the most faction agnostic one, where we followed Anduin's surrogate family on their way to rescue him.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

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  16. #62056
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Blizzard has been setting up Anduin as the main character at least since Legion (remember that story where we see him as an old king?).
    I keep wondering if Blizz regrets allowing this wild glimpse into the future and plans to "forget" about it.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  17. #62057
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Everyone is well aware of what they're trying to do, it's that it sucks that's the sticking point. You can say that Thrall was world content in Cataclysm, but the Alliance playerbase were still rightly assmad that they had to follow the Horde Warchief, the Horde playerbase is no more interested in learning about how Anduin is the best thing invented since sliced bread and sex. WoW, unlike other games and even other MMOs, owes its success to the variance of fantasies it caters to. Your night elf hunter is not your orc warrior, your human paladin not your Forsaken warlock. There's a reason that the most reviled expansion story, notwithstanding whether it's in abject turns the worst one, is Shadowlands, the most faction agnostic one, where we followed Anduin's surrogate family on their way to rescue him.
    Horde players should care about Anduin's story as it's warcraft story. The same way that everyone got to play through the Arthas, NE, Thrall and Blood Elf stories in W3. The problem with the playerbase, specially since BFA, is that the faction pride stuff got into their heads and see the other side as a different game they don't care about and them getting content translates as bad or irrelevant content for the other faction.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I keep wondering if Blizz regrets allowing this wild glimpse into the future and plans to "forget" about it.
    You mean the current blizzard? The one that retcons stuff set up in the very previous patch? Of course, and they'll surely retcon it as much as they can. But it showed that blizzard saw anduin as one of the most importanr characters back then, just after becoming king.

  18. #62058
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Horde players should care about Anduin's story as it's warcraft story. The same way that everyone got to play through the Arthas, NE, Thrall and Blood Elf stories in W3. The problem with the playerbase, specially since BFA, is that the faction pride stuff got into their heads and see the other side as a different game they don't care about and them getting content translates as bad or irrelevant content for the other faction.
    It's not the fault of the audience that the developers have failed to produce investment in a product sold on an entirely different basis. Blizzard meant for you to be incredibly invested in Sylvanas's Bald Man-induced psychodrama and how she wouldn't serve. Would you say you were? Were you engrossed in the story they were telling as the Bland Gang stepped into the crucible of creation itself where the Progenitor Beings drew up the schematics for concepts of form and emotion and their first lines were "Gawsh, I wonder what's happening to Anduin "?
    Last edited by Super Dickmann; 2024-03-04 at 08:45 PM.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

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  19. #62059
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    You mean the current blizzard? The one that retcons stuff set up in the very previous patch? Of course, and they'll surely retcon it as much as they can. But it showed that blizzard saw anduin as one of the most importanr characters back then, just after becoming king.
    Retcon previous patch? Kay.

    I'm perfectly fine with retconing dumb shit. What was the reason in the first place for revealing Anduin so far in the future, showing he survived, became a pivotal person of the Light and that the war against Void still goes on? Kinda kills all the suspense regarding his character. It all seems like a one big brain fart.

    They kinda "forgot" Med'an, I hope they will "forget" this piece.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-03-04 at 08:51 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  20. #62060
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Goblins are part of the tapestry of WoW. They have a very specific theme that is reasonably unique to WoW compared to thatsteampunk and cyberpunk gnomes are far older than WoW, my reference goes to Dragonlance and they are probably older than that. If I was giving a visual description of WoW I'd probably include goblins and I would DEFINITELY include them if I was describing the Horde with Gazlowe probably being one of the founders of the Horde to me right after Thrall, Vol'jin, Cairne.
    Meanwhile Void Elves . . . meh, there is nothing particularly unique to them. They don't even have a cool visual, they should have given them a proper emo look or something (or since you are going for grey blue skinned shadow elves, just full on copy Shadar-Kai and make them goth).
    I'd have given them Void mutations personally, and not just 2 tentacles in their hair options. Third (maybe even fourth) eyes, extra arms, big fanged mouths, moar tentacles coming from places as part of their racials, stuff like that. You mess with the Void, you should get worse than differently colored skin.

    But that would require to make them a visually distinct and more interesting race, rather than an excuse to give the Alliance Blood Elves.
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