Agreed, I love Nazjatar and have many fond memories of it.
1) Having the Tidestone of Golganneth literally part the waves around Nazjatar is one of the most original ideas Blizzard has ever come up with;
2) Seeing the ruins of Zin-Azshari and getting a glimpse at the ancient glory was a plus;
3) Keeping the mystery of the city proper by hiding it behind the waves and only glimpsing it briefly while travelling to the Eternal Palace was a plus;
4) Masterful world-building in only giving a glimpse of the countless Elven and ship wreckages that can only be glimpsed at from beyond the waves;
5) The zone aesthetically looks surreal, alien and otherworldly even.
Patch 8.2 is the peak of BfA, and one of the high-points of 2010s WoW:
- Nazjatar and Mechagon;
- Megadungeon;
- Azerite Essences
- The raid Eternal Palace is very original and Azshara is a wonderful villain.
- Mount equipment (No more Dazed).
Patch 8.2 >>>
Nazjatar's only "crime" is not being a generic and boring Disney zone like Azure Span, instead doing some cool and unique world-building with its original scenery.