1. #62901
    Encrypted release candidate/live test of 10.2.6 is up, next week the week?

  2. #62902
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Encrypted release candidate/live test of 10.2.6 is up, next week the week?
    the hype train is at full speed

  3. #62903
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Encrypted release candidate/live test of 10.2.6 is up, next week the week?
    I feel like they will partially spill the beans tomorrow. Red Nelf Skin?

  4. #62904
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    You know Call of Duty Zombies? It's like that but while the waves get crazier, you get more and more powers and xp after each wave also.
    I don't but that's OK

    I would assume that the very basics are that there are waves of enemies that we auto-attack, getting power-ups to our auto-attacks each wave. It's an interesting idea considering delves are presumably going to be the latest attempt at a roguelike minigame, but I'm happy with them throwing spaghetti at the wall and working with what sticks.

    Does anybody have a screenshot or something of these tweets with random emoji in them? I've only seen the eyes emoji but people keep talking about a chicken and a tree and I can't find it.

  5. #62905
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    You know Call of Duty Zombies? It's like that but while the waves get crazier, you get more and more powers and xp after each wave also.

    A shame they couldn't have thought of this back in 2019.

    This feature right here, it would have saved 8.3 and the entire Old God "showdown" of BfA.

    Just imagine mowing down endless hordes of bugs Starship Trooper-style, until you start fighting stronger and stronger monsters like N'raqi, C'Thrax, and Anubisaths.

    If this mini gamemode is what they have planned, then it will be a genius idea to reuse it for the Nerubian plotline of TWW.

  6. #62906
    bellular just said "ive heard from a few birdies, i dont even know if [10.2.6] will be taking place on the main wow client" in his latest video

    timestamped for easy finding:


  7. #62907
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    bellular just said "ive heard from a few birdies, i dont even know if [10.2.6] will be taking place on the main wow client" in his latest video

    timestamped for easy finding:

    10.2.6 is obstinately a retail patch. Why would he say this? Is he stupid?

  8. #62908
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    10.2.6 is obstinately a retail patch. Why would he say this? Is he stupid?
    iunno just posting it here cuz i thought it was interesting , he does seem to always have inside sources on stuff

  9. #62909
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    iunno just posting it here cuz i thought it was interesting , he does seem to always have inside sources on stuff
    I believe it, because it would explain why they have hidden it (not related to retail or classic characters, so people will be angry)

  10. #62910
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    bellular just said "ive heard from a few birdies, i dont even know if [10.2.6] will be taking place on the main wow client" in his latest video

    timestamped for easy finding:


    Well.. huh. I guess they COULD make it its own game requiring an active sub, and connect it to other games so you earn stuff in them if they wanna go that route. Plus, having it be it's own client could help with the performance issues, it could handle having large amount of enemies on screen with other animations going on aswell. Because WoW can barely handle a fully-engaged HS portal.
    By Blizzard Entertainment:
    Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.
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  11. #62911
    10.2.6 is most definitely a retail patch (especially considering it'll have some S4 things), but that doesn't neccesarily mean that the event will happen on retail's main servers, similar to how Hardcore/Seasonal realms are separate categories for Classic realms. This isn't a confirmation of this as I don't actually know that, just some speculation based on what I've seen here and there.

  12. #62912
    im so hyped honestly, that blog post from holly a while back quelled my hype for a while, but its reaching top tier hype levels for me right now. super excited

  13. #62913
    Being completely honest anything that would be on seperate servers has me even more skeptical.

  14. #62914
    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    Being completely honest anything that would be on seperate servers has me even more skeptical.
    Yes, not just because they already said they were warry about splitting the pop with more servers & game modes, I think anyone whom a new seasonal retail event would appeal to is already playing Season of Discovery. But that wouldn't be the first time Blizzard makes a baffling decision.

  15. #62915
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Yes, not just because they already said they were warry about splitting the pop with more servers & game modes, I think anyone whom a new seasonal retail event would appeal to is already playing Season of Discovery. But that wouldn't be the first time Blizzard makes a baffling decision.
    It's not known yet what the gamemode looks like or if it even has normal player progression/overworld stuff. I don't really care about SoD because I don't really care about Classic and it isn't fresh enough feeling for me, but a limited time/seasonal event for Retail would be far more in my wheelhouse.

  16. #62916
    Elemental Lord
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    Ok, if we put it together looks like when we log in to 10.2.6, new stuff won't be for our characters, but some 'seasonal' servers will pop where we will create new char to experience this game mode. It will be revealed tomorrow cause some stuff will be datamined anyway close to patch release (similar to SoD). Most likely candidates are some vampire survivors inspired mode or hardcore (or both? hardcore alone would be boring, but with twist...).

  17. #62917
    Hardcore in Retail... Hilarious. You'd have to be intentionally throwing/Griefing yourself to fail it.

  18. #62918
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Hardcore in Retail... Hilarious. You'd have to be intentionally throwing/Griefing yourself to fail it.
    Well I mean... it is a skull.

  19. #62919
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    It's not known yet what the gamemode looks like or if it even has normal player progression/overworld stuff. I don't really care about SoD because I don't really care about Classic and it isn't fresh enough feeling for me, but a limited time/seasonal event for Retail would be far more in my wheelhouse.
    Honestly I consider anything that's limited time to be a waste of development resources. I'd prefer they spent those resources on anything on the long list of smaller/larger features that have been requested over and over in the last few years.

    So I hope that this is an addition to the actual game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Yes, not just because they already said they were warry about splitting the pop with more servers & game modes, I think anyone whom a new seasonal retail event would appeal to is already playing Season of Discovery. But that wouldn't be the first time Blizzard makes a baffling decision.

    Agreed. But they are the kings of baffling decisions the amount of times they leave easy "wins" on the table is honestly impressive.
    Last edited by justwatching; 2024-03-14 at 02:30 AM.

  20. #62920
    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    Honestly I consider anything that's limited time to be a waste of development resources. I'd prefer they spent those resources on anything on the long list of smaller/larger features that have been requested over and over in the last few years.

    So I hope that this is an addition to the actual game.
    Oh yeah, I'd love it to stay around, given the development time that seemingly went into it I wouldn't be surprised if those bits at least are there to stay. If it is indeed a limited time event, I'd say there's a good chance it'll come back in some shape or form similar to a lot of previous tech still being used for various things today.

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