1. #62961
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I don't have the quote, but the presenter from TWW said in an interview that the Hallowsfall Arathi come from "a kingdom to the west" which, given Kalimdor is in the way, means that it is West of Kalimdor, ergo past the mystery storm from the Nightsquall and Green Dragon lorebooks.

    What else would it be?

    - - - Updated - - -

    They don't like the Titans/Keepers. That is no different from demons, aqir, etc, meaning that while they are tied to the greater lore it doesn't mean they are guaranteed to appear in a Titan expansion.
    So they are gonna introduce a place, whose whole lore is "There are guerrilla terrorists on this island who assassinate Keepers, hate Titans, and the Prime Designate hates them so much that he is willing to launch like four suicide missions to wipe them out" after the expansion that will deal with the Titans for the foreseeable future?

    It's like having a random demon-filled zone after Legion.

  2. #62962

  3. #62963
    I hope Avaloren ends up being a secret utopia on the other side of Azeroth.

    The part closest to us is a massive human kingdom, ancient and mighty.

    Beyond that is a wild and untamed land, home to Erinethria's brood of green dragons, communities of shipwrecked sailors, elementals, naga, Jinyu, and races we've never met before.

    Several landmasses, like a massive archipelago.

  4. #62964
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I hope Avaloren ends up being a secret utopia on the other side of Azeroth.

    The part closest to us is a massive human kingdom, ancient and mighty.

    Beyond that is a wild and untamed land, home to Erinethria's brood of green dragons, communities of shipwrecked sailors, elementals, naga, Jinyu, and races we've never met before.

    Several landmasses, like a massive archipelago.
    Wouldn't that be too similar to the Broken Isles? Even the mish-mashing of different races and cultures (Night Elf, Vrykul, Tauren, Storm Dragon, Harpy, Drogbar, Naga, shipwrecked sailors, Demon)? Even the idea of an ancient and mighty civilization flanked by untamed wilderness sounds very similar to Suramar and Val'sharah.

    I don't think is is a strong expansion concept.

  5. #62965
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry123 View Post
    are we eating today?
    What if development update is only about classic.

  6. #62966
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Wouldn't that be too similar to the Broken Isles? Even the mish-mashing of different races and cultures (Night Elf, Vrykul, Tauren, Storm Dragon, Harpy, Drogbar, Naga, shipwrecked sailors, Demon)? Even the idea of an ancient and mighty civilization flanked by untamed wilderness sounds very similar to Suramar and Val'sharah.

    I don't think is is a strong expansion concept.
    It's not really an expansion concept, so much as WoW 2.0.

    You might visit the human kingdom in 14.0 and experience an alternate version of the kingdom of Stormwind essentially. Fields, churches, shipyards, forests, etc.

    In 15.0 you might travel further into that side of the world, and explore the true nature of the Emerald Dream with Erinethria's brood. Perhaps a vast and untamed forest landscape, untouched by the Titans.

    I don't know. They might not even do normal expansions and "continents" by that point. Maybe TLT will mark the end of the Old style of WoW. Perhaps we'll just get a massive landscape to explore and settle. Maybe we'll have annual expansions, or merely seasons. Who knows.

  7. #62967
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    What if development update is only about classic.
    fist, meet drywall

  8. #62968
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    You might visit the human kingdom in 14.0 and experience an alternate version of the kingdom of Stormwind essentially. Fields, churches, shipyards, forests, etc.
    This I'm not opposed to.

    Kul Tiras was one of the best-crafted continents in the game and it's just that. Fields, churches, shipyards, forests.

    Kul Tiras proves that a continent doesn't need pRoGeNiToR zErEtH CoSmIc GeOMeTrY to be cool, immersive, and just fun for the questing experience.

  9. #62969
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry123 View Post
    are we eating today?
    I doubt it will be anything about 10.2.6. Why reveal it ahead of time? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of what their intentions are for this whole thing.

  10. #62970
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I doubt it will be anything about 10.2.6. Why reveal it ahead of time? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of what their intentions are for this whole thing.
    They will announce it is releasing next week, and probably will cave and reveal some of it due to community demand. That or they will just reveal new stuff in the patch that isn't related to the main feature.

  11. #62971
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I doubt it will be anything about 10.2.6. Why reveal it ahead of time? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of what their intentions are for this whole thing.
    I dont think anybody is saying reveal the whole thing but it's good to set expectations a bit. Even SoD gets a pretty extensive blog post detailing some of the new stuff before a new phase.

  12. #62972
    Im just waiting for words "Global release", i will be become the biggest doomer if it will be released as usual patches, EU getting it day later.

  13. #62973
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I doubt it will be anything about 10.2.6. Why reveal it ahead of time? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of what their intentions are for this whole thing.
    Their intentions was not to be a complete unknown, just that there is no PTR at all so people discover things for themselves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Im just waiting for words "Global release", i will be become the biggest doomer if it will be released as usual patches, EU getting it day later.
    Even then, EU is gonna get it at the worst time like 2am or something.

  14. #62974
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Even then, EU is gonna get it at the worst time like 2am or something.
    Time to buy some gatorade.

  15. #62975
    Elemental Lord
    7+ Year Old Account
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Im just waiting for words "Global release", i will be become the biggest doomer if it will be released as usual patches, EU getting it day later.
    Very often NA maintenance is extented and patch not even live before EU people go to sleep, yet next day EU servers are up almost instantly cause all potential issues got solved. For patch without PTR it's likely scenario.

  16. #62976
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I doubt it will be anything about 10.2.6. Why reveal it ahead of time? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of what their intentions are for this whole thing.
    a.) Curb expectations
    b.) no point in having an event if it goes by without anyone knowing about it: It needs some anticipation
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    fist, meet drywall
    There's nothing to worry about. Phase 3 of SoD isn't until may. Though the dev update today might just be "10.2.6 is next tuesday. No other information provided."
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-03-14 at 03:22 PM.

  17. #62977
    10.2.6 on wowlivetest2. Seems like it'll be released on Tuesday. I imagine today's dev update will be just a bit of description on it without giving away the part that is the reason they're keeping it secret I guess?

  18. #62978
    It would be funny if the "mixed reactions" are because it's Tuskarr.

  19. #62979
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I still think 10.2.7 is Avaloren, seeing how its gonna contain the lead-in quest to 11.0 judging by the name (contrary to popular belief, Dark Heart is not really a MoP reference, because the amulet thing that Iridikron stole and Xalatath now has is called "the Dark Heart").
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I don't have the quote, but the presenter from TWW said in an interview that the Hallowsfall Arathi come from "a kingdom to the west" which, given Kalimdor is in the way, means that it is West of Kalimdor, ergo past the mystery storm from the Nightsquall and Green Dragon lorebooks.

    What else would it be?

    Avaloren has the potential to be its own expansion. I'd be incredibly disappointed if it were just a patch with boring humans.

    The green dragon described what she saw as completely different from what she'd seen before in flora and fauna. And Captain Nighsquall seemed from the book to be quite "shocked" by what he saw there.

    So I don't think it's just a random patch zone with known Azeroth creatures (besides maybe heretic titan guardians and dragons).
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2024-03-14 at 03:44 PM.

  20. #62980
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Avaloren has the potential to be its own expansion. I'd be incredibly disappointed if it were just a patch with boring humans.

    The green dragon described what she saw as completely different from what she'd seen before in flora and fauna. And Captain Nighsquall seemed from the book to be quite "shocked" by what he saw there.

    So I don't think it's just a random patch zone with known Azeroth creatures (besides maybe heretic titan guardians and dragons).
    Also the Eonar book implies there is a Hollow Earth zone with underground roots and "strange guardians".

    It should be its own expansion for sure, if the root zone, dragons, heretics and Arathi (who could just be the heretics) are all in Avaloren it seems too big and varied to just be a patch island adjacent to Northrend.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-03-14 at 03:55 PM.

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