1. #63261
    DEV UPDATE? and its just a fucking release date? what an absolute fucking JOKE

  2. #63262
    Limited time event yeah ok thought so, back to not caring

  3. #63263
    Lol I skipped gym for this

  4. #63264
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Limited time event?

    By Blizzard Entertainment:
    Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.
    My Nintendo FC is 2208-5726-4303.

  5. #63265
    yeah my hype for this patch really died. They aren't going to put any major effort towards a limited time event.

  6. #63266
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    As expected, just some pirate themed, temporary world event.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #63267
    This is so funny hahahaha

  8. #63268
    Shouldn't be limited time, lol. But expected only a release date.

  9. #63269
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    May 2010
    Oh yeah another limited event, what a joke...

  10. #63270
    all this hype for a limited time event. glad they pissed off the entire community for this! nice work guys

  11. #63271
    the limited time event bit killed all the hype

  12. #63272
    Why was that delayed at all? They are going to get dogpiled for this and they deserve it.

    Cool to see that its Pirates after all. (and not hardcore shit or another client )
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-03-15 at 12:08 AM.

  13. #63273
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Hahaha the person who said they would just drop the patch release date was right after all. Great "dev update".

  14. #63274
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post

    "limited time event" ok, it's trash
    Jesus christ. It really was just "The patch is next week. End of Post" That's not a "Development Update" Holly.

  15. #63275
    That's it?

    No info on 10.2.7?

    No info on Delves, or Warbands, or Alpha, or anything that really matters?

    Hooray, another filler event! This was totally worth the hype!

  16. #63276
    They should not have called this a developer update. In this case they actually should have just dropped the announcement without a word.

  17. #63277
    I expected nothing and I am still disappointed
    Waiting ‘till the end of day to announce a release date

    Limited time event? Ye it’s big dig 2.0 near the Booty Bay graveyard lol

    But at least in 10.2.7 we’ll get Pride that’s for sure priorities and shit

  18. #63278
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Why was that delayed at all? They are going to get dogpiled for this and they deserve it.

    Cool to see that its Pirates after all. (and not hardcore shit or another client )
    No one had bothered to even write it down before this morning. They forgot and wrote it over lunch

  19. #63279
    There’s always a chance that this wasn’t the actual developer update, right? Right???


  20. #63280
    So if it's fomo, and in the old world, what's the new tech? Why would fomo have new tech?

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