1. #63361
    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    And before that they shipped that amazing Gilneas Event.
    Amazing? Even Worgen stans don't think this. It was short & anti-climactic, and far too much horde for alliance fans to tolerate.
    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    It's not part of the Dragon Isles.
    Unless they make Dragonflight part of the base game in 10.2.6 instead of 11.0. Doing that slightly early would cover that "don't need to purchase the expansion" part of the event.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-03-15 at 02:15 AM.

  2. #63362
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Amazing? Even Worgen stans don't think this. It was short & anti-climactic, and far too much horde for alliance fans to tolerate.
    Unless they make Dragonflight part of the base game in 10.2.6 instead of 11.0. Doing that slightly early would cover that "don't need to purchase the expansion" part of the event.
    I was being sarcastic. The Gilneas event is hot garbage.

  3. #63363
    What do we think the new items will be? AFAIK no new pirate items were datamined before.

  4. #63364
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    What do we think the new items will be? AFAIK no new pirate items were datamined before.
    Honestly the amount of pirate transmog items already obtainable is pretty lit. The actual pirate factions could use some work. Especially those undead zandalari.

  5. #63365
    actual new HD eyepatches that arent from vanilla and constrained to just leather and mail classes would be nice

  6. #63366
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I'd say the actual important news is that we will get a S4 PTR probably next week
    That's good too, although nothing about S4 really has me excited tbh. Fates raids are not particularly interesting unless they decide to spice it up and make it raids from older expansions, which would be pretty cool.
    The 10.2.7 event is what I am looking forward to!

    Tbh any news is welcome at this point lol

  7. #63367
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    So I just woke up. Seems like the news they put out wasn't great.

  8. #63368
    I say it here again: Before everyone dooms and glooms because the event is "limited-time": We always had limited time patch events shortly before a new expansion releases. Pre-Patch Events, anyone remember? If this time-limited event lasts until TWW launches, it is probably a better thought out pre-patch event.

  9. #63369
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    I say it here again: Before everyone dooms and glooms because the event is "limited-time": We always had limited time patch events shortly before a new expansion releases. Pre-Patch Events, anyone remember? If this time-limited event lasts until TWW launches, it is probably a better thought out pre-patch event.
    Except this isnt the pre-patch nor is this the pre-patch event, there are still two entire patches before TWW officially launches (10.2.7 and the pre-patch itself) which will no doubt have an actual pre-patch event related to the plot of TWW.

    This would be akin to like.....the Forbidden Reach being a limited time thing, or the Gilneas/Amirdrassil quests being limited time only. It makes no sense and is just a waste of dev resources

  10. #63370
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    Except this isnt the pre-patch nor is this the pre-patch event, there are still two entire patches before TWW officially launches (10.2.7 and the pre-patch itself) which will no doubt have an actual pre-patch event related to the plot of TWW.

    This would be akin to like.....the Forbidden Reach being a limited time thing, or the Gilneas/Amirdrassil quests being limited time only. It makes no sense and is just a waste of dev resources
    Wait and see. Perhaps they skip the typical pre-patch event and give us something more meaty, and earlier. We'll see next week.

  11. #63371
    Fuck, good that i went to bed.

    It took few more hours just to make short message? All they had to do, was just to post "march 19" on usual news hours on every social media if they wanted to go that route, it would work better.
    Still, development update and only having this is kinda hilarious and hinting that it's limited time event.

    But the biggest bummer is like i said before for me is the non global release for this kind of patch, like i im used to 1 day later releases for EU for all other content, but something like that should be out at the same time for everyone, no matter if the content will be timegated or not.

  12. #63372
    The amount of handwringing and conversation that's been going on for not even a secondary but a tertiary patch that'll likely include five mog appearances, ten mins of quests and has previously sported things like bugfixes or the first go at timewalking baffles me.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  13. #63373
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    Also double pointless since EU players have to wait a whole day, meaning this entire "secrecy" act was only for the NA players and the rest of the world will be spoiled by twitter anyways
    Americans don't care about the rest of the world anyways, so as long as NA gets the intented experience, they Gucci.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    Other than that I'm disappointed we didn't learn anything about 10.2.7 today, was hoping we'd get more info on that.
    Ye that is the strange part. If 10.2.6 is just a FOMO event that will be gone in few weeks, and the S4 stuff we already know, why not tell atleast something about 10.2.7 and beyond if they bother to schedule a dev update into their calendar?

  14. #63374
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Some people are like: "what do you mean, Blizzard hasn't hyped this up at all, it's all on you for setting the wrong expectations!".

    Meanwhile, a Lead Software Engineer on Twitter: "So. God. Damn. Excited. See you there."

    If this event doesn't blow people's socks off, I think it's definitely fair to place the blame on Blizzard for the way their developers are discussing the patch.

  15. #63375
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I'm just curious why it's time limited. Was that an executive order? The only way the experimental team could the resources to do this?
    Taking notes from the gacha game playbook where limited time FOMO events are the constant source of MAUs (and stress to players).
    Last edited by Lahis; 2024-03-15 at 07:57 AM.

  16. #63376
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Some people are like: "what do you mean, Blizzard hasn't hyped this up at all, it's all on you for setting the wrong expectations!".

    Meanwhile, a Lead Software Engineer on Twitter: "So. God. Damn. Excited. See you there."

    If this event doesn't blow people's socks off, I think it's definitely fair to place the blame on Blizzard for the way their developers are discussing the patch.
    It's possible that the content might be crap, but it's using new tech they're excited about that will see better use in TWW. I just have this feeling that whatever this limited time event is more of scratching the surface for its use in TWW. I just don't believe that they'd put a lot of effort into a short event.

  17. #63377
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nize View Post
    It's possible that the content might be crap, but it's using new tech they're excited about that will see better use in TWW. I just have this feeling that whatever this limited time event is more of scratching the surface for its use in TWW. I just don't believe that they'd put a lot of effort into a short event.
    These "excited about new tech" news do not excite me, considering both Islands and Torghast used "exciting new tech".
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-03-15 at 09:02 AM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  18. #63378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    These "excited about new tech" news do not excite me, considering both Islands and Torghast used "exciting new tech".
    Yeah the tech needs to be applied well or else it's just fluff.

    If this event has tech that later can be applied to some sort of endless dungeon feature, where 1-5 players just go from level to level, increasing in power and pushing their own limits, while also getting some sweet lore, immersion, and beautiful sights along the way, then it would be amazing.

    We need content like that.

    Where I can just spend an entire Friday night trying to maximise my progress on my Paladin, Mage Tower style but more like a fun adventure.

    Not as depressing or stale as Torghast, but way more random and endless than regular endgame content.

    It fits well with the theme of TWW as well, as it'd be a sort of dynamic expansion to Delves.

    That said, if this is just some phasing technology or something that's more of a backend feature, then colour me disappointed.

  19. #63379
    They have bamboozled
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  20. #63380
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    If this event has tech that later can be applied to some sort of endless dungeon feature, where 1-5 players just go from level to level, increasing in power and pushing their own limits, while also getting some sweet lore, immersion, and beautiful sights along the way, then it would be amazing.
    You just described Torghast.

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