1. #63721
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well since this is sort of going in this direction anyway, I’d like some thoughts on this;


    Which seems to imply that there may be a new support spec after launch.

    This quote is giving me “No new Evoker spec in 10.1” vibes.

    So are we getting a redux of Augmentation where we get another support spec mid-expansion? If so, which one, and will Blizzard tie it to the narration of the expansion like they did with Augmentation?

    Also this means that one of the classes will be getting another hero tree as well.
    Additional Hero Specs Mid Expansion could make sense, if they tie it to the story of TWW. The Arathi in TWW are the most random element so far. Why add such a human centric and light focused element, here, underground far of any human areas? It could be that in the patches, more hero specs could be added. Perhaps things like full class hero specs (where each spec can access the same hero spec), or a multiclass hero spec (where multiple specs of different classes gain access to a spec). With Earthen, Arathi and friendly nerubians being a source of them. To make it simple i think full class hero specs would make a lot of sense. Arathi could give hero specs for Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Demon Hunter. Earthen could give hero specs to Shaman, Mages, Dracthyr, Monk. Nerubians could give hero specs for Death Knight, Hunter, Druid, Rogue, Warlock.

  2. #63722

    their profile picture on twitter lol

  3. #63723
    Remember all the boats that got datamined but haven't appeared in DF besides the Nelf boat in Amirdrassil?

    Chances of boat gameplay?

  4. #63724
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Remember all the boats that got datamined but haven't appeared in DF besides the Nelf boat in Amirdrassil?

    Chances of boat gameplay?
    Low, since it is a limited time event & that would be a new, major gameplay mode: But it is possible, if there is some sort of boating themed vehicle delve planned for TWW. I am assuming the event will be some form of re-appropriating existing mechanics, like a reskin of Legion invasions, warfronts, torghast, island expeditions or delves. At least, in the most optimistic sense. If it's just a short questchain like Gilneas I will be livid.

    Given the Vampire Survivors strings datamined, my theory is a "Pirate Survivors" mode, that is like torghast, only you're put onto the deck of a pirate ship, exponential waves of enemies spawn on top of you & your cooldowns are radically reduced. Then you're rewarded for how long you can last. I'm pretty surprised WoW doesn't have a mode like this already.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-03-18 at 03:30 PM.

  5. #63725
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Additional Hero Specs Mid Expansion could make sense, if they tie it to the story of TWW. The Arathi in TWW are the most random element so far. Why add such a human centric and light focused element, here, underground far of any human areas? It could be that in the patches, more hero specs could be added. Perhaps things like full class hero specs (where each spec can access the same hero spec), or a multiclass hero spec (where multiple specs of different classes gain access to a spec). With Earthen, Arathi and friendly nerubians being a source of them. To make it simple i think full class hero specs would make a lot of sense. Arathi could give hero specs for Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Demon Hunter. Earthen could give hero specs to Shaman, Mages, Dracthyr, Monk. Nerubians could give hero specs for Death Knight, Hunter, Druid, Rogue, Warlock.
    I believe if they were talking about hero talent trees, they wouldn't have said specializations. So we're looking at potentially a new specialization here, which would obviously open up a new hero talent tree alongside it. The question is which existing class could support a new support specialization? They've already said that Demon Hunters are not getting a 3rd spec, so they can be ruled out.

  6. #63726
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Remember all the boats that got datamined but haven't appeared in DF besides the Nelf boat in Amirdrassil?

    Chances of boat gameplay?
    It feels like it'll just be a Torghast style defeat waves of pirate mobs on XYZ island, Nightsquall's Cove or something. Either solo or group play.

    Start with one or two powers a la Superbloom, pick up more either according to class or pirate related as you go. Cosmetics as rewards obviously. Very little to no story/lore impact. Maybe just gives minor additional flavor to Avaloren.

    I think it'll be very disconnected from the majority of what we expect from patches, either good or bad. Will be a cool experiment from them, but I don't think it'll have much lasting effect; yes I know they said it was a limited timed event, but I don't think there will be lore implications to it at all.

  7. #63727
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    They've already said that Demon Hunters are not getting a 3rd spec, so they can be ruled out.
    This makes me so sad. I really love Augmentation but I much prefer elves to dragons. Demonkind has all these legions & armies with no support or healer troops? I guess that explains why they constantly lose.

  8. #63728
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I believe if they were talking about hero talent trees, they wouldn't have said specializations. So we're looking at potentially a new specialization here, which would obviously open up a new hero talent tree alongside it. The question is which existing class could support a new support specialization? They've already said that Demon Hunters are not getting a 3rd spec, so they can be ruled out.
    verbiage regarding hero talents and class specs is a bit muddied, with them easily be exchanged in discussion. If they meant class specs, instead of hero talents, then again, the arathi humans are the strange outlier here. And that their faith is not that of the holy light, but of holy fire is a indicator what could be. One of the many requested specs is a light focused dps priest. Holy Fire is currently a holy priest ability that gives them a bit of damage. One of the major character in this expansion is Anduin, and it is expected that he will have a major story arc here. So, a holy fire based dps spec for priest, that is also a support spec? That would line up quite good actually.

    The only issue with new specs in a mid expansion format in TWW, is that it needs to come with a hero talent, and it has to fit into the other specs and hero talents. We see with the current 4spec class, the druid, that each spec still only has 2 hero talent choices. So it would stand to reason, that a mid expansion added spec to a 3spec class would follow suit, and also add another hero talent, and it has to be slotted into the current hero talents, which in turn would mean that another spec would loose one hero talent to be replaced by another.

    Now, this is for me a far harder sell, then augmentation in DF. Thus, i think, if they would want to add more of a support playstyle in TWW, it would be with hero talents (as seen with their first go at Oracle Priest), instead of a new spec, which would also need a new hero talent and slot into the existing system.
    Last edited by Enrif; 2024-03-18 at 04:30 PM.

  9. #63729
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Waiting for the "This week in WoW", hope we'll get another development update (a real one, this time)

  10. #63730
    we'll probably get some kind of patch notes or whatever today or tomorrow during maintenance. im assuming itll be tomorrow

  11. #63731
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Man, based on the hyping by some devs on Twitter, this patch must be some technical marvel.

  12. #63732
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    I'm rather ready for 10.2.7 and The Alpha Interview Embargo being lifted. Glad this whole thing is finally over tomorrow and better times are upon us in regards to news and speculation.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  13. #63733
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Man, based on the hyping by some devs on Twitter, this patch must be some technical marvel.
    (The special event is two whole days later) Oh its going to be a long ass maintenance. Long Dong Two-point-six.

  14. #63734


    "new twitch drop revealed" tomorrow. phrasing on that is interesting.

    "New Content Creator Event Announced" on the 21st too. hmm

    looks like we'll get an article on 10.2.6 during maintenance tomorrow

  15. #63735
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Man, based on the hyping by some devs on Twitter, this patch must be some technical marvel.
    On the bright side the forums will be pure content if this ends up being another 20 min event with a recolored parrot mount.

  16. #63736
    Nice to see that 10.2.6 is NOT the content creator creator event.

  17. #63737
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Man, based on the hyping by some devs on Twitter, this patch must be some technical marvel.
    IDK about technical marvel yet, but it is at the very least something they haven't really done before on that technical scale for a minor patch.

  18. #63738
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Nice to see that 10.2.6 is NOT the content creator creator event.
    I still assume it involves them playing 10.2.6

    The two days is just a chance for blizzard to fix the inevitable horrible bugs its going to launch with.

  19. #63739
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    No chance of having dynamic ground mount in it right ?

  20. #63740
    a dreaded thought occurred to me what that tech could be... realtime collision detection for player and NPC models.

    This would be horrible for WoW...

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