1. #63881
    Oh nice the 50th parrot mount.

  2. #63882
    Brewmaster doledippers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Im bad at pvp, but will check it out.
    gotta remember this isnt actually like, wow pvp, as we know it. everyone will have a few abilities. i think it will feel alot different

  3. #63883
    Surprise blog wtf
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  4. #63884
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Im bad at pvp, but will check it out.

    Good thing is that you don't have to win to earn rewards. hopefully it won't take forever if you're not on the winning side..

    But im very disappointed that there are no kultiran coat transmogs, i would like more casual coat for all races, this new one that was shown looks alright but a little over the top, but probably will look much better on other races than troll shown.

    And missed opportunity for this mount
    What do you mean, it's basically a reskin of the KT heritage armor.

  5. #63885
    Nothing else interesting in the update notes but they are adding glyphs to get the shadowlands covenant effects back if you miss them. Pretty cool.


  6. #63886
    I guess I won't even log in for it

  7. #63887
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    it's a Battle Royale lol.
    It does look fun though.

    Quite an interesting take on it too.

    And the pirate mog is juicy, so definitely gonna work for that.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #63888
    As I expected this is not something I'm interested in unfortunately.
    Good on them for trying new stuff though, this will probably be very popular.

  9. #63889
    It actually looks really hype.

    Plus, unlockable emotes opens a big, big door.

  10. #63890
    It is just crazy to me that THIS gets resources dedicated to it when there are dozens of bigger and smaller feature requests lingering for years. But I hope people that do like this have fun.

  11. #63891
    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    It is just crazy to me that THIS gets resources dedicated to it when there are dozens of bigger and smaller feature requests lingering for years.
    "It's something I don't like therefore it's a waste of resources."


  12. #63892
    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    It is just crazy to me that THIS gets resources dedicated to it when there are dozens of bigger and smaller feature requests lingering for years. But I hope people that do like this have fun.
    It was largely a passion project.

  13. #63893
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    It actually looks really hype.

    Plus, unlockable emotes opens a big, big door.
    Unlockable emotes? EXCUSE me??

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    It is just crazy to me that THIS gets resources dedicated to it when there are dozens of bigger and smaller feature requests lingering for years. But I hope people that do like this have fun.
    Like what, troll beards? Housing? Class skins?

    I doubt those requests had anything to do with this team.

  14. #63894
    Wonder how long before Duo Plunderstorm boosts.

  15. #63895
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Unlockable emotes? EXCUSE me??

    - - - Updated - - -

    Like what, troll beards? Housing? Class skins?

    I doubt those requests had anything to do with this team.
    I assume it's new unlockable emotes.

    They have clearly new player emotes in the "Earn Epic Plunder" section showing all the mounts and pets and transmogs.
    @55 seconds

    Edit: Wait, are they new? I just assume they are because I've literally never seen them before.

  16. #63896
    I applaud Blizzard for their boldness.

    The event looks fun and its technology will certainly be used in the future. The things that they can do with it are limitless.

    It is a wonderful thing that it is a parallel event, about time that they did things like this.

    Cannot wait to try It.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  17. #63897
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Could be a Bakaar mount too
    Good timing on this one, by the way.

  18. #63898
    These kind of games aren't my cup of tea, but I'll give it a try. Glad they're trying new things but can't say I'm hyped for it lol

  19. #63899
    Hehe, my last prediction was kind of on point.

    I'm a little interested in checking it out, I suppose. I think for me, WoW gameplay mechanics at their core aren't fun enough for an entirely separate game mode all about geeking out on an island somewhere. It's too clumsy and dated.

    For me, WoW in 2024 is only fun because I also have the context of the lore, the immersive environments, the evolving story, and of course my character and collections that I'm attached to.

    Because of this, I don't think this new game mode has much in it for me, beyond maybe collecting one or two new things. Especially since you just use a random character and not your own.

    I'm pretty impressed with the scope of it - it certainly isn't some little buggy Hearthstone event. They've spent time and energy on this. But I'm not convinced it's the right idea for World of Warcraft, or that it warranted all the hype on Twitter over these last few months.

  20. #63900
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Good timing on this one, by the way.
    Are they in this patch? Didn't see anything in the notes.

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