1. #64021
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Minor interesting thing, the map/areas are called "void zones". Not sure if there's any actual relation to the void or if that's just meant to be an internal name, but still interesting.
    A void zone is the original term for an aoe you're not supposed to stand in. I think it refers to the area where you cant go when the map shrinks.

    BTW: Any new music for this patch?
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  2. #64022
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Gladiator rewards should NEVER be unique, they always were just special armour on top of mounts that everyone could get. Shadowlands and Dragonflight kinda went into the wrong direction, so glad they atleast gave us an unarmoured soul eater now.

    The other alternative would be to re-release gladiator mounts via saddles, but that would hurt the sub 1% pvp "playerbase" too much.
    I agree whenever the gladiator mounts are distinct enough from their easier to achieve variants, which most seasons succeed at. Problem is, you barely even notice the armour on the Soul Eater's, I don't believe that it'll be distinguishable enough from a version without any armour.

    It is a some-what pedantic point that I'm making, but I personally find it a bit of a bummer that one of the glad mounts I sweated my ass off for is basically becoming free to the public (BECAUSE it was the only way you could get it), and you more or less can't tell the difference between the two.

    Altogether I think you're right, I just wish the Soul Eater's were a bit more distinct from one another, especially if you compare it to something like the difference between a Netherwing and it's Glad variant.

  3. #64023
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    they need to ban the word "FOMO". i've read it too much today
    I mean this is quote literally the PRIME example of fomo

    release a new event that is hyped up by the devs, make it only available for a short limited amount of time, add in tons of rewards, and then make it so to get the reward you need to get 40 renown levels which will take a minimum combined 40-50 hours. I honestly hope they better either extend the event or buff renown gain, or both preferably.

    (Doesnt help this is coming out the same week as DD2, one of the biggest releases of the year, which is a giant 100+ hour open world rpg....but thas not Blizz fault on that one, just sucks for me lol)

  4. #64024
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    You prefer a recolor over a wholly unique mount?
    I skipped most of SL so didnt know, either way the recolor is lit

  5. #64025
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    I mean this is quote literally the PRIME example of fomo

    release a new event that is hyped up by the devs, make it only available for a short limited amount of time, add in tons of rewards, and then make it so to get the reward you need to get 40 renown levels which will take a minimum combined 40-50 hours. I honestly hope they better either extend the event or buff renown gain, or both preferably.

    (Doesnt help this is coming out the same week as DD2, one of the biggest releases of the year, which is a giant 100+ hour open world rpg....but thas not Blizz fault on that one, just sucks for me lol)
    they're going to make it permanent if people like it enough, like they did with other things in the past. problem is that the wow community can't accept anything that makes them get out of their comfort zone. i don't expect it to stay

  6. #64026
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    they're going to make it permanent if people like it enough, like they did with other things in the past. problem is that the wow community can't accept anything that makes them get out of their comfort zone. i don't expect it to stay
    I hope they make it permanent in some form - cause all they said so far is "We'll consider maybe bringing it back in the future if enough people like it" (paraphrasing of course)

    I think that at the very least, they should extend it until TWW/Pre-patch

  7. #64027
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    A void zone is the original term for an aoe you're not supposed to stand in. I think it refers to the area where you cant go when the map shrinks.

    BTW: Any new music for this patch?
    Yes, there's one new track and a few tiny music things for wins etc.

  8. #64028
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    I hope they make it permanent in some form - cause all they said so far is "We'll consider maybe bringing it back in the future if enough people like it" (paraphrasing of course)

    I think that at the very least, they should extend it until TWW/Pre-patch
    To be honest the thing that I really don't understand is why this wasn't implemented as a BG that you can queue as level 1 if you want to. That way at least people could do it while playing the actual game and with their characters.

  9. #64029
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    I mean this is quote literally the PRIME example of fomo

    release a new event that is hyped up by the devs, make it only available for a short limited amount of time, add in tons of rewards, and then make it so to get the reward you need to get 40 renown levels which will take a minimum combined 40-50 hours. I honestly hope they better either extend the event or buff renown gain, or both preferably.

    (Doesnt help this is coming out the same week as DD2, one of the biggest releases of the year, which is a giant 100+ hour open world rpg....but thas not Blizz fault on that one, just sucks for me lol)
    I'm sure they're just judging its initial popularity. If people hate it, it'll disappear, but the plan is if its successful, just like in Fortnite every 6 weeks they start a new season with new rewards & a new map. I'd love to see this in Darkshore or Azure Span. Message to developers: Do Plunderstorm in Suramar.

  10. #64030
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  11. #64031
    also to the folks saying "Blizzard weren't hyping this up!11!!"

    They made physical merch you can buy, just to hype up limited time event that possibly might never come back. Like....wut

  12. #64032
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    also to the folks saying "Blizzard weren't hyping this up!11!!"

    They made physical merch you can buy, just to hype up limited time event that possibly might never come back. Like....wut
    I love it being called "Yes Pirates".

  13. #64033
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    also to the folks saying "Blizzard weren't hyping this up!11!!"

    They made physical merch you can buy, just to hype up limited time event that possibly might never come back. Like....wut

    Oh now that I've seen what it is, they are ABSOLUTELY hyping it. If the feedback is good, there will be a team working to get it on console and mobile before year end, especially with them getting back in China.

  14. #64034
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    also to the folks saying "Blizzard weren't hyping this up!11!!"

    They made physical merch you can buy, just to hype up limited time event that possibly might never come back. Like....wut

    I swear this forum makes me wanna end it all, They're obviously gonna wait to see reception, and if its positive then theyre definitely gonna bring it back/make i permanent use da brain

  15. #64035
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    I hope they make it permanent in some form - cause all they said so far is "We'll consider maybe bringing it back in the future if enough people like it" (paraphrasing of course)

    I think that at the very least, they should extend it until TWW/Pre-patch
    i really hope too. as a pvper, i love this new mode

  16. #64036
    Quote Originally Posted by Defend View Post
    I swear this forum makes me wanna end it all, They're obviously gonna wait to see reception, and if its positive then theyre definitely gonna bring it back/make i permanent use da brain
    Yes hence why I said "Possibly might never come back" cause if the overall player reception/feedback is really poor, we probably wont see it return. Reading comprehension is a wild thing.

    And I hope that's not the case cause that would be a lot of time, money and dev resources wasted for nothing if its fully scrapped.
    No doubt they'll use the tech used for to make this for future stuff.

    My post was also merely pointing out that Blizzard has been clearly going all in on publicly hyping this like its the best thing since sliced bread, but lots of people here and mostly twitter have been going "Nu uh! Devs haven't hyped this up at all, the players created the hype themselves!" Which I feel like is unfair
    Last edited by Throren; 2024-03-19 at 06:15 PM.

  17. #64037
    I am just here wondering why this isnt in regular WoW.
    Sure, you don't actually play your specific character, but it's still the same version of the game, giving rewards for regular WoW.

    I suppose the likely explanation is that they don't want to commit to making a UI for it in the proper version when it's future is so tenous, and might disappear forever.
    Hopefully it works out though, gets the option to queue from the regular game, and has future maps and gamemodes.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  18. #64038
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    Yes hence why I said "Possibly might never come back" cause if the overall player reception/feedback is really poor, we probably wont see it return. Reading comprehension is a wild thing.

    And I hope that's not the case cause that would be a lot of time, money and dev resources wasted for nothing if its fully scrapped.
    No doubt they'll use the tech used for to make this for future stuff.
    If that was your point you don't need to remind us. Warfronts, Island Expeditions & Torghast are all distant memories.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I am just here wondering why this isnt in regular WoW.
    Sure, you don't actually play your specific character, but it's still the same version of the game, giving rewards for regular WoW.

    I suppose the likely explanation is that they don't want to commit to making a UI for it in the proper version when it's future is so tenous, and might disappear forever.
    Hopefully it works out though, gets the option to queue from the regular game, and has future maps and gamemodes.
    I suppose it could have been in standard wow; but if new players want to try it out they'd have to do Exiles' Reach first.

  19. #64039
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    If that was your point you don't need to remind us. Warfronts, Island Expeditions & Torghast are all distant memories.
    Lul could you imagine if Torghast was only limited time (You only have 6 weeks to get all the cosmetics and all your legendaries) and then they also sold merch and t-shirts specifically promoting Torghast xD

  20. #64040
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    And I hope that's not the case cause that would be a lot of time, money and dev resources wasted for nothing if its fully scrapped.
    No doubt they'll use the tech used for to make this for future stuff.
    How do we know how much time, money and resources went into it? Blizz is simultaneously developing next two expansions and they pushed TWW release into an earlier window. It does not look like that creating this game mode hindered them much.
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