If they nerf flame whirl and increase the rep you get for placing higher/winning, the gamemode is pretty perfect for a basic first season. I really have no complaints.
If they nerf flame whirl and increase the rep you get for placing higher/winning, the gamemode is pretty perfect for a basic first season. I really have no complaints.
Also I hope this means we soon get full transparency on Timerunning and that it is much beefier than just a minigame and Siege coming back.
While im on my masohistic journey of lvling this renown track, i think the best way to do it is just quickly completing the quest and then pretty much let a mob kill you, repeat.
Yeah, 50 would be the sweetspot for renown maxing. As it stands, you need around 150+ on average. Just wayy too much for a limited event and the event being as shallow as it is. It's decent fun for a while, but it's going to get old quick.
im addicted and cant stop, send help
The fire tornado is definitely going to be nerfed, everyone who has it is god tier
think there will be an 60-70 exp nerf season 4?
I've won a couple of matches, it's pretty fun although the meta is quite set on stone. The problem is you have to grind too many games for the full rewards, level 38 for the full transmog, and the most efficient way to gain rep is to just complete the quest and then die.
Rime Arrow perplexes me more than Fire Whirl just being overtuned. That ability does beefy damage at higher levels for a long range guaranteed hit that has like a 4 second cooldown. You can force a fight or interrupt someone healing for free from a distance and I don't think you can even react to it with a shield ability in time, let alone the fact that the arrow will just be back in a few seconds anyway.
They could honestly reskin this so easily. Could even keep the Plunder iconography. Bring in multiple renown tracks, let the player choose their renown, they skin as that group, drop in.
"Champion... it's Dragonscale Expedition leader XYZ here. We need more funding! Get down there and grab us some coin!"
"Your kingdom needs you. Footman of Stormwind, help us gather resources back from these thieving pirates to restore the Kingdom's coffers."
"The Earthen Ring senses a disturbance in X zone. Pirates ravaging the land for gold. Clear the earth of their kind and keep their prizes to dissuade scavengers."
Just calling it an adventurer can easily become a body for hire for any faction looking for gold or a fighting body in said region. Could be some really fun combinations on maps and renowns.
Plunder can honestly be used for any scenario where you are unlocking chests and collecting gold. I think they may pivot from the pirate theme being an exclusive thing if they bring this back in a big way.
Plunderstorm is a good and catchy name imo, but they definitely would have to make it more varied in theming if it is to have a longer lifespan.
Yea that's the only thing that worries me.
It does however seem like their next iteration of it will be more tied to the main game. Maybe they'll do one more seasons before 11.0, then pivot it into a rebranded version that is tied a bit closer to the current expansion. Pirates are a great medium for a blank slate like this.
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Also, the content creator event is totally just a 60 streamers doing a bunch of rounds of Plunderstorm, right?
The caster type spells in plunderstorm make me really wish that retail casters played like that, with chargable, directional spells and being able to move while casting.
The current model of caster gameplay is super outdated and is annoying in the current endgame style of gameplay that demands almost constant movement and fast reactions. It worked on vanilla-cata as it was more chill, but we are far from there now.