Originally Posted by
Super Dickmann
Jumping off of this, in as much as there's a difference, it's one of priorities. Order does good in order to facilitate structure. The Light creates structure because it maximizes good. To Order, the means are the end. It doesn't make much difference if something works well, if it could at some point break, if it isn't foreseeable and its actions aren't understandable. That's why the default titan constructs are automaton people who do have traits, but are preset towards their purpose and why the first order of business for dragons is to take the random colouring of the Aspects and turn them into broad categories. Categories, plural, being the operative term.
By contrast, it doesn't much interest the Light whether you convert out of genuine conviction, or really what that conviction even is, you could want to heal the sick or to club the nonbeliever, so long as you're tied to the source it doesn't matter. In ideal circumstances, you wouldn't be forced into it, but if you are, tough, it's for your own good. Which is what leads into the other main point - the Light is intrinsically positive. The traits that are tied into it - empathy, courage, selflessness etc. are invariably good, its effects are geared towards support and healing. It aligns the soul and makes you a better person. You can use it for evil, but its principal nature is good, much like how the void's principal nature is evil, but it can be used for good.