1. #64901
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    because i would assume collectors edition has to ship early with the early access and i want to know "hey do i have to drop the money twice to be able to play the thing on launch with buddies" and put in pto because my boss is a cunt

    i am gonna guess the time running is the pve equivalent and its just boss rush

    - - - Updated - - -

    collectors edition was two months after announcement and i need to figure out how to get that sorted for my nerd wall lol
    Usually you have to buy the blizz store version first for the goodies/early access stuff and they are able to give you bnet balance back once you recieve your physical copy. So yes, you have to buy it twice, atleast that's what happened with Shadowlands/Dragonflight.

  2. #64902
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    No shot. If they do that it'll cause a lot of red flags for the other allied races, to the point where they may as well just change the whole allied race system to be subraces of the main races.
    I think that's how it should be for at least allied races that reuse the same model, like orcs don't have really different style of doing hair just because they're from alternate draenor.

    They have this ease trick that will increase the amount of customization combinations for hairstyles/beard combos.

  3. #64903
    The Earthen have a metal/wire hair texture/model that will make reusing it for regular dwarves tricky enough for them to not do it.

  4. #64904
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I think that's how it should be for at least allied races that reuse the same model, like orcs don't have really different style of doing hair just because they're from alternate draenor.

    They have this ease trick that will increase the amount of customization combinations for hairstyles/beard combos.
    I'm just surprised that they're continuing it. It just feels oddly limiting. Happy we're getting Earthen as a race, but it will be kind of weird having dwarf 3, this time with a ton of customizations.

  5. #64905
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I'm just surprised that they're continuing it. It just feels oddly limiting. Happy we're getting Earthen as a race, but it will be kind of weird having dwarf 3, this time with a ton of customizations.
    I think it's less to do with player want and more that they could reuse the main race for the expansion (used in 2/4 zones) as a box feature (new race). If Nerubians will be playable it will be later down the line and it's just something they didn't confirm at this time.

    Now, maybe a dwarf themed expansion wasn't the right call? Maybe the main race should've been a different, fan-requested race like Naga or Mogu? That's another discussion.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-04-02 at 03:26 PM.

  6. #64906
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think it's less to do with player want and more that they could reuse the main race for the expansion (used in 2/4 zones) as a box feature (new race). If Nerubians will be playable it will be later down the line and it's just something they didn't confirm at this time.

    Now, maybe a dwarf themed expansion wasn't the right call? Maybe the main race should've been a different, fan-requested race like Naga or Mogu? That's another discussion.
    Honestly, with atleast 30 more years of Warcraft on the way the question is no longer who, but when.

    Actually, for Mogu .... I mean, it's not like the Isle of Dorn is literally next to Pandaria, right? Right!?

  7. #64907
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think it's less to do with player want and more that they could reuse the main race for the expansion (used in 2/4 zones) as a box feature (new race). If Nerubians will be playable it will be later down the line and it's just something they didn't confirm at this time.

    Now, maybe a dwarf themed expansion wasn't the right call? Maybe the main race should've been a different, fan-requested race like Naga or Mogu? That's another discussion.
    I can only hope that they are doing a Dwarf Allied race because it's equally mediocre to everyone to gauge what future ARs, if any, they should add in future expansions.
    There are the obvious ones like Tuskarr in TLL, or as you said, Naga in Midnight. Both ones that are hugely anticipated.
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  8. #64908
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think it's less to do with player want and more that they could reuse the main race for the expansion (used in 2/4 zones) as a box feature (new race). If Nerubians will be playable it will be later down the line and it's just something they didn't confirm at this time.

    Now, maybe a dwarf themed expansion wasn't the right call? Maybe the main race should've been a different, fan-requested race like Naga or Mogu? That's another discussion.
    Well I just mean specifically the allied race feature. This doesn't particularly feel like an allied race. It feels like a neutral race with a campaign unlock, which is completely acceptible.

    I think the Nerubian playable race feeeeeels inevitable, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it's not done at all. There's a lot of cool races they've added along the way, but at some point if we get to TLT without one of Vyrkul, Ogre, Naga or Broken, maybe even Ethereal and Tuskarr as playable, I'm just going to be confused how races will work for the future of the game.

    Ultimately, I like dwarf as the main race for 11.0. I don't think they'll keep the forefront, I think we'll definitely see a lot of different players come to head. S1 of 11.0 will probably be very Earthen/Dwarf/Nerubian heavy, but I assume in the following patches we'll see some other groups step forward. Goblins (maybe Gnomes too) and Undermine feels like it'll happen, Hallowfall will probably be very human heavy with the Arathi (and maybe Scarlet...?), possibly some Calia play in here, and then with the "horrors" that they are battling we can possibly see Naga? A final patch with the Coreway will most likely be pretty dwarf heavy again, but I'm certain towards the end we'll start getting a lot of elf involvement.

  9. #64909
    I wouldn't entirely be surprised if some sort of Broken customization comes with the Draenei heritage armor. They're clearly building up to something with them with recent events.

  10. #64910
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Usually you have to buy the blizz store version first for the goodies/early access stuff and they are able to give you bnet balance back once you recieve your physical copy. So yes, you have to buy it twice, atleast that's what happened with Shadowlands/Dragonflight.
    Yeah but neither had full access to the new content

  11. #64911
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I wouldn't entirely be surprised if some sort of Broken customization comes with the Draenei heritage armor. They're clearly building up to something with them with recent events.
    They would need to make a Krokuul skin for women, as it currently doesn't exist, but yeah it would be nice to get a skin option for that.

    Its either that or some long term building up to an Outlands plot. I believe it was spoiled that the Broken leader from Argus is already on Azeroth by the time of the heritage quest.

  12. #64912
    They are returning Elemental Storms to double.

  13. #64913
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I wouldn't entirely be surprised if some sort of Broken customization comes with the Draenei heritage armor. They're clearly building up to something with them with recent events.
    I agree.

    Would be neat if from the Draenei heritage questline we get Broken and from the Troll heritage questline we get bulky trolls like the Amani.
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  14. #64914
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Well, nothing exciting this week.

  15. #64915
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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  16. #64916
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Well, nothing exciting this week.
    S4 date is something. One week earlier than I expected.

  17. #64917
    s4 in 3 weeks, thats pretty fast honestly. i was expecting 6-7 weeks after 10.2.6

  18. #64918
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Streets Strange by Moonlight
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    S4 date is something. One week earlier than I expected.
    So this means Alpha in 3 weeks window time.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  19. #64919
    Huh, week earlier than everyone thought. 10.2.7 on the PTR that Thursday or the week after? It'll have a truncated PTR cycle, but I imagine a good chunk of the content will be encrypted until release. I just hope they focus on stability and bug fixing in that case and we don't see another repeat of the 10.2.5 PTR or 10.2.6 dumping a whole bunch of bugs into the game.

  20. #64920
    Almost certain 10.2.7 will be on the PTR next week. It's going through all the usual motions you see a Week or so before.

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