1. #66641
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Plunder Isle
    New Naga zone?
    Place beyond the underground sea?
    New Titanforged zone near the core?
    Zone underneath the sword?
    I think the final zone will be a huge cavern with an azerite sea and azerite waterfalls. Huge titan structure at the center housing the world soul. Defense of the worldsoul will be the final raid. Although, we may have that for the final patch of the last titan instead, so hard to tell, but it could happen in TWW.

    Im hoping for 1 more underground zone, and 1 above ground patch zone.

    11.1 being a full on pirate zone like Plunder Isle as a breather would be super fun.
    11.2 being the finale with a huge underground zone. Hopefully totally new biomes so it doesn't feel like launch zones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It's hard to do cool battle scenes with the default models, especially when it comes to bigger creatures like dragons. But battle cinematics are also probably far more expensive because of the range of motion and often the number of characters showing up. The "Avengers Assemble" scene in 10.2 would have an insane budget to do in Blizzard's cinematics what with the massive number of characters that'd need to be rendered. But we could have had more dragon on dragon combat
    To be fair it would also be hard to do a scene like the TWW cinematic with the default models either because it depended entirely on Anduin's facial expressions.
    They definitely could have done TWW cine with in game models. BY SL the in game facial rigging was exceptional. It wouldn't have looked as good as a real cinematic sure, but they can definitely show complex emotion these days.

  2. #66642
    What is the possibility of the lively looking area with Talanji being a rework of the primordial trolls from early on in DF's concept? I'm sure it's incredibly unlikely, but I think it'd certainly be interesting, especially with the trolls history with the Old Gods.

  3. #66643
    I think they will reveal some kind of preorder bonus for TWW (not the bonus items) as we are currently lacking one. BFA had ARs, SL had new DKs, DF had... a pet.

  4. #66644
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Ahn'Qiraj/Silithus is my bet. The sword seems to be a focus, so not using either of these zones would be a missed opportunity.
    Maybe, but we will likely have more bug stuff in TLT. Would they want us to have 3 bug raid tiers in 4 or 5 years? Potentially more. The Klaxxi said they would side with anything void basically, so we may see them in Midnight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    The avengers assemble scene was so cringe, would have been better for it to be all ingame real time with no cinematic attached, as seeing all the characters fighting across the field while doing the quests was nice, but the cinematic was so bad.
    Yes, a scenario like Battle of Lordaeron with all the npc's fighting Fyrakk and his forces. Could have been cool.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    I'd be interested in seeing what the actual prison of C'thun looks like.

  5. #66645
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Look at the paladin sets from antorus, it's clear they just designed the mythic one and downgraded + put horrible colors for the others. It seemed they made the other versions intentionally unappealing and you had no way to get the mythic set. I even raided mythic in antorus and got CE and never got the helmet or the belt. It's so much better now.

    Only the druid and maybe rogue sets had nice lfr-heroic versions as they were more low fantasy with nice colors.
    The silver Antorus paladin set looks great though^^

  6. #66646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Well, some of the early screenshots for Azj'kahet shows a bunch of tents with plantlike designs and Talanji is in one of those tents. So it could be possible that Talanji might be a placeholder for a brand new design but we won't know for sure until we see some actual models.

    Though if it is plant related, I might hope for Botani if they managed to gain sentience and aren't bound to the Sporemounds.. but lorewise that wouldn't make much sense, as it would have to be something that's much more ancient living out underground away from the Nerubians.
    Playable Botani would be sick imo.

    I do kinda hope its Talanji though. I like her. Its been enough time that it would be cool to see her again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    The actual problem that wow has in the context of emotional display, is that a lot of it feels either unearned, underdeveloped or almost infantile sometimes (looking at you, chromie and Noz).
    Leaving us all feeling dissatisfied.

    The Amirdrassil finale cinematic is the epitome of that, a group of people that desperately tries to sell to us that they consider each other family, despite that half of those people never even exchanged a single word with one another, and a dialogue that sounds like they are reading off a script writen by a middle school arts and crafts teacher trying to write a school play.
    Only because they dont show enough. FF14 does a good job of making stuff like that feel earned, but WoW is not a primarily narrative game. They leave a lot up to imagination. Hopefully they put a bit more effort into TWSS. I think most unearned cinematics and moments would have felt epic with another dozen quests or so of build up int between each.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Pretty much this. They should merge the zone quest and main story team, we shouldn't have more stuff about centaur and Tuskarr than the dragon aspect protagonists in the most quest-heavy phase of the game.

    It seems like they'll be trying to fix that in TWW where they set up a protagonist trio that will probably explore the new zones with you, like FF XIV Heavensward did.
    I have a feeling Anduin and maybe Thrall will be star players throughout, but imo Alleria is going to die in Midnight, so who will take her place in TLT? Bolvar and Taelia?

  7. #66647
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    What is the possibility of the lively looking area with Talanji being a rework of the primordial trolls from early on in DF's concept? I'm sure it's incredibly unlikely, but I think it'd certainly be interesting, especially with the trolls history with the Old Gods.
    It could be, and would make Talanji relevant to the whole saga instead of just DF and SL (or her just being a big character because reasons). However I think it's something they would've revealed at Blizzcon, unless they look so weird that it's a big reveal.

  8. #66648
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    2 zones for each patch? Source? 2 zones and a mini zone is reasonable, but 4 is pushing it imo.

    We will have a better idea on what the patches may be once we see alpha/beta.
    I could see Tel'Abim being this expac version of Forbidden Reach, then Undermine for 11.1 and core of Azeroth for 11.2.

    With current mindset it would be strange to have 2 zones in single patch. Cause why do this when you can move one to minor patch, just like megadungeon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think they will reveal some kind of preorder bonus for TWW (not the bonus items) as we are currently lacking one. BFA had ARs, SL had new DKs, DF had... a pet.
    There is gryphon mount with different ability and 6 special races.
    Last edited by Dracullus; 2024-04-16 at 08:43 PM.

  9. #66649
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    I have a feeling Anduin and maybe Thrall will be star players throughout, but imo Alleria is going to die in Midnight, so who will take her place in TLT? Bolvar and Taelia?
    Illidan, Arator and the Fordragons feel likely. Turalyon?

    Odyn and Tyr will be major characters (and will definitely fight) but IDK about main cast.

  10. #66650
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Yeah sure, keep shitting on poor Steve although he just tried to save WoW after the shitshow that was BfA lore. Also keep in mind the basics of Shadowlands were also done by Afrasiabi ... Steve's baby was Dragonflight which was alright lorewise lol.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Tschu Tschu!

    Can't wait for the first wave of datamining, and the initial no alpha club haha.
    Steve inherited a mess true, but he didn't do a good job saving anything. He had 2 expansions to save it and couldn't. He thought S8 GoT was good. Nuff said. Cool guy. Not the right fit for WoW.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I think that we can all agree that DF story was low quality. Sure it has some cool characters (mainly the Incarnates) and some very good side quests (Blue Dragonflight questline), but the rest... pretty ''meh'' or even ''eew''. Although I agree that we cannot fully blame Danuser by DF alone because his story was probably changed, although I would say that 10.0 was entirely his doing and it was not very promising.

    Also does not help that in his interviews he was just terrible. Seriously, really bad. I still remember his explanation of how a character has several threads in different universes that mix together in the Shadowlands. My god that was hard to watch.
    He somehow made a statement worse than Infinite Legions lmao.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    My final warband camp will be - 2 orcs, troll and tauren.
    Mine will be pretty blood elves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I do not play alts, but hopefully I will start to do it in TWW. And even if I don't, I wouldn't like to see my DH alone. I am thinking of two Blood Elfs (DH and Warrior) accompanied by two Void Elfs (Hunter and Warlock), though this might change depending on what Hero Talents I find the most fun and cool.

    Yes, I like the Blood Elf model.
    The fact that you wont have to grind rep more than once should help ease you into alting. Max everything on your main? Make an alt. Level up. Have all recipes and rep gear unlocked to get you started. Just gear and up ready to play. Very simple.

  11. #66651
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think they will reveal some kind of preorder bonus for TWW (not the bonus items) as we are currently lacking one. BFA had ARs, SL had new DKs, DF had... a pet.
    It has a base pre-order bonus.

    500 Tender and a raid ready lvl 70 boost.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #66652
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Illidan, Arator and the Fordragons feel likely. Turalyon?

    Odyn and Tyr will be major characters but IDK about main cast.
    I'm so curious how they'll use Illidan. I think it'd be a little odd for TLT to just return to heavy Titan based themes after there was so much in Dragonflight, bound to be a good amount in TWW. I still think that the "conspiracy" to be revealed in TLT is that the Titans are light-aligned, skewing our perception on the entire cosmos situation. I think that the negative portions of the Light will be a big baddie in TLT, especially with the Scarlet Onslaught still in Icecrown. I feel like this is the only area where Illidan's story can pick up where it left off in Legion.

  13. #66653
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    There is gryphon mount with different ability and 6 special races.
    That is the CE mount. The last three expansions had a special bonus for preordering the game at all.

  14. #66654
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treegdar View Post
    I'm 100% positive the silithus sword will be addressed at some point during WSS, but idk if itll be during TWW. Seems like something that would make sense to be used when the titans come down during TLT. Maybe whatever Xal'atath does at the end of TWW plays into the sword in someway tho. Think they said something about a big titan tunnel running down from the Isle of Dorn into some great titan facility. Certainly could play into the sword somehow. I'd bet that at some point either Azeroth "hatches" and uses the sword or one of the titans in TLT uses it.

    Have an idea that feels up Metzen's alley. At the end of TLT we're fighting against some/all of the titans and almost defeat them, but in an act of desperation Aman'thul or someone goes for the sword to try and destroy azeroth, but Sargeras jumps in front and takes the blow sacrificing himself to save Azeroth. I haven't thought through the details of why Sargeras becomes a good guy, but the whole heroic sacrifice to stop something bad Sargeras himself created feels like something Metzen would write.
    What if his soul is saved and put into a titan construct, and he stays on Azeroth to protect her.

  15. #66655
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    There are these tents to be seen around those roots, featuring leaves and stuff. Maybe Botani, or some type of underground creature we haven't seen before? Perhaps Furbolg, lol.
    I hadn't thought about the Botani. They'd be completely unfamiliar to most of Azeroth, so an Azerothian variant of the Primals could fit as the mysterious guardians. If friendly Botani actually show up now, in an expansion with Allied Races (at least, I'm very hopeful that it'd be more than just the Earthen)... I'd love for them to end up playable too. I'd never considered the possibility of playable Botani, but I think they could be the most exciting race addition to me apart from Ethereals.

    I was already disappointed that we didn't get Ankoans back in BFA though, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.

  16. #66656
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    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    random off topic but what are we thinking will be the "seasonal flavor" dungeon(s) in the mythic+ dungeon pool for 11.0? seems like every season of DF has had 1 or 2 flavorful dungeons to reinforce the season theme. think neltharians lair for season 2 , everbloom / darkheart thicket for season 3, etc.

    spicy take but i think a lot of the wrath dungeons make sense. ahn'kahet , azjol-nerub, halls of stone (earthen origin lore). I could also see stonecore
    I think you very well may have guessed it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    good shout, for the arathi humans in hallowfall. would be curious how they rework those if they do. i think each wing is too small for a mythic+ dungeon, but if you combine them they'd be too big
    An Arathi raid like SM with SM dungeons in M+ pool could be super fun.

  17. #66657
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I'm so curious how they'll use Illidan. I think it'd be a little odd for TLT to just return to heavy Titan based themes after there was so much in Dragonflight, bound to be a good amount in TWW. I still think that the "conspiracy" to be revealed in TLT is that the Titans are light-aligned, skewing our perception on the entire cosmos situation. I think that the negative portions of the Light will be a big baddie in TLT, especially with the Scarlet Onslaught still in Icecrown. I feel like this is the only area where Illidan's story can pick up where it left off in Legion.
    TLT be heavily titanic for sure, it will be 4-5 years after DF which is plenty long for a break from the Aspects, Tyr and the gang. Metzen doubled down on it being about the Titans and Ulduar specifically so it is inevitable.

    Dornogal and the Earthen will be titanic but are their own spin on the aesthetic. TLT will be a return to the greek/standard Titan aesthetic because that's what it was in Wrath, and lead to the aesthetics we see in DF.

  18. #66658
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    For Season 1 i could see Scarlet Halls/Monastery or Grim Batol/Blackrock Caverns.

    And While an Ulduar dungeon would be fitting, i doubt Blizzard will use anything past cataclysm.
    Wrath dungeons are just too old, graphically as well as design-wise.
    Halls dungeons hold up a lot better graphically than the rest imo. I think they could work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Imagine if Blizz just ends up giving us nothing this week, lol. "Here are some cool stats from Plunderstorm, enjoy!"

    But nah, seems unlikely. I'm guessing info dump tomorrow as well.

    Presumably, it can't just be "I tried the Alpha and it's a lot of fun". It's gotta contain some news and surprises as well, surely.

    I reeeally want new class/race combos and Void Elf customisation. A Paladin button prune would be welcome as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What about Bolgbolgs and Elun'abolgs.
    I just want more bolgs man.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Illidan, Arator and the Fordragons feel likely. Turalyon?

    Odyn and Tyr will be major characters (and will definitely fight) but IDK about main cast.
    I kinda feel like we wont see Illidan for a while into TLT. Hopefully he survives and sticks around though. It would be cool to see him and Malfurion reconcile. Illidan needs a wife so he can get over Tyrande. Would Illidan/random elf babies be elves or demons?

  19. #66659
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Nah it's a chunky mess.
    every armour set in the game is a chunky mess to be fair

  20. #66660
    I guess it's safe to say not all hero specs will be playable right away with the alpha. I figured each spec would have one testable but they still haven't covered any of Shadow's.

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