So Delves' rewards will only go up to level difficulty 10 it seems. There will be levels 11 and 12 just for challenge and some achievements I guess.
Interesting, way more difficulty levels than I expected. More information needed.
Also Rated BG becomes the normal way to play if I understood correctly. Good.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Wasnt there already a nat pagle rep? If not there might be a new fishing rep in TWW.
So what do peopel think the new Human racial is going to be anyways? Lower prices from vendors is already a goblin racial.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Remember that :
There are no additional Allied Races to announce for The War Within at this time.
This Monk rework has finally granted me inner peace.
No wonder they are doing the whole elven reunion in Midnight.
They flat out just added another 2 elves/elven related races.
That said, the proto nelves look sick and i really want to see the Nelves and Trolls reaction to them.
Millenia of animosity, only for them to meet the living proof that they are related.
Formerly known as Arafal