Last edited by Mahcake; 2024-04-17 at 07:13 PM.
Maybe the fact that they're ancient Dark Trolls explains why Queen Talanji was seen in that BlizzCon presskit screenshot from Azj-Kahet? She could be there to discuss their shared history and perhaps bring them into the Horde or something?
Btw there is a more complex gryphon model, I hope it is a Gryphon Wild God
Maybe it corresponds with dungeons difficulty? Delve 1 Normal dungeon, D3 = M0, D4=M+2, D10=M+8? I think they said great vault will cap around Heroic raid gear.
And yeah, they want to avoid having 5 modes for rated PVP where it's already pretty niche compared to raids, dungeons and open world. I wouldn't be surprised if 3v3 will get axed too.
The priest tier set is sick. I'm gonna play so many alts in TWW, lol.
My main's a human mage, so maybe with the loss of diplomacy I may just finally race change to void elf.
Actually wait, no, I make a lot of use of the human heritage armor for my transmog. Nevermind, I suppose.
Ah y'know what, that'd track.
At least how I'm reading it, it sounds like you can double jump only after using roll.
Hope everyone's getting a bit more hyped now finally. I've been away for a while and have some questions if anyone can help me:
1. Do we know if there is a neutral sanctuary city for TWW?
2. Does there appear to be any noticeable difference between Horde and Alliance levelling experience?
3. For those in the know, how are we feeling about the known narrative so far?
Lastly, how does the tone of the expansion feel? Is there any content / expansions or patches that it feels like historically?
It's hard to get a good read on peoples opinions when you've been out of the loop for a few months lol