1. #68161
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    This. Every time we get something like this datamined some tinfoilhat theorists come around trying to find and answer to a question that's already answered. Blizzard isn't naming things in the files differently just to threw off people who see something datamined, if they really want something to be hidden they just encrypt it these days. It's the same people denying expansions leaks like the Alextrasza artwork .... usually the obvious answer is the right one, lol.
    It was the same thing with the Evoker quest that literally said it would unlock a new spec, and people just denied as if they would get far enough into an idea like that that they would make quests for it, and then just scrap it.

    People just love being devils advocate when there is no need for it.

  2. #68162
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    It was the same thing with the Evoker quest that literally said it would unlock a new spec, and people just denied as if they would get far enough into an idea like that that they would make quests for it, and then just scrap it.

    People just love being devils advocate when there is no need for it.
    Speaking of playing devils advocate, I think that it was honestly a 50/50 on Augmentation because things were in the files, BUT enough that it looks as though it may have been scrapped content. As there was never a spec added mid-expansion there was no precedent, but Blizz has cut things forever, so I honestly don't think it was obvious and there was a decent argument against Aug being a real thing.

  3. #68163
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Speaking of playing devils advocate, I think that it was honestly a 50/50 on Augmentation because things were in the files, BUT enough that it looks as though it may have been scrapped content. As there was never a spec added mid-expansion there was no precedent, but Blizz has cut things forever, so I honestly don't think it was obvious and there was a decent argument against Aug being a real thing.
    Yes but they're much tidier with that sort of thing in modern wow. Besides "Vampire Survivors" The last time something other than visual assets showed up in the game files & didn't end up released was the Liliana Voss storyline in Shadowlands.

  4. #68164
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Speaking of playing devils advocate, I think that it was honestly a 50/50 on Augmentation because things were in the files, BUT enough that it looks as though it may have been scrapped content. As there was never a spec added mid-expansion there was no precedent, but Blizz has cut things forever, so I honestly don't think it was obvious and there was a decent argument against Aug being a real thing.
    The thing is though, even if it's scrapped content... I didn't hate it. If Blizzard has to push things, that's fine as long as it falls within the scope of the plot. Retaking Forbidden Reach, discovering Aberrus and learning more of Neltharian and the black dragonflight was the perfect time to bring it in due to its class fantasy.

    I know a lot of people weren't big on the Dracthyr, but I really liked their storyline, even if it felt cut short. Sarkareth too was awesome. Neltharion casts a large shadow over a lot of WoW lore, so another failed experiment but on a much larger scale is a really cool work around to a dragon race. Sure, they're not visage forms for massive dragons like a lot of players wanted, but I think it was a really interesting way to attack it. Bold moves seem to be a Blizzard theme right now.

    Now boldly give us Broken playable.

  5. #68165
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    May 7 is earlier than I thought, nice.

  6. #68166
    So the calendar on the PTR seems to be right then.

  7. #68167
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Alleria in Dalaran as blog picture, hum

  8. #68168
    I figured a mid-late may release for Remix but man their internal predictions for Cata Classic must be rough.

  9. #68169
    may 7th for 10.2.7 , may 16th for remix. pretty soon, eh? a lot sooner than i thought

  10. #68170
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    may 7th for 10.2.7 , may 16th for remix. pretty soon, eh? a lot sooner than i thought
    Agree, was not expecting this.

    Seems that they are moving with purpose, as Metzen said
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  11. #68171
    Excited that the Alleria cutscene is 10.2.7 because it increases the chances that the Attack on Dalaran gets its own trailer cinematic.

  12. #68172
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Excited that the Alleria cutscene is 10.2.7 because it increases the chances that the Attack on Dalaran gets its own trailer cinematic.
    Pretty sure the actual attack won't happen till 11.0 since the opening questline of TWW is during & immediately after that said attack. I doubt they'd make 3 separate pre-rendered cutscenes for what is essentially one protracted event. Though it might be one of their new fancy in-engine cutscenes like for the Kaldorei heritage questline.
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    May 7 is earlier than I thought, nice.
    Only because we thought Holly meant there was more included in 10.2.7 that we hadn't seen yet, but in actually she just meant the alpha. Now the question is Remix ending in correlation to the pre-patch or the expansion?
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Alleria in Dalaran as blog picture, hum
    We already know there's a void elf campaign questline.

  13. #68173
    wasn't patch 10.2.7 supposed to have "dark heart" quests? where are those?

  14. #68174
    I would imagine it's gonna end with the start of the prepatch, because I am sure the plan is to level the character to participate in the prepatch with them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    wasn't patch 10.2.7 supposed to have "dark heart" quests? where are those?
    It's the Alleria/Void Elf quests.

    It's this bit here

    ushers in the final chapter of the Dragonflight expansion setting the stage for the story in the upcoming expansion, The War Within™.

  15. #68175
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    wasn't patch 10.2.7 supposed to have "dark heart" quests? where are those?
    wdym, they are in there

  16. #68176
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Excited that the Alleria cutscene is 10.2.7 because it increases the chances that the Attack on Dalaran gets its own trailer cinematic.
    A full CGI cinematic about the fitght against xalatath in dalaran would have been a lot more hype than the anduin and thrall one. Expansion reveals should be as hype as they can, and as good as the anduin cinematic was, it didn't really hype people up about a new foe or adventure.

  17. #68177
    Elemental Lord
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    Month earlier than I thought. There was no need to start so early, so either expac is earlier than late September or pre-patch is designed to last longer.

    What is more interesting, if S4 will last 12 weeks like SL version, pre-patch would land in the middle of July, which is also 8 weeks after MoP remix.

    Quote Originally Posted by justwatching View Post
    I figured a mid-late may release for Remix but man their internal predictions for Cata Classic must be rough.
    If Classic would end on Cata it would be such a big fail. Many people played Classic for old world and Wrath is less time wasting way to experience it, so destroying it for the sake of just 1 more expansion would be painful.
    Last edited by Dracullus; 2024-04-22 at 05:24 PM.

  18. #68178
    the alpha calendar which had remix on the 16th (now confirmed), had it ending on august 20th. seems likely thats when the prepatch event is

  19. #68179
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    A full CGI cinematic about the fitght against xalatath in dalaran would have been a lot more hype than the anduin and thrall one. Expansion reveals should be as hype as they can, and as good as the anduin cinematic was, it didn't really hype people up about a new foe or adventure.
    That and the Khadgar situation (plus how only a small chunk of dalaran made it out) make it seem like something incredible will happen. We know it will be somewhat playable because that alpha map leaked with the webs, but it would be the crazy kind of event that they need to space to mass audiences.

    Fan favorite super powerful wizard vs cool elf priestess villain would fit the bill.

  20. #68180
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    wasn't patch 10.2.7 supposed to have "dark heart" quests? where are those?
    They're encrypted but we have their quest names.

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