1. #68521
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Man, the Isle of Dorn is so pretty. There's a video up on Meisio's YouTube channel which shows the island with ambient nature sounds in the background.

    If you're chilling on one of those mountains, you can really see the sea all around you. Proper feeling of being on an island out at sea, for once. Coupled with the fact that horizons in WoW look better these days...

    The island itself is so cleverly designed for this type of expansion, as well. A large, clearly visible blue sky without a bunch of clutter. That's really helpful when players need a break from the caves below. Everything looks really crisp and pleasant as well.

  2. #68522
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    i guess the last blizzcon wasn't as successful as they thought it would be.
    or they want to milk more

    last year they oversold tickets and the convention center were dicks

    what makes more money
    1 giant convention for 4 games at 400 a pop
    4 smaller convention tailored for each game at 300 a pop

    you get fans of multiple IP going to multiple conventions

  3. #68523
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Streets Strange by Moonlight
    Yoooo dem appendages!

    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  4. #68524
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Yoooo dem appendages!

    Give me tinkers! But these look awesome, hope we get them somehow

  5. #68525
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Man, the Isle of Dorn is so pretty. There's a video up on Meisio's YouTube channel which shows the island with ambient nature sounds in the background.

    If you're chilling on one of those mountains, you can really see the sea all around you. Proper feeling of being on an island out at sea, for once. Coupled with the fact that horizons in WoW look better these days...

    The island itself is so cleverly designed for this type of expansion, as well. A large, clearly visible blue sky without a bunch of clutter. That's really helpful when players need a break from the caves below. Everything looks really crisp and pleasant as well.
    Can you fly away from that island and go somewhere or just another pocket area? It always feels like you are in some instanced area. No point in looking beyond the island if you get what I mean.

  6. #68526
    Imagine if when we wake up Azeroth, someone else gets to be speaker other than Magni. Maybe Thrall? It should be the player but that ain't happening.

  7. #68527
    if more and more people are hearing azeroth's voice, magni serves no purpose anymore.

  8. #68528
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    if more and more people are hearing azeroth's voice, magni serves no purpose anymore.
    Well he sacrifices his titan power to save Hall of Awakening, so he's not really a speaker anymore.
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

  9. #68529
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Imagine if when we wake up Azeroth, someone else gets to be speaker other than Magni. Maybe Thrall? It should be the player but that ain't happening.
    Wouldn't she just speak for herself then, no?

    Magnis role as the speaker is already redundant with Azeroth reaching out on her own.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  10. #68530
    Quote Originally Posted by Civciv View Post
    Well he sacrifices his titan power to save Hall of Awakening, so he's not really a speaker anymore.
    yeah, that's the point. him losing his powers is no big deal because azeroth is already trying to reach out to people by herself

  11. #68531
    Maybe Azeroth is tired of someone talking to her like a little girl? "Yes, I know you are ashamed cause you are a failure as a father but I'm a freakin PLANET, not a lass"

  12. #68532
    Hows the new zone opened this week ? aka the Ringing Deeps

  13. #68533
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Maybe Azeroth is tired of someone talking to her like a little girl? "Yes, I know you are ashamed cause you are a failure as a father but I'm a freakin PLANET, not a lass"
    I mean, speaker of Azeroth always was kinda lame to begin with.

  14. #68534
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I mean, speaker of Azeroth always was kinda lame to begin with.
    I thought it was really cool tbh
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

  15. #68535
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I mean, speaker of Azeroth always was kinda lame to begin with.
    It was a weird way to get yet another Alliance character and make them neutral (which is not fun for either faction)

  16. #68536
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It was a weird way to get yet another Alliance character and make them neutral (which is not fun for either faction)
    If it's the only way to make a character relevant for the overall story, it's all right. Now basically every character becomes neutral as questing is fully equal for both factions.

    His role as speaker was cool in Legion and meh in BFA, where the story never really focused on the titan soul really. TWW feels more like what BFA should have been as the aftermath of legion, making the Sylvannas trilogy feel like a mostly skippable filler. Just replace voljin with thrall after broken shore and make peace with the alliance and you can go directly to DF or TWW.

    Having a diamond dwarf was also cool aesthetically and thematically, but with earthen now it stops feeling unique so there's no need for him to be like that anymore, although I anticipated he'd die instead of becoming normal again.
    Last edited by allegrian; 2024-04-26 at 12:16 PM.

  17. #68537
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Hi role as speaker was cool in Legion and meh in BFA, where the story never really focused on the titan soul really. TWW feels more like what BFA should have been as the aftermath of legion, making the Sylvannas trilogy feel like a mostly skippable filler. Just replace voljin with thrall after broken shore and make peace with the alliance and you can go directly to DF or TWW.
    A perfect description of TWW and the Sylvanas saga.

    It does feel like the Sylvanas saga is actual filler. Why did we need a Fourth War? What did it add to the story, what value did that storyline have? Nothing. What value would be lost in a timeline where BfA/SL doesn't exist? Well, pretty much nothing.

    Oh wait, Yes, Sylvanas would still be around as the edgy Forsaken leader, instead of Nu!Sylvanas doing dailies in the Maw. Oh well, nothing of value was lost.

    Now TWW finally feels like a proper sequel to Legion. Even when it comes to Alleria, it made no sense that Eredath storyline built her up so much, and then BfA and SL do basically nothing with her.

    Horde players will NEVER understand how it felt to watch Alleria do nothing for the entire BfA and just serve as some throw-away NPC on a boat to upgrade the Facebook followers.

  18. #68538
    Quote Originally Posted by dadori View Post
    Hows the new zone opened this week ? aka the Ringing Deeps
    really cool imo. i expected it to be my least favourite zone of the expansion but i'm actually liking it a lot

  19. #68539
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Horde players will NEVER understand how it felt to watch Alleria do nothing for the entire BfA and just serve as some throw-away NPC on a boat to upgrade the Facebook followers.
    Well, that's still better than losing Vol'jin, a beloved and cool warchief after years of Garrosh, to a random felguard after doing nothing relevant as warchief.

    And then making him be retroactivelly fooled into putting another crazed villain as warchief.

  20. #68540
    Brewmaster CrossNgen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    A perfect description of TWW and the Sylvanas saga.

    It does feel like the Sylvanas saga is actual filler. Why did we need a Fourth War? What did it add to the story, what value did that storyline have? Nothing. What value would be lost in a timeline where BfA/SL doesn't exist? Well, pretty much nothing.

    Oh wait, Yes, Sylvanas would still be around as the edgy Forsaken leader, instead of Nu!Sylvanas doing dailies in the Maw. Oh well, nothing of value was lost.

    Now TWW finally feels like a proper sequel to Legion. Even when it comes to Alleria, it made no sense that Eredath storyline built her up so much, and then BfA and SL do basically nothing with her.

    Horde players will NEVER understand how it felt to watch Alleria do nothing for the entire BfA and just serve as some throw-away NPC on a boat to upgrade the Facebook followers.
    Straight up how I felt once TWW was revealed, I do think BFA could've worked narratively to build up the void as a threat if it kept the burning of Teldrassil vague for a "Who did it" plot to reveal it was an agent of the void by the end of it, fighting N'zoth and then going straight into TWW.
    Blizzard's cutting corners again? Yare Yare Daze...

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