1. #68541
    I just noticed that with horde earthen (dwarves), the horde now has 4 different playable models that can be paladins (BE, Zanda, Earthen, Tauren) vs 3 in the Alliance (Human, dwarf/DI/Earthen, dreaenei/LF), which is a bit silly given how paladin is the alliance flagship class.

    Shaman, the horde flagship class on the other hand is available to 8 different playable models in the horde (counting zandalari and earthen) and 5 on the alliance.

  2. #68542
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Well, that's still better than losing Vol'jin, a beloved and cool warchief after years of Garrosh, to a random felguard after doing nothing relevant as warchief.

    And then making him be retroactivelly fooled into putting another crazed villain as warchief.
    Ye, they did him dirty there. We are in luck maybe soon, hopefully hes return we be glorious as a golden infused loa.

  3. #68543
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    I just noticed that with horde earthen (dwarves), the horde now has 4 different playable models that can be paladins (BE, Zanda, Earthen, Tauren) vs 3 in the Alliance (Human, dwarf/DI/Earthen, dreaenei/LF), which is a bit silly given how paladin is the alliance flagship class.

    Shaman, the horde flagship class on the other hand is available to 8 different playable models in the horde (counting zandalari and earthen) and 5 on the alliance.
    Looks like you played too much classic lol.

  4. #68544
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Looks like you played too much classic lol.
    more than 200 hours in sod and a lvl 60 paladin in hc, so yep, maybe too much.

  5. #68545
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Yoooo dem appendages!

    One step closer to a claw pack!!!!

  6. #68546
    Quote Originally Posted by Trazzle View Post
    One step closer to a claw pack!!!!
    Give one of those to a kul tiran alongside the round sun glasses and you know what you get.

  7. #68547
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    I just noticed that with horde earthen (dwarves), the horde now has 4 different playable models that can be paladins (BE, Zanda, Earthen, Tauren) vs 3 in the Alliance (Human, dwarf/DI/Earthen, dreaenei/LF), which is a bit silly given how paladin is the alliance flagship class.

    Shaman, the horde flagship class on the other hand is available to 8 different playable models in the horde (counting zandalari and earthen) and 5 on the alliance.
    Still, even with 4 models - paladin is whole Alliance class. And btw Taurens are just Sun Druids, while Zandalari - priests.
    Paladins, theirs faith, theirs Order Hall, their whole fantasy is Alliance-centric.
    While Shamans are just more "fitting" some Horde races.

  8. #68548
    It seems like Brinthe is going to be the Earthen leader for the Horde. Is there any indication who will be the Alliance Earthen Leader? Anyone wearing a lot of blue?

  9. #68549
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    Still, even with 4 models - paladin is whole Alliance class. And btw Taurens are just Sun Druids, while Zandalari - priests.
    Paladins, theirs faith, theirs Order Hall, their whole fantasy is Alliance-centric.
    While Shamans are just more "fitting" some Horde races.
    Yeah I just meant from a gameplay perspective, you have more variety in playable races/models in the horde if you want to play paladin. In the alliance we've been stuck with human/dwarf/draenei since TBC, the first wow expansion. Worgen, Night Elves and Kul Tirans should be able to be paladins as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    It seems like Brinthe is going to be the Earthen leader for the Horde. Is there any indication who will be the Alliance Earthen Leader? Anyone wearing a lot of blue?
    Where does that come from?

  10. #68550
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Where does that come from?
    Based on her being the one Earthen NPC wearing all red. Just like Firepaw was the one Pandarian wearing red. We know how this works already.

  11. #68551
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Based on her being the one Earthen NPC wearing all red. Just like Firepaw was the one Pandarian wearing red. We know how this works already.
    Could be, although I think they're going with earthen playable characters just being adventurers from the TWW zone that are exploring the world and joined whichever faction, I don't think important earthen leaders will join either faction politically, but we've yet to confirm this. Isn't the earthen AR intro quest/cinematic in the Alpha?

  12. #68552
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Could be, although I think they're going with earthen playable characters just being adventurers from the TWW zone that are exploring the world and joined whichever faction, I don't think important earthen leaders will join either faction politically, but we've yet to confirm this. Isn't the earthen AR intro quest/cinematic in the Alpha?
    I mean they did add a red and blue dracthyr Scalecommander so each faction could have a representative. I am sure they'll do something similar with two high ranking Earthen.

  13. #68553
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Voidweaver spell animations look sick.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  14. #68554
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean they did add a red and blue dracthyr Scalecommander so each faction could have a representative. I am sure they'll do something similar with two high ranking Earthen.
    It's a bit different as dracthyr are a main race and have no place to go so they join the factions. Earthen have the same flavor text for both factions in the caracter creation screen and makes them look like individual adventurers that want to explore the world, but who knows. The flavor text says this:

    "Newly freed of the edicts that bount them, the new earthen venture forth with limitless curiosity to explore the world and join the Alliance/Horde"

  15. #68555
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Could be, although I think they're going with earthen playable characters just being adventurers from the TWW zone that are exploring the world and joined whichever faction, I don't think important earthen leaders will join either faction politically, but we've yet to confirm this. Isn't the earthen AR intro quest/cinematic in the Alpha?
    Players can make Earthen for testing. We have the achievement but it seems like you have to complete the the TWW campaign questline for each zone to unlock them properly.

    Generally we need a faction leader for the race to actually feel like part of the horde or alliance when the story dictates they have club meetings. We haven't had one of those for a while so people forget Azurathel, representing the Obsidian Watchers, is the leader of the Alliance Drakthyr & Cindrethresh of the Dark Talons is the leader of the Horde Drakthyr.

    I assumed the introduction of the Unbound, Oathbound & Machine Speakers factions was to eventually represent Alliance, Horde & Neutral Earthen.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    It's a bit different as dracthyr are a main race and have no place to go so they join the factions. Earthen have the same flavor text for both factions in the caracter creation screen and makes them look like individual adventurers that want to explore the world, but who knows.
    So like Pandarians, who have Ji Firepaw & Aysa Cloudsinger
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-04-26 at 02:01 PM.

  16. #68556
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Players can make Earthen for testing. We have the achievement but it seems like you have to complete the the TWW campaign questline for each zone to unlock them properly.

    Generally we need a faction leader for the race to actually feel like part of the horde or alliance when the story dictates they have club meetings. We haven't had one of those for a while so people forget Azurathel, representing the Obsidian Watchers, is the leader of the Alliance Drakthyr & Cindrethresh of the Dark Talons is the leader of the Horde Drakthyr.

    I assumed the introduction of the Unbound, Oathbound & Machine Speakers factions was to eventually represent Alliance, Horde & Neutral Earthen.
    We'll have to wait and see. Did we see other earthen leaders with custom models? And the npc you said looks like a Machine Speaker.

  17. #68557
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Voidweaver spell animations look sick.
    I know. At the rate they are going with talents changes and hero specs, I'm gonna have a hard time choosing a main this expansion. But I guess Warbands make it possible to main multiple classes, so...

    I just hope the core/capstones of the more passive Hero trees (Keeper of the Grove, the Resto-Cat one, Shado-pan, Soul Harvester (Affli/Demo), etc.) look as good
    Last edited by Auxis; 2024-04-26 at 02:12 PM.
    By Blizzard Entertainment:
    Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.
    My Nintendo FC is 2208-5726-4303.

  18. #68558
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I assumed the introduction of the Unbound, Oathbound & Machine Speakers factions was to eventually represent Alliance, Horde & Neutral Earthen.So like Pandarians, who have Ji Firepaw & Aysa Cloudsinger
    Not the same, as those pandaren aren't actually from pandaria, but from the wandering isle that they leave behind (until Legion monk order hall), and they are a main race, so it's basically the same as dracthyr where they join each faction as their new home after losing theirs.

  19. #68559
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Not the same, as those pandaren aren't actually from pandaria, but from the wandering isle that they leave behind (until Legion monk order hall), and they are a main race, so it's basically the same as dracthyr where they join each faction as their new home after losing theirs.
    In that their race description is the same for each faction.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    We'll have to wait and see. Did we see other earthen leaders with custom models? And the npc you said looks like a Machine Speaker.
    I mean, I don't know which faction of Earthen is going to go with which group.

  20. #68560
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    In that their race description is the same for each faction.I mean, I don't know which faction of Earthen is going to go with which group.
    I hope they don't to that "earthen faction" split. Just make the three factions neutral and let you make your earthen's headcanon be whatever you want. Horde earthen make little sense so its better to keep them as "allied individuals" than political affiliations.

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