Next two dungeons:
Next two dungeons:
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
The context for Earthen becoming playable is Magni cleanses and fixes the machine that allows for the awakening of new Earthen. All of the story quests required to unlock Earthen are in alpha already, only thing we are missing is the player Earthen intro.
But no major group joins one side. During the quest, the Bronzebeard family and you the player basically re-unify Earthen society so all the groups are working together and happy with each other now. Adelgon, the leader of the Unbound retakes her former position as Dornogal's Stoneward and takes interim command of Dornogal's military after the Stormward Baelgrim's death. The rest of the Unboudn rejoin the Oathsworn after the Dorn quests. After the RInging Deeps, the Machien Speakers are saved by the Player and the Bronzebeard crew and also rejoin the others now that the coreway is cleared and Brinthe is named High Speaker of the machine speakers after Moira nominated her.
And of course Magni giving up his Azeroth powers to cleanse and repair the Hall of Awakening allowing new Earthen to awaken (this is the last story quest requirement needed to unlock player Earthen)
My guess is newly created Earthen will start her in the Halls of Awakening since that area is its own closed off instanced bit
In the Darkflame video, you can see at 7:30 how earthen are almost as tall as humans, and an earthen warrior using Avatar is taller.
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It's similar to the kul tiras story and from what you say they are basically an alliance allied race that is given to the horde with little context for gameplay/balance reasons.
All Light spells look similar to bronze spells, as hey share a color scheme.
Bronze is made distinct with all the sand effects, of which there are none in the crystal animation.
Its literally just the void effect but painted gold.
Whatever Naaru is stuck in there is just struggling to stay afloat.
Formerly known as Arafal
The how is pretty well established through the duality of light in Naaru lore who can turn in "void gods" and it works in reverse as well.
You're not wrong that the effect looks a bit more sand-like, but I don't think it means anything. It could be an intersting twist if timey-wimey is involved. Could. It could also make it a horrible mess.
But they aren't. It sounds like you only completed part of the story quests. Some of the meta-achievement requisites aren't even in the current build. Clearly there's more context we haven't seen yet.
What is left of Earthen after you finish your corpse run:
The other requirements seem to be basically get to max level and finish the max level campaign - dont think that will have much bearing on the Earthen story since every lose end and major problem they have is basically resolved after leveling.. Im assuming the United We Stand campaign will be about taking the fight to Xal'atath and the spiders with all the allies we made through the leveling experience so I dont imagine that will have any major story bits dealing with Earthen society
But the end of the day I think its pretty safe to say based on everything else that no entire group or faction of Earthen will straight up leave Khaz Algar and officially join a faction under one fo the main leaders, that def aint happening.
There's a mount in the journal on alpha called Armadillo Roller that's using the Mechagon bike as a base just like the dynamic ground mount testing did, alongside an untextured armadillo/pangolin model. That could be our dynamic ground mount.
forget what the others said. This 100% looks like bronze time magic. And it kind of makes sense given what we know about the Arathi and the crystal so far.
The arathi supposedly only arrived rather "recently", and they appeared there by mysterious means, while also having a lot of half-elves? This could mean they are actually from the future, when humans and thalassian elves are friends again, or are directly back from the time of the troll wars, and behind the deal between humans and elves and teaching magic, there was also a more close cultural exchange.
That the crystal will apparently rather frequently turn from light to dark and back. While we know that naaru do that, we have never seen a naaru come back from their void presence on their own. They were always helped (Velen, priest order hall). So, some bronze power user, might stave of the fall of that naaru for the time, but who knows how long they will keep up?
Anything know about what Dynamic Ground mounts actually do? If it's like its equivalent in Guild Wars 2 it can go directly up & over any walls or obstacles.Still they would need someone to represent them in the Alliance or Horde. Every faction does this:
The Taoshi (Alliance Pandaren) Aysa Cloudsinger
The Houjin (Horde Pandaren) Ji Firepaw
Obsidian Warders (Alliance Drakthyr) Azurathel
Dark Talon (Horde Drakthyr) Cindrethresh
Silver Covenant (Alliance Kirin Tor) Vareesa Windrunner
Sunreavers (Horde Kirin Tor) Aethas Sunreaver
Also note each of these faction leaders are color coded blue for alliance & red for horde. So keep your eyes out for a blue earthen npc.
But those examples are all politically affiliated with either factions or simply live in that factions territory/city, while now with neutral AR that are their own neutral faction and kingdom they can go with individual heroes joining either group, which makes sense as there's no political stuff behind it. This helps making earthen their own faction whenever they appear and don't need to be tossed into the horde or alliance unlike zandalar and nightborne, whose stories are now forever in the context of the horde faction.
You're forgetting that "recently" to the Earthen of Dorn could be up to 10,000 years. Also if the crystal has something to do with time magic that doesn't mean the people living in Harrowfal do. They barely understand the crystal structure. If it really is a ship of some kind its more likely whoever is in it is time traveling, not the people who live below it.How does that not apply to Drakthyr? They also joined these factions post-faction-conflict. But blizzard still gave them their own specific horde/alliance subfaction & leader.
Last edited by Ersula; 2024-04-26 at 06:08 PM.
The term "recently" was not used as a POV of the earhten, it was said during the blizzcon panel. And i never said, that the arathi use the time magic. but that time magic might be the reason they are here, and why it would make sense with the strange shifting of the crystal. For all we know, any of the arathi could be an bronze dragon. And considering that dragons most often choose elven and human visages... and one of the current aspects, Kalec, has a half-elven visage. Might all be coincidence. But i doubt it.
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Perhaps a renown reward?