1. #68661
    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    As a subplot it works, like in vanilla. Having a cold war on where some skirmishes happen and races/characters are allowed to hate each other without dragging in the red and blue blobs can create valuable pathos.
    Nobody's proposing they amp up a faction conflict forever, only for the length dictated by the narrative. Also people are revising the whole Garrosh arc; that was really well received. Though there is a universe of satisfying war stories that don't boil down to one general being extremely evil & wow hasn't actually explored any of that.

  2. #68662
    I'm kinda loving the little details with the Earthen.

    When you die, you don't leave behind a skeleton

    You leave behind a pile of rocks.

    Someone is having way too much fun with these guys and I'm here for it.

  3. #68663
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Then why does the US military do it?

    I was going to say the game of thrones series lasted 30 years but I guess that's a bad example.
    Because you can't tell the difference between "doesn't" and "cannot".

  4. #68664
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Nobody's proposing they amp up a faction conflict forever, only for the length dictated by the narrative. Also people are revising the whole Garrosh arc; that was really well received. Though there is a universe of satisfying war stories that don't boil down to one general being extremely evil & wow hasn't actually explored any of that.
    Lol no Garrosh's arc wasn't very well received, primarily because he had less of an arc and more a series of personality transplants based on who wrote him that time, much like Sylvanas later on. Basic Campfire memes existed for a reason, and they marked him to become Orc Hitler precisely because he wasn't that popular. His fans are/were super vocal of course, and there's increasing and fairly understandable nostalgia for such an unapologetic character now that too much of the cast have become Anduin fans, but let's not confuse that and his arc being good let alone well received.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  5. #68665
    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    Lol no Garrosh's arc wasn't very well received, primarily because he had less of an arc and more a series of personality transplants based on who wrote him that time, much like Sylvanas later on. Basic Campfire memes existed for a reason, and they marked him to become Orc Hitler precisely because he wasn't that popular. His fans are/were super vocal of course, and there's increasing and fairly understandable nostalgia for such an unapologetic character now that too much of the cast have become Anduin fans, but let's not confuse that and his arc being good let alone well received.
    And that was all over the course of less than 3 years. Iconic.

  6. #68666
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I'm kinda loving the little details with the Earthen.

    When you die, you don't leave behind a skeleton

    You leave behind a pile of rocks.

    Someone is having way too much fun with these guys and I'm here for it.
    Agreed I like that attention to detail.

    That and the fact that all (or most) the earthen citizen/NPC gear we see we can actually get for Earthen/Dwarves is pretty nice. I was expecting them to pull a BfA and show us cool mogs but never give them to us.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  7. #68667
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Agreed I like that attention to detail.

    That and the fact that all (or most) the earthen citizen/NPC gear we see we can actually get for Earthen/Dwarves is pretty nice. I was expecting them to pull a BfA and show us cool mogs but never give them to us.
    I'll admit I'm still a bit annoyed that I can't use them on non-dwarves but I get it. Just the transmog fiend in me wanting it.

    But between that, the dance, and everything else I've honestly switched from not being a fan to planning on making an alt.

  8. #68668
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I'm kinda loving the little details with the Earthen.

    When you die, you don't leave behind a skeleton

    You leave behind a pile of rocks.

    Someone is having way too much fun with these guys and I'm here for it.
    That's honestly the bare minimum. It would break the lore if they left behind a skeleton.

  9. #68669
    For anyone interested, here's some screenshots of a passageway blocked by roots that's at the entryway to Azj-Kahet from Hallowfall. As she notes, there's nothing past the roots but its a long passageway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    That's honestly the bare minimum. It would break the lore if they left behind a skeleton.
    Got me wondering what happens to mechagnomes and from what I can find its a normal skeleton, all parts, so wouldn't be the first time if they did.

    I'm just enjoying the small touches. This, the whole inability to eat food, so on.

  10. #68670
    Faction war stories are cool conceptually but I don't want them in the game until they have meaning, and they won't be able to have meaning as long as we have a whiny community who counts how many characters of a different "faction" (apparently, Khadgar is Alliance just because he is a human) are present in story quests.

    I just think it's incredibly lame to have faction war that's essentially just tit-for-tat. A horde character dies, so an Alliance character has to die, or it's unfair. An Alliance city gets destroyed, so a Horde city has to get destroyed, or it's bad writing.

    Teldrassil was the first time and only time faction war had legitimate consequences that didn't consist of killing a filler character, and people are still losing their minds over it and how unfair it was.

  11. #68671
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    I don't think people really miss faction war. I think they miss FACTIONS. Horde/Ally had like 5 minute presence at the end of DF and SL wasn't much better.

  12. #68672
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    That's honestly the bare minimum. It would break the lore if they left behind a skeleton.
    Can they be Death Knights? If so then oops.

  13. #68673
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I don't think people really miss faction war. I think they miss FACTIONS. Horde/Ally had like 5 minute presence at the end of DF and SL wasn't much better.
    I personally don't really miss the factions atm but I do wish we got more focus on some races. Hopefully Void Elves and Blood Elves get more focus with the next 2 xpacs (i know a lot of ppl are tired of elves though lol)

  14. #68674
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zers Editor View Post
    Either in Midnight or The Last Titan, but yes, I find it a big possibility. As well as Taelia taking her place both in the leadership of Kul'Tiras and in Anduin's inner circle.
    Many of the peers brought into the trilogy will become a part of the latter, that's how it seems to me.
    I agree, there seems to be a switch on the guard for couple of races, such as night elves with shandris, gilneas with tess.

    She could also just go off and chill a bit on kul tiras. She has been very active, but I cant help but getting super tired of her. Anduin not so much perse, but ye I think its cool we see others get the spotlight foe sure.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I don't think people really miss faction war. I think they miss FACTIONS. Horde/Ally had like 5 minute presence at the end of DF and SL wasn't much better.
    There is truth in what you say. I also believe people dont care much for the war, but do care about factions. Care about racial repressentation and what they stand for. Yoi cant really have much of that with a major threat, where everyone needs to work together all the time. The combined forces of the horde and alliance is not very appealing to me personally.

  15. #68675
    i know right

    you go twitch, u barely see anyone streaming Alpha, you go youtube, there r fewer and fewer videos

  16. #68676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    With how little they deviated from Shadows visuals over the years, i'm just happy that we got something this time around.

    I'm still holding out for a potential shadowform makeover,.
    The void has had a more varied visual aesthetic for a while now, but this expasion we are getting quite a few more colorations.
    Idk I prob would like the same blue in a new shadowform, slightly darker. With that and I think what Nyrmhold said as well, I would like if they extend it ro the rest of the kit.

    Powerword: shield is this one thing that always annoyed me personally for years and years.

    Personally I also wish its not all just old god stuff, I hate they pigeonholded us into that vibe and thats it. I admired the mind/shadow/vampiric side or the raven priesthood. Shame we never had that choice. Voidweaver matches, but ye.

  17. #68677
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I don't think people really miss faction war. I think they miss FACTIONS. Horde/Ally had like 5 minute presence at the end of DF and SL wasn't much better.
    Yeah i don't care about the war at all between Alliance and horde anymore.

    But more faction and races presence and more questlines besides heritage armor stuff would be awesome.

    You don't really need war to have cool content for each faction that expands current affairs that they deal with and such.

  18. #68678
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Can they be Death Knights? If so then oops.
    The scourge used titan constructs back in Warcraft III iirc - the weird tolvir things in Northrend.

  19. #68679
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadori View Post
    i know right

    you go twitch, u barely see anyone streaming Alpha, you go youtube, there r fewer and fewer videos
    Because they send invits to Classic streamers who don't care of retail, they should focus on big players instead (if u have 35K+ achiev you're in, for example)

  20. #68680
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    The scourge used titan constructs back in Warcraft III iirc - the weird tolvir things in Northrend.
    Weird Tol'vir Destroyers aren't Death Knights, though.

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