1. #68681
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Well, they clearly have souls.

    Regardless of how 'artificial' their souls may be, i don't think its that big a stretch to have had Bolvar or Arthas grab some dead Earthen and infuse them with their necromancy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Can they be Death Knights? If so then oops.
    So can everybody else, but most death knights are not in fact skeletons.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  2. #68682
    I wonder if Earthen DK have any explanation on alpha?

  3. #68683
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Weird Tol'vir Destroyers aren't Death Knights, though.
    Earthen DKs could literally be enslaved Earthen.

  4. #68684
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I don't think people really miss faction war. I think they miss FACTIONS. Horde/Ally had like 5 minute presence at the end of DF and SL wasn't much better.
    Basically this. People liked faction war because it's the time when the horde/alliance does something and gets center stage, specially the horde as it only gets lore focus in faction war stories.

  5. #68685
    I assume that the Titans have found a way to divert souls to their forged creations. It may well end up a plot point; the forces of the Plane of Life may be none too pleased about this after all.

  6. #68686
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Earthen DKs could literally be enslaved Earthen.
    The machine-made creatures of stone, isolated from the world for thousands of years, were present for Bolvar's DK-a-thon five years ago?

    I won't even mix souls into it, because the Old Gods have suggested all things have souls. Some type of animism going on? Not sure.

    But logically, no Khaz Algar Earthen ought to be DKs.

  7. #68687
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    But logically, no Khaz Algar Earthen ought to be DKs.
    Sure, but Earthen Dks don't need to be from Khaz Algar.

    Worgen Death Knights weren't originally from Gilneas either, their existence was justified with Arugals involvement.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #68688
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    The machine-made creatures of stone, isolated from the world for thousands of years, were present for Bolvar's DK-a-thon five years ago?

    I won't even mix souls into it, because the Old Gods have suggested all things have souls. Some type of animism going on? Not sure.

    But logically, no Khaz Algar Earthen ought to be DKs.
    Nothing dates the Allied-Race DK starting "experience". He literally says

    Listen closely, <name>. A time of great destruction lies on the horizon that will challenge our very existence. Now more than ever, we must rise to the defense of Azeroth.

    It is for this reason I have expanded the ranks of my champions to include the <race>. Your sacrifice sets you apart from all others. Hold your head high. Forevermore, you will be a death knight of the Ebon Blade.

    Now swear your fealty.
    and then sends you off. That description could pretty much apply to every expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also: new cutscene descriptions dropped.

    Faerin helps Anduin get his light back, as expected.

    Faerin begins the ritual to restore the Light, but looks back at Anduin. She's seen him struggle.
    She extends a hand. He refuses, but she insists.
    Finally, he accepts and joins in the ritual.
    Faerin tells Anduin to relax, breathe, let it all go. Be here in the Light.
    The Light begins to trickle and the ritual completes.
    Also, prologue summary:

    -Beckoned by the World Soul, our heroes have traveled to Khaz Algar by way of Dalaran.
    -To their horror, it is revealed Xalatath snuck aboard and launches an all-out assault on Dalaran as soon as they arrive.
    -Dalaran is torn to shreds, crashing into the beach of Khaz Algar.
    -Many are dead or wounded, and Khadgar is nowhere to be found.
    We are antagonizing titans (that's the end of the leveling campaign cutscene):

    -Merrix and Adelgonn agree to commit the earthen to the war.
    -Adelgonn smashes the titan console to officially break the edicts.
    -Celebration cuts short as klaxons ring out across the isle.
    -A huge titan construct rises from the sea and heads toward shore.
    -The titans don't take kindly to disobedience...

    Horde and Alliance shows up at some point

    From over the horizon, ships approach.
    The combined might of the Alliance and Horde navies sail into the bay and come to a stop.
    Leading the armada, Jaina and Thrall stand confidently on deck.
    Anduin mirroring Varian

    Faerin, Alleria, and the player climb the ladder to the ship, only to see that Anduin has been left behind.
    Anduin sees the nerubians preparing a ballista that would take out the airship.
    He finds his resolve and jumps into the fray to stop them.
    Faerin, Alleria, and the player watch in horror as Anduin is enveloped by the horde of nerubians.

  9. #68689
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Just wait and see, Silvermoon being neutral is super obvious unless it ends up not being a main hub at all for anyone. But if it is, it will be for both. If any of the old faction capitals gets revamped in the future, specially if they are used as the expansion's main hub, it'll be for both factions. This allows blizzard to focus on content for everyone instead of making double the content and it makes sense in today's lore of the factions being at peace with some of their leaders being almost best friends, as well as gameplay reasons like both factions being able to share the same raid or guild.

    Factions will be a thing of lore/story and not gameplay. I'm not saying storwind will stop being an alliance city, or silvermoon a horde city, as they'll be affiliated to their faction in-universe but neutral in gameplay. Why would the city guards kill alliance races on sight when they are collaborating with the horde to help them while their racial leaders are in buddy adventure together?
    There are two options for Silvermoon in Midnight. It is either a neutral hub for all players (the current ruined western half could easily be rebuilt for high and void elves) or the city gets overtaken by the void forces assaulting Quel'Thalas and the city will be hostile questing zone like Suramar in Legion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Can they be Death Knights? If so then oops.
    They can be.
    Can be handwaved aw with saying that being undead is not a requirement, and they can wield necromantic magic as they are.

  10. #68690
    Did blizzard got rid of warband character screen poses(like sitting near campfire) for each character or do you think it's not implemented yet on alpha?

    early previews from blizzcon.

    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2024-04-27 at 01:12 PM.

  11. #68691
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Did blizzard got rid of warband character screen poses(like sitting near campfire) for each character or do you think it's not implemented yet on alpha?

    early previews from blizzcon.
    From the dev Q&A:

    -For launch there will be just the one Warband background. They had to break (and fix) the entire character select screen to make it work.
    -Double click on a character to login from the Warband screen is hopefully coming soon.
    -Pose selection on the Warband screen is on the list of things the team wants to do, TBD if/when.
    So it will come later.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #68692
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Anduin mirroring Varian cutscene
    Boy, I wonder if he'll survive or will be saved by someone particular... Speaking of Khadgar, I wonder if the case with him will be that he is simply playing possum.
    Last edited by Zers Editor; 2024-04-27 at 01:31 PM.

  13. #68693
    There are so many Titan-forged DK cards in the hearthstone Titan expansion. Seems like necromancy, plagues, blood: it's simply the most ancient form of magic.

  14. #68694
    Quote Originally Posted by Zers Editor View Post
    Boy, I wonder if he'll survive or will be saved by someone particular... Speaking of Khadgar, I wonder if the case with him will be that he is simply playing possum.
    I can't imagine Khadgar's end to be him just going missing. When he passes, it will get a cinematic and be clear. So imo, he is probably alive somewhere.

  15. #68695
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Sure, but Earthen Dks don't need to be from Khaz Algar.

    Worgen Death Knights weren't originally from Gilneas either, their existence was justified with Arugals involvement.
    They do, actually. The Earthen of Khaz Algar are "dwarfy" precisely because they lived on the Isle of Dorn, and were changed by the presence of the worldsoul. All those gems and stuff are also because of this, as well as their increased height.

  16. #68696
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I can't imagine Khadgar's end to be him just going missing. When he passes, it will get a cinematic and be clear. So imo, he is probably alive somewhere.
    They've brought back Medhiv in Legion, to me this saves Khadgar for any death until we encounter Medhiv as a main expansion character.

  17. #68697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Nothing dates the Allied-Race DK starting "experience". He literally says
    ? Bolvar isn't the Lich King anymore after SL, and the Helm of Domination is gone. His DK starting experience is pretty specifically within that whole Legion-BfA era, I'm pretty sure. Even if we're being generous and say he started right as soon as he took the throne in WotLK, it's still too early for the Earthen.

  18. #68698

    Icy veins has datamined the story of 11.0


  19. #68699
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post

    Icy veins has datamined the story of 11.0

    Wow they weren't kidding. Not only is Thrall not in this expansion, there's no horde rep at all. Though they could fix that by making Brinthe the leader of the Horde Earthen, which would make sense if Brinthe joins the Unbound & Baelgrim being an Oathsworn.

  20. #68700
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post

    Icy veins has datamined the story of 11.0

    They datamined the cutscenes/cinematic descriptions, not the whole story.
    It is a lot of info though.

    To return to the arguing from yesteday, so much for the "the crystal is 100% time travel".
    Turns out the Arathi have a ritual to infuse it with the Light again.

    Also, forget Taelia, Anduin and Faerin are definitely exchanging bodily fluids.

    Formerly known as Arafal

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