1. #68921
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Yes, clearly the game needs a 17th variation of elf instead
    If elf fans would have 10 variations of elves in the game, they would be still flooding forums and all social media for more elf races, it's just weird.

  2. #68922
    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    And who's gonna play a broken? Serious question. Why implement another race that only a minimal fraction of player would even dare to touch?
    They are ugly and most people don't want to play ugly characters. That's why you barely see Kul'Tiran females or mecha gnomes.
    Instead of creating another fringe allied race they should spend their resources on more options for the established ones.
    Honestly, all of the allied races are a novelty. Most people won't play a specific allied race. But people do try them & the people who really wanted them are made very happy.

    I just find it strange we don't do races that are more generally involved in the setting, instead going for races that are very briefly important.

    Prevalent WoW races that aren't playable include: Broken, Moknathal, murloc, tuskaar, mogu, naga, tolvir, gnolls, kobolds, furblog, centaur

    Expansion featured races that are playable and only relevant because they were made playable: Nightborne, Mechagnomes, Earthen, Vulpera, Highmountain Tauren
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Someone pointed out the root theme and thorn theme, plus their quills and fur, matches up with Quillboar.

    Now, why they would do "Quillboar Elves" I'm not sure.
    Goddamn we almost got Quillboar & they make hairy elves instead.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-04-28 at 05:51 PM.

  3. #68923
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurahk View Post
    They are right, lack of Horde is inexcusable especially after being sidelined expansion after expansion with a bunch of characters and races not getting even something as a vendor NPC. We're all gonna follow after Anduin, Alleria, Magni e.t.c. and if we're lucky, we get to spend a single quest with Thrall whilst he attempts to "find himself in the Horde" (he has done this for 4 expansions in a row).
    Implying Thrall's role won't consist of helping Anduin through his quarter-life crisis so he doesn't get his grubby green mitts on any actually relevant plot point.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  4. #68924
    The lack of Horde in TWW does point to Midnight Lordaeron being Forsakenpalooza, which will create the funniest reaction on twitteroth.

  5. #68925
    Bloodsail Admiral Plehnard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Broken are one of the most iconic races since W3 and Velen already established connection with the Cheftain Hatuun and broken on Argus.

    Another thing - They're badass, not ugly.

    I know many just like playing with their shiny, pretty barbie dolls, but to me personally it's the most basic b thing and having only "pretty cleaky clean" races is boring, especially another variatons of offshot elves/something.
    The same was said about Kul'Tirans and the only reason some got played was that there racials were great for some classes. And now? They are less then a percent in the player base. I don't care who you find cool or iconic or that you don't like "barbie" characters.
    The reality is the wide majority of players want beautiful, cute or brutal looking characters and broken are neither.
    Broken are just a worse version of draenei and even those are only in 4th place played on alliance side.
    Last working wow census had Kul'Tirans (fat humans) and Mechagnomes (Disfigured Gnomes) under 1% of player base. Alliance doesn't need another fringe race nobody wants to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    We should get tuskarr too.
    I agree on this one.

  6. #68926
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The lack of Horde in TWW does point to Midnight Lordaeron being Forsakenpalooza, which will create the funniest reaction on twitteroth.
    I'm the forsaken stan & even I don't believe they're going to make them important to the plot. People suddenly shifted from "Silvermoon will be made neutral" to "Of course Midnight will be horde focused" as soon as we brought up the lack of participation from horde characters in this storyline.

  7. #68927
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I'm the forsaken stan & even I don't believe they're going to make them important to the plot. People suddenly shifted from "Silvermoon will be made neutral" to "Of course Midnight will be horde focused" as soon as we brought up the lack of participation from horde characters in this storyline.
    This is true. Midnight will be an elf-fest, with perhaps a Forsaken side-camp as a Tranquilien shoutout and the majority of the plot centering around Alleria and the interchangeable high/blood elves. I hope to be wrong but sincerely doubt it.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  8. #68928
    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    I'd argue them starring in a third faction would have been far more interesting than forcing everyone in the red or blue blobs, but vanilla itself already showed the genie was out of the bottle on that one, and TBC completely killed the idea of cohesive faction aesthetics and identity by adding Blood Elves to the Horde so that they would have a pretty race to play with. It makes sense from a player demographics point of view but I still don't have to like it, and would far have preferred 3-4 factions to the current mess.

    It's why Horde getting dwarves doesn't stress me in the slightest. They've had classic elves for close to 20 years now, who cares.
    Yeah the horde theme and story in wow is a mess between the villain bats and the magic, aristocratic elves being there with the tribal brutes. I have a hard time playing horde for that reason as someone who cares about lore and inmersion, the horde just doesn't make much sense in wow now and have barely any interesting characters left.

  9. #68929
    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    I disagree, but i don't have to compensate myself in the game by playing a pretty doll so i wouldn't know.. just a joke, calm down

    Bring broken to the alliance! If they will add them, then we can do some raids together, i might even show you some cool Broken mogs.

  10. #68930
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The lack of Horde in TWW does point to Midnight Lordaeron being Forsakenpalooza, which will create the funniest reaction on twitteroth.
    There definitely has to be a strong undead sub-plot given the Scourge should be a big part of TLT. Hopefully over the course of two expansions we can see some proper set up to some new antagonists and story for the Forsaken

  11. #68931
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    Yeah the horde theme and story in wow is a mess between the villain bats and the magic, aristocratic elves being there with the tribal brutes. I have a hard time playing horde for that reason as someone who cares about lore and inmersion, the horde just doesn't make much sense in wow now and have barely any interesting characters left.
    I can't take this line of logic seriously when Night Elves have all the same cultural values as Trolls & Tauren; they even worship the same gods. It's just this quasi-racist real world logic where castles are valid forms of civilization & straw huts are not.

    Though it does remind me when the Warhammer MMO was in development they teased this feature where the racial alliances would change periodically, in real time affecting world pvp. Unfortunately they couldn't commit to that.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-04-28 at 06:10 PM.

  12. #68932
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I just find it strange we don't do races that are more generally involved in the setting, instead going for races that are very briefly important.

    Prevalent WoW races that aren't playable include: Broken, Moknathal, murloc, tuskaar, mogu, naga, tolvir, gnolls, kobolds, furblog, centaur

    Expansion featured races that are playable and only relevant because they were made playable: Nightborne, Mechagnomes, Earthen, Vulpera, Highmountain Tauren
    Goddamn we almost got Quillboar & they make hairy elves instead.
    I find this annoying too, by end of saga we might get to few more races that we've never seen and were only established for one expansion or just major patch.

    Bunch of "whos?" might be added, because probably new developers working on these races don't care about any of the older ones, but their new work.

  13. #68933
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I can't take this line of logic seriously when Night Elves have all the same cultural values as Trolls & Tauren; they even worship the same gods. It's just this quasi-racist real world logic where castles are valid forms of civilization & straw huts are not.
    I'm not saying straw huts are not valid, I mean that Blood Elves and Nightborne dont fit with orcs/trolls/Tauren at all and are basically opposed themes. BE are a borrowed alliance theme, the same way alliance highmountain tauren would have been a horde theme in the alliance that made little sense. Night elves and undead were their own faction in W3 so yeah they are a bit different than their core faction but they still can work fine together. And the night elves worship elune above the ancients, those are more of a druid thing. Night elves are not a tribal race and they are not a (not evil) monster race, which were the main horde themes in W3 and vanilla.

    I'm not saying that the tribal horde is not valid, I mean that the weird mix they did with them and blood elves alongside bad writing, 2-3 time villain batting and killing its main characters made me feel uninterested in playing the horde seriously given my lore and inmersion preferences. I like the horde in vanilla and W3, it's just sad for me what they did with them in wow.
    Last edited by allegrian; 2024-04-28 at 06:16 PM.

  14. #68934
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    There definitely has to be a strong undead sub-plot given the Scourge should be a big part of TLT. Hopefully over the course of two expansions we can see some proper set up to some new antagonists and story for the Forsaken
    The Scourge/Undead really are the least predictable plotline for the entire expansion. They seem completely irrelevant to the saga story.

  15. #68935
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The Scourge/Undead really are the least predictable plotline for the entire expansion. They seem completely irrelevant to the saga story.
    I disagree. Blizzard always diversifies the story of every expansion to reduce theme fatigue. You can pretty much guarantee undead will be added as a minor story to deviate from the otherwise elf-heavy story in Midnight.

  16. #68936
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    This is true. Midnight will be an elf-fest, with perhaps a Forsaken side-camp as a Tranquilien shoutout and the majority of the plot centering around Alleria and the interchangeable high/blood elves. I hope to be wrong but sincerely doubt it.
    I mean, if it's not, it would be weird. I am not excited for it (I am for the architecture!) but I don't think there is anything wrong with a Quel'thalas focused expansion to be an elf-fest. It would be like having Draenor with no orcs and draenei.

  17. #68937
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Bring broken to the alliance! If they will add them, then we can do some raids together, i might even show you some cool Broken mogs.
    I don't get the hype about broken, they're just old, ugly and decayed draenei. But most people I see asking about them are horde mains who are used to the undead model I guess (and who don't really care about the alliance getting cool races).

  18. #68938
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I can't take this line of logic seriously when Night Elves have all the same cultural values as Trolls & Tauren; they even worship the same gods. It's just this quasi-racist real world logic where castles are valid forms of civilization & straw huts are not.

    Though it does remind me when the Warhammer MMO was in development they teased this feature where the racial alliances would change periodically, in real time affecting world pvp. Unfortunately they couldn't commit to that.
    Why does it have to be straw huts though? Draenor wasn't just huts. neither was Highmountain. The Orc/Troll/Tauren tribal core of the Horde can still create advanced civilizations. They just have very different aesthetics. Dazar'alor has a very distinct aesthetic but there is no mistaking it for elf or human.

  19. #68939
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean, if it's not, it would be weird. I am not excited for it (I am for the architecture!) but I don't think there is anything wrong with a Quel'thalas focused expansion to be an elf-fest. It would be like having Draenor with no orcs and draenei.
    Oh, of course, the concept means it must be an elf fest and that's fine enough for what it is. My main issues as it's coming up relates to how much of a bore the blood elves in general have been post-TBC and the whole 'uniting the elven tribes' business possibly turning even thiis into a night elf-athon. Oh, and whatever they do with the Amani. Visually, I'm sure they'll knock it out of the park.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  20. #68940
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    This is true. Midnight will be an elf-fest, with perhaps a Forsaken side-camp as a Tranquilien shoutout and the majority of the plot centering around Alleria and the interchangeable high/blood elves. I hope to be wrong but sincerely doubt it.
    The amani trolls will probably be a big part of midnight. I wonder if night elves will be part of that "elf tribe unification" as they're the most different to the rest and have less ties with them, unlike Thalysra after the marriage.

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