1. #69581
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what the main enemy faction of The Last Titan will be.
    I am willing to bet money it will be an antagonistic keeper/watcher/stormforged force lead by Odyn.

    Aman'thul may be there from the start but I can see him being similar to KJ/Sargeras in Legion. Odyn has way too much potential, more players are familiar with him (especially Legionbabies) and they have already hinted that he's bad in a way that is actually understandable (manipulating his position and misunderstanding titan edicts).

    If they don't want to go "Titans bad" they can have Odyn be the fallguy as he has already been shown to be a bad dude.

  2. #69582
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Considering how much Metzen loves the light and Paladins, I think Turalyon will have a big part in whatever happens after TWW.
    They don't do it, it was supposed to be Turalyon instead of Anduin, but for some reason they put Anduin in the story. Why don't they want Turalyon and Alleria to travel like in the old days? My only guess is that Turalyon will look too masculine. Have you seen Anduin in the new quest? whines like a sissy while the next woke character #821 crushes skulls.

  3. #69583
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what the main enemy faction of The Last Titan will be.
    The Titans (some will aid us) and the Keepers. Probably some Light forces too.

    Ingame planet. There is nothing between EK and Kalimdor that we are not saw. And there is nothing with storms that cover continents. But according recent books - no one crossed Forbidding and Veiled Seas, except Night(something) pirate and one green dragon
    No source, then

    The storming sea and the forbidding sea may be one and the same and the Arathi traveled south and eventually east across it, finding Avaloren?

    Maybe the heretics Odyn sent in search of were Titanforged/Keepers who forsook the titans for the Light?
    If I recall correctly, the book of 10.2 talked about a dragon that wanted to know from where the west winds came, and so she crossed the Storming Seas. Thus, I am guessing that she went west, not east, which is where the Forbidden Sea is.

    Another important fact here is that Tyr sent the expeditions to Avaloren, and the expeditions in fact reached Avaloren, but were destroyed. So the lands across the Storming Sea are probably not Avaloren, as nothing crossed that sea except the Green Dragon from the book.

    All this leaving aside that if the Keepers were destroyed on sight when reaching Avaloren, It is unlikely that thousands of years later some Arathi humans got there unharmed.

    What I am trying to say is that I believe that Avaloren is one continent / island and the lands across the Storming Sea a different continent / island.
    Last edited by Darkarath; 2024-05-03 at 10:38 PM.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  4. #69584
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It could even be bigger. They'd just need to figure out how to do a single landmass in multiple expansions.
    I hope it is.

    If the World Soul Saga is the new normal in terms of expansion storytelling then I’d love a trilogy set in Avaloren with each expansion opening up new areas of the continent.

  5. #69585
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    This probably was the original intention, yes, and they invented all the Iron Horde's tech. However, the way the lore actually wound up happening was that Garrosh went with only Kairoz, meaning the orcs were still able to read these blueprints with minimal context and teach themselves all the necessary fundamental skills to build the technology and make it functional while the Blackfuse only wound up going to Draenor after the Dark Portal got rerouted. It wasn't Blizzard's intention, but the execution and Blizzard forgetting to bring any goblins back makes it technically canon.
    You fight Blackfuse Company goblins in Hellfire Citadel, after the AU Dark Portal was destroyed and the only portals to and from Azeroth were being manned by Horde/Alliance mages, which meant that the Blackfuse Company would have had to have travelled with Garrosh into the past to arrive on AU Draenor.

  6. #69586
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Why would they do that?
    Why wouldn’t they?

  7. #69587
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    How long do you think it will take the average user here to understand that Blizzard doesn't have a plan or a logic, they only have arbitrary made-up rules of what constitutes a "cool" and varied enough setting for an expansion?
    In five years after The Last Titan releases.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Similarly, an asspulled, April Fools' joke like Pandaria served as an expansion setting. Meanwhile, Nazjatar and Ny'alotha, long-awaited realms of darkness and despair from many whispers throughout the years, were just a patch setting.

    Blizzard doesn't have any plan or logic, they only care if a continent is varied and fresh enough to be tolerable for an entire expansion. Argus, Nazjatar, and Ny'alotha didn't have enough variety to be tolerable for two entire years, while Kul Tiras and Pandaria did.
    WoD was 70% Orc and Blizzard made an expansion out of that, because at the time they still had passion for Orcs. Argus had way more potential as it was once the Draenei homeworld... 25,000 years ago, and had since become the headquarters for a galaxy spanning legion and could have now been host to many other races (as well as possibly other races that existed on Argus 25,000 years ago besides Draenei). But Blizzard didn't have passion for that so it was written off in a patch and you just get more Eredar and demons rather than anything brand new like Pandaria's creativity.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    "We present you the World Soul Saga, a story that will span multiple expansions" *proceeds to explain where each expansion will take us*, and from the latest interviews "We already know how it will all end", but "Blizzard doesn't have a plan or a logic".
    This is nothing different from how Blizzard has operated for the past two decades, where they are always planning two expansions ahead and we still got shit planning. Only difference is this time they're telling us ahead of time what they were planning.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Emerald Dream and Argus would not work for me as expac "continents", because first one is a primal Azeroth
    Zones for an Emerald Dream expansion have been brainstormed time after time again. There was a lot of potential there. It is ludicrous to boil it down to "it's all just going to be green forest zones!" rhetoric.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Varodoc has a point. If anything the writing in WoW never commits to anything. For example, we just finished a whole expansion about the Aspects getting back their "aspectral" powers, something they've been struggling with for a decade & they've never actually explained what those powers are. Its easy to write the premise of a plot, but writing a proper climax, the thing they usually struggle with, to an expansion requires committing to the plot currently going on. And the World Soul Saga seems like an excuse to never write a climax, because like Dragonflight, each expansion is just the prelude for what's coming next.
    Killing the Lich King felt like an accomplishment. It felt like you had beaten the ultimate villain and had saved the world, felt like you had beaten the game. Same with Dragon Soul and defeating the humongous world ending dragon, and even same with Siege of Orgrimmar with bookending the story with Grommash's son and ending the Horde vs Alliance conflict. It felt like an ending. I haven't felt that in the game in a long time. Not with Archimonde. Not with blue guy. Not with giant tentacle monster. Not with the janitor. Not with the firey ben 10 alien.

  8. #69588
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    The Titans (some will aid us) and the Keepers. Probably some Light forces too.
    I've gotten the feeling that the "conspiracy" of TLT will be that Aman'thul amongst others is entirely compromised by the Light and plans to deliver Azeroth to them in some form

  9. #69589
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    You fight Blackfuse Company goblins in Hellfire Citadel, after the AU Dark Portal was destroyed and the only portals to and from Azeroth were being manned by Horde/Alliance mages, which meant that the Blackfuse Company would have had to have travelled with Garrosh into the past to arrive on AU Draenor.
    When and how? We know how Garrosh got there, and he went there with only Kairoz accompanying him. They'd have to have come through around the time when the Dark Portal was redirected, well after the Iron Horde got off the ground.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  10. #69590
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I mean... I think it's gonna be quite literal. Titular baddie.

    Either Iridikron is going to prove to be correct and we slightly team with him, or Iridikron kills a/multiple Titans and they decide to remove Azeroth from her stasis and reoriginate the planet.

    We'll be god-killers.
    So the mobs you will be fighting in The Last Titan will be Titanforged? Stone dwarves, mechagonmes, vyrkul, and celestials like Algalon?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    When and how? We know how Garrosh got there, and he went there with only Kairoz accompanying him. They'd have to have come through around the time when the Dark Portal was redirected, well after the Iron Horde got off the ground.
    Ah, now I remember. There was a subplot in the War Crimes novel about Zaela going around assembling Garrosh loyalists for the Garrosh jail break at the Temple of the White Tiger. I don't recall if they teleported with Garrosh and Kairoz to AU Draenor or somehow regrouped with him there later.

  11. #69591
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Please, do continue.
    I swear, the skepticism over the ringed stasis chambers that appear in the logo of an expansion called "The Last Titan" — an expansion about the dark secrets of the titans — being titan technology is ridiculously arbitrary. I have no clue why or how anybody could doubt it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Ah, now I remember. There was a subplot in the War Crimes novel about Zaela going around assembling Garrosh loyalists for the Garrosh jail break at the Temple of the White Tiger. I don't recall if they teleported with Garrosh and Kairoz to AU Draenor or somehow regrouped with him there later.
    It's just Kairoz and Garrosh. Zaela and her ilk retreated but seem to have remained on Azeroth and only regrouped with Garrosh after the Dark Portal reopened.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  12. #69592
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    So the mobs you will be fighting in The Last Titan will be Titanforged? Stone dwarves, mechagonmes, vyrkul, and celestials like Algalon?
    I'm unsure the specific mobs, but they will certainly be Titan aligned. I'm under the belief that Aman'thul is an agent of Light, so that's a possibility. Aside from that, we'll see as we get closer, but it seems certain that the Titans in some form may not be on our side.

  13. #69593
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    I hope we go off-world in Midnight to a planet with sky boxes like Argus, particularly Eredath. K'aresh is obviously a good candidate.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Midnight is by far the most hype expansion ... imagine the priest sets.

  14. #69594
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Please, do continue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    War of the scaleborn was released after 10.1 when the toy was put out and new lore overrides old lore so even assuming toys are suppose to be lore indicators or dragon made stuff wouldn’t be called “Titan” the prisons would still be like all dragon.
    This is how the lore has always worked. sorry, not sorry.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  15. #69595
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I hope we go off-world in Midnight to a planet with sky boxes like Argus, particularly Eredath. K'aresh is obviously a good candidate.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Midnight is by far the most hype expansion ... imagine the priest sets.
    I'd be shocked if we don't go off-world somehow. Memory serves they talked about portals being opened so would make sense we push back in somewhere.

  16. #69596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I hope we go off-world in Midnight to a planet with sky boxes like Argus, particularly Eredath. K'aresh is obviously a good candidate.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Midnight is by far the most hype expansion ... imagine the priest sets.
    The set will just be glowing pieces of a Naaru corpse, with big purple swirlies imploding us into the infinite abyss. The 4-piece shall make us one with the void, at long last.

  17. #69597

  18. #69598
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Ive been trying to find zone flythroughs and managed to find this one. A good idea of the scope of Hallowfall. It has to be the biggest zone ever made. It looks a good bit bigger than Azure span to me. And the verticality is amazing. It should shut up people complaining about lesser expansions imo. Sure only 4 zones, but 4 zones with at least double environmental variety compared to older standard zones, and twice the size etc. Its like getting 7 or 8 zones of Legion size. Definitely not a large patch like some complained about.

  19. #69599
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I hope we go off-world in Midnight to a planet with sky boxes like Argus, particularly Eredath. K'aresh is obviously a good candidate.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Midnight is by far the most hype expansion ... imagine the priest sets.
    Do we know if the Ethereal's still occupy what's left of K'aresh? I'd be interested in seeing a true Ethereal city, and I'd imagine a possible wellspring of nether energies (like Netherstorm) at the remains of their homework would be an ideal location. I like to imagine bizarro-ancient-Egyptian architecture given their similarities to mummies.
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  20. #69600
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Also, I noticed in the official patch notes for 10.2.7 that they posted yesterday: they mentioned that the Darkspear heritage comes with 2 different helmets. Maybe they listened and are giving us a mask and mask/face-cloth option?
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