Last edited by Enrif; 2024-05-05 at 08:16 AM.
realistically getting hit by a large enemy (like most nerubians are) would probably do at least one of these:
1) break the hook
2) break the shoulder armor
3) destroy her shoulder
i find this design kinda dumb and impratical. getting rid of the shield and only using the other arm would have been better for her. also, doesn't she need help everytime she has to equip it?
Yeah, lets not appreciate the thoughts put into a character but argue logic in a game where you can shoot fire out of your hands.
Realistically more than half of wows character roaster, including our own characters, should've accidentially killed themselves by stabbing their own skulls with their shoulderpads.
Character and armor design in this game has never and will never be designed with realism in mind.
It's all suspension of disbelief and rool of cool.
Formerly known as Arafal
haters gonna hate, people want to be angry with her (for whatever reason) instead of appreciating the nice things.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Realistically, getting hit by a large enemy like most nerubians are while holding a shield normally would break the shield and destroy your entire arm and shoulder and ribs on that side, and throw you into a nearby wall where you'd die from blunt force trauma.
Taking hits from large enemies is entirely impractical to begin with. Force doesn't magically dissipate into nothing when you block a blow, it's tranferred, as you so clearly understand. I dunno why you're trying to apply physics here, but not with the other 20 years of regular humans casually parrying dragons 20 times their size as if it were a tennis ball being thrown and not several tons of muscle.
Yes, the least unrealistic.
Her hanging shield does require more suspension of disbelief than most characters being clad in so much plated armor, that gravity alone should've ended their existence ages ago.
If Anduin can hold up shalamayne with one hand, a sword that's as long as 2/3rds of his height and as wide as his own thighs, or Alex can walk around covered in spikes and a giant metalic dragon spine on her lower back, or Talanji/Elisande wearing giant plated boxes on their heads 24/7 without it pushing their skull into their torso, then Faerin can dangle her shield without issue.
Let alone the PC.
Our armor designs are ludicrous and have never made any sense.
My main shouldn't be able to raise her hands without stabbing her temporal lobe.
Formerly known as Arafal
I just don't like her name. Reminds me of those individuals who go by fae / faer ... too far.