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Last time we spent an entire expansion in a cosmic realm the playerbase rioted. I don't think we're going to completely ignore the concept, but I also don't think we're going to be spending entire expansions in them anymore. A patch seems like the compromise.
As for Avaloren, I certainly hope it's an expansion setting, but the writing is on the wall for it being a patch in TWW or Midnight. These aren't the patches I want, they're the patches I'm predicting.
They're going to expand on Quel'thalas and make more zones for it from the launch of the expansion - I doubt the patch zones will add any extra zones to Quel'thalas beyond maybe an expanded Isle of Quel'danas, so going to another realm seems like the most likely option there. We already know it's going to be 'a fight between Light and Void', and we already know Azshara is 'beyond the umbral veil' looking for 'the true throne of power', so using the Sunwell to create a portal there seems like a safe bet.
As for Northrend, I'm more than half expecting they're going to revamp the majority of the continent for the launch of the expansion, which leaves little in the way of patch zones other than underground or in some new Titan spaceship or something. Part of me wonders if Ulduar is going to be turned into an 'outdoor' patch zone, but that could end up being a bit disappointing to a lot of players if it's just asset reuse. I'm not sure how big they're going with their ambitions yet, so I think "Northrend at launch, extra zones in patches" is safe, and if we're going to be ending the titan conspiracy it makes sense to fight them in their own realm so they can't come back.