1. #69921
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Or it is just resonance. Everyone infused with the Light would resonate to a prime Naaru and be empowered simply by their presence. Makes sense to me.
    The way he interacted with her and how he is light infused, I would so its slightly more then just a resonance, but it defo could just be a lighting up effect. I thought the light had a warmth like effect for some.but ye, its hard to tell and It doesnt have have to mean much else then that.

    Hes bowing/kneeling and doing everything he can to restore her tho, kinda had a differnt feel to it. Hes a true follower of the light. How far would some one like him go when shit hits the fan.

  2. #69922
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I agree that Rootlands won't be the final patch, but I think Undermine is guaranteed to be a full patch rather than a megadungeon simply due to the datamined icon's name being "goblinraid".
    Then where do you fit the Rootlands? As we’re very likely only getting two major content patches.

    If Undermine is a raid then I can’t see it being set in the Rootlands. Which means the 11.1 added zone is likely Undermine (if it is to be a raid) with the Undermine raid itself likely taking place in the centre of the city.

    If we’re getting the Rootlands then the associated raid will likely be Eluhn’anir.

  3. #69923
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Well, after ~5min it could offer to also consider other queues, like it does for Chromie Time.

    What's dreadful about Court of Stars, the spy room? At the risk of going off-topic, I feel like this could be improved nowadays, with the NPCs showing their attire as private auras, so you can target them and check their buffs whether they fit the clues, instead of walking up close to them.
    Or disable that mechanic for LFG (TW or not) and just have the spy flee to the area where we fight them when they spot us.
    There's nothing "dreadful" about it, it's just significantly slower and more involved than the alternatives. You have to do the spy thing, if your group isn't on the ball or overgeared (which TW queued groups usually aren't) you have to do the demon pack boss side pulls. People have to actually be paying attention to the non-elites that trigger the alarms.

    It's just very much the path of most resistance if you're choosing a pool of dungeons, and that VotW is also in that same pool makes it comparatively an even worse option.

    It's not the end of the world, but differences like that compound. People talk in Trade about "how much slower" Legion is, and then everyone queues for Wrath TW, and then everyone knows each time that event comes around that you do the Wrath one not the Legion one, and the queue becomes worse each time.

    After 5 minutes doesn't really solve the issue here, which is more that anyone who likes Legion TW in this hypothetical now either has to mostly run Wrath instead, or wait forever.

  4. #69924
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    The way he interacted with her and how he is light infused, I would so its slightly more then just a resonance, but it defo could just be a lighting up effect. I thought the light had a warmth like effect for some.but ye, its hard to tell and It doesnt have have to mean much else then that.

    Hes bowing/kneeling and doing everything he can to restore her tho, kinda had a differnt feel to it. Hes a true follower of the light. How far would some one like him go when shit hits the fan.
    Shit hit the fan when she died and he forgave have her killer because there was a bigger job to do. Heck he pleaded to the Light to spare his Void wife; a zealot would have turned her in. There is a wide gap between being faithful and being a zealot. I know we have demonized religion in the modern day (and with good reason) but there is nothing wrong with faith in itself.

  5. #69925
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Then where do you fit the Rootlands? As we’re very likely only getting two major content patches.

    If Undermine is a raid then I can’t see it being set in the Rootlands. Which means the 11.1 added zone is likely Undermine (if it is to be a raid) with the Undermine raid itself likely taking place in the centre of the city.

    If we’re getting the Rootlands then the associated raid will likely be Eluhn’anir.
    I really don't know. I still think the final raid is either in the heart of Azeroth or in the Coreway. Maybe Elun'ahir's roots penetrated through the Coreway in a manner that allows easier access, and that's the entrance/inciting incident to the raid, which is how we get Rootlands as a final patch?

    I'm super curious about it all.

    You're right though, I was wrong. Rootlands seems to have to be 11.2 (unless they use it for 11.0.7 a la Forbidden Reach)

  6. #69926
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I really don't know. I still think the final raid is either in the heart of Azeroth or in the Coreway. Maybe Elun'ahir's roots penetrated through the Coreway in a manner that allows easier access, and that's the entrance/inciting incident to the raid, which is how we get Rootlands as a final patch?

    I'm super curious about it all.

    You're right though, I was wrong. Rootlands seems to have to be 11.2 (unless they use it for 11.0.7 a la Forbidden Reach)
    As I said earlier, Elun'ahir being the life equivalent of an Old God and having encircled the Core would make a solid final patch giving multiple themes for it (Void, Order, Life probably Light as well).
    We are going to get Titan architecture earlier on, why not give it a spin by adding Life to it? It also sets up all the Forces for the finale in TLT while otherwise Life's relation to the plot would only be tangential.

  7. #69927
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    You like him, I get it. That doesnt mean that he is interesting perse for everyone. Like I said there really isnt much to him. There is tons of speculation, but that doesnt change or mean much right now. I dont see much speculation about him specifically personally perse, more like a few mentions. The attention is mostly towards alleria and Xal. He has yet to appear in anything other then just legion stuff or filling up a seat in stormwind.

    I have yet to see their strong bond honestly, that could be explored sure, but even alleria says she is diststance herself, so there is barely any contact it seems. Also, meh.. its not about a 1v1.. its about the forces that dont match with eachother. That is what I am talking about. Her distancing herself drom her family has a reason to it after all. She says this in the latest cinematic.

    We only know so much about him to be fair, I cant really say that isnt something hes character can or wont do. We dont know. Also no one is saying muhaha killing everyone for the light. Him being goodietwoshoes is boring on itself and we have enough light wielders who fill that spot. Hes position and hes relationship with alleria thus void vs light is largely unexplored so far. But tbh I rather see more happening then just light is good. Which we know cant be called good in that sense. Its neutral and can be used for bad things. Him teaming up with Yrel could make for an interesting turn of events. Knowing alleria went more and more to the void, eating the heart and all, same could be done with Turalyon. She could also have not do all of that and stay with her family. which she didnt. That was a selfish act mostly.

    Hes very bland, so I dont know why people find him interesting at all. Its mostly just; BuT HeS FrOm warCRaft 2!!! Og ChArater!! Like I said, I dont care either way, but I am simply not interested in just the goodie light boy, which we have seen multiple off already. Right now it just feels we know everything we need to know from him. He needs to prove himself to be anything else, but a paladin who fought demons for years. Its just a lame story so far imo.

    You are free to dissagree, but not everyone is as interested in Turalyon as you for example.
    I see now that I had the miss placed belief the discussion would be a good endeavour while clearly you don’t have read the books and are speculating on whims of something you have a bare grasp and just want to tick boxes for conflict that has already been explored

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Shit hit the fan when she died and he forgave have her killer because there was a bigger job to do. Heck he pleaded to the Light to spare his Void wife; a zealot would have turned her in. There is a wide gap between being faithful and being a zealot. I know we have demonized religion in the modern day (and with good reason) but there is nothing wrong with faith in itself.
    He just wants the guy to be bad just because I see the bias clearly now. YouTuber theories doing damage once again
    Last edited by Ksgrip; 2024-05-06 at 04:00 PM.

  8. #69928
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Shit hit the fan when she died and he forgave have her killer because there was a bigger job to do. Heck he pleaded to the Light to spare his Void wife; a zealot would have turned her in. There is a wide gap between being faithful and being a zealot. I know we have demonized religion in the modern day (and with good reason) but there is nothing wrong with faith in itself.
    A zealot isn't 100% where everything 99% and lower is not a zealot. The fact that he was angry that someone who was about to be enslaved fought back is pretty zealot territory, and while he argued for sparing Alleria, he also simply allowed her to be imprisoned. I'd call someone who lets their significant other of a thousand years be imprisoned (for basically just defying their religion), and then when she ends up free, not only doesn't hold it against the person who imprisoned her at all, but outright takes their side and acts like their significant other was in the wrong and needed to redeem herself, a zealot.

    I don't think he's villainous, or heading in the direction of being a villain, but he's definitely a zealot.

  9. #69929
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    A zealot isn't 100% where everything 99% and lower is not a zealot. The fact that he was angry that someone who was about to be enslaved fought back is pretty zealot territory, and while he argued for sparing Alleria, he also simply allowed her to be imprisoned. I'd call someone who lets their significant other of a thousand years be imprisoned (for basically just defying their religion), and then when she ends up free, not only doesn't hold it against the person who imprisoned her at all, but outright takes their side and acts like their significant other was in the wrong and needed to redeem herself, a zealot.

    I don't think he's villainous, or heading in the direction of being a villain, but he's definitely a zealot.
    Jesus Christ he never blamed her IN FACT this is something objectively acknowledged by Alleria herself. Actually read the books instead of preaching forum posts as lore

  10. #69930
    Quote Originally Posted by Ksgrip View Post
    Jesus Christ he never blamed her IN FACT this is something objectively acknowledged by Alleria herself. Actually read the books instead of preaching forum posts as lore
    High Exarch Turalyon says: I sense Xe'ra in the central chamber. Thank the Light! We are not too late.
    Alleria Windrunner says: And what then? I was locked in a cell for delving into the Void against her wishes. Will she make me a prisoner again? Or worse?
    High Exarch Turalyon says: Xe'ra will see that you risked your life to save her. Her faith in you will be restored--I know it!
    Certainly sounds like he thinks she was in the wrong in this situation, but go off.

  11. #69931
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    The way he interacted with her and how he is light infused, I would so its slightly more then just a resonance, but it defo could just be a lighting up effect. I thought the light had a warmth like effect for some.but ye, its hard to tell and It doesnt have have to mean much else then that.

    Hes bowing/kneeling and doing everything he can to restore her tho, kinda had a differnt feel to it. Hes a true follower of the light. How far would some one like him go when shit hits the fan.
    The light is faith based so it could be as simple as seeing his arch angel restored filled him with a ton of faith in there cause only to have it be shaken when Illidan destroyed her.

    It would even be in character as he has a history of losing faith/having it reassured.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  12. #69932
    Undermine could also be a mini raid while Rootlands has a mega dungeon. Though either way I hope we get a proper Undermine zone, finally.

  13. #69933
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    A zealot isn't 100% where everything 99% and lower is not a zealot. The fact that he was angry that someone who was about to be enslaved fought back is pretty zealot territory, and while he argued for sparing Alleria, he also simply allowed her to be imprisoned. I'd call someone who lets their significant other of a thousand years be imprisoned (for basically just defying their religion), and then when she ends up free, not only doesn't hold it against the person who imprisoned her at all, but outright takes their side and acts like their significant other was in the wrong and needed to redeem herself, a zealot.

    I don't think he's villainous, or heading in the direction of being a villain, but he's definitely a zealot.
    As far as Turalyon or we know there isn’t any enslaving involved in light forging he and every one else we have seen go through it can stand against the Narru just fine so he has no reason to think any thing Ill was actually happening to Illidan.

    And as far as his wife goes he still has full trust in her even after turning to the void and I believe tells her to leave and keep doing her thing in the thousand year war after she comes back but she decides to stay and he is of course out ranked when he has protest about locking her up and it’s not like they could just leave even if he wanted to break her out.

    At pretty much every turn he could be shown to be a zealot he’s instead incredibly open and moderate.
    Last edited by Lorgar Aurelian; 2024-05-06 at 04:22 PM.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  14. #69934
    Where's this "Rootlands will definitely happen guys!!!" stuff coming from? We literally know there is going to be a goblin raid. You don't need to like it, but it will happen.

  15. #69935
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Where's this "Rootlands will definitely happen guys!!!" stuff coming from? We literally know there is going to be a goblin raid. You don't need to like it, but it will happen.
    There is an unimplemented Rootlands map file, in the area adjacent to AK and Hallowsfall, and giant roots are sticking out of the area. There is also a whole lorebook dedicated to the idea with a new ARbait race introduced that hangs around the roots.

    So yeah. Patch, or cut content.

    Apparently there is a similar thing with some kind of mining rig in Ringing Deeps that isn't in the alpha zone but is visible on the map? I don't have the map handy but that could be the way to get to Undermine.

  16. #69936
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Where's this "Rootlands will definitely happen guys!!!" stuff coming from? We literally know there is going to be a goblin raid. You don't need to like it, but it will happen.
    Oh great.

    Time for the "The giant hole next to Ohn'nara is totally not for Amirdrassil" 2.0 discourse.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  17. #69937
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Certainly sounds like he thinks she was in the wrong in this situation, but go off.
    I knew you were manipulating the argument when the extract doesn’t show your narrative. He never blames Alleria and even it is made a point he trusts her more than ever. Do I have to get the extract in shadowrising were Alleria herself says he accepts her darkness? Or even in a Thousand Years for war were he himself says he trusts her more than ever?

    You have an agenda and are not being straightforward with it

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    As far as Turalyon or we know there isn’t any enslaving involved in light forging he and every one else we have seen go through it can stand against the Narru just fine so he has no reason to think any thing Ill was actually happening to Illidan.

    And as far as his wife goes he still has full trust in her even after turning to the void and I believe tells her to leave and keep doing her thing in the thousand year war after she comes back but she decides to stay and he is of course out ranked when he has protest about locking her up and it’s not like they could just leave even if he wanted to break her out.

    At pretty much every turn he could be shown to be a zealot he’s instead incredibly open and moderate.
    Bingo. Somehow they pretend he could do fight the whole Army by himself lol. Regardless the point is moot because the only one with an argument to be annoyed is Alleria who clearly doesn’t think it was a problem

  18. #69938
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    And as far as his wife goes he still has full trust in her even after turning to the void and I believe tells her to leave and keep doing her thing in the thousand year war after she comes back but she decides to stay and he is of course out ranked when he has protest about locking her up.

    When she returns, Lothraxion has faith in her not being lost and says he won't give up on her. Turalyon just tells her to leave before Xe'ra comes back. It's not some "haha, you do your own thing" moment. Lothraxion is also the one who then vouches for her intentions and argues that she acted selflessly and to protect the Army of the Light despite knowing it would get her rejected, after which, again, Turalyon just begs Xe'ra not to hurt her.

    He trusts her, but he also 100% thinks she was in the wrong, and wrong to do it, and his immediate reaction is to tell her beg for forgiveness. Also pretty zealot-y as far as responses go. The guy is ears deep in the Xe'ra is the ultimate good and everyone should listen to her and follow her every word kool-aid.

    Again. I don't think he's a villain, but he's pretty deep into zealot range. He isn't moderate at all. He has good intentions (keeping his wife from harm even when she "fucked up", work with Illidan even though he's "an enemy") but he is (was) ears deep in the Xe'ra kool-aid. She could have told him to suicide bomb the front gate of Antorus, and he probably would have nodded along happily.

    The open and moderate response to Alleria's choice would have been Lothraxion's response, not "immediately renounce your decision and beg for forgiveness from our deity, also I would have rather you let me die than choose this".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ksgrip View Post
    I knew you were manipulating the argument when the extract doesn’t show your narrative. He never blames Alleria and even it is made a point he trusts her more than ever.
    He slowly sat up. His eyes took in the chaos of the Nether. And then he could do nothing but stare at her. "What… what did you do?"

    She didn't answer him. She wanted to lie to him, but she couldn't. Not again.

    "Alleria." He reached for her. She pulled away. "Alleria, please! Why? Why?"

    Her voice was calm. "That is what I asked. Why? Then I understood. We were not meant to die on Argus today. Even Xe'ra knew it. But she could not see how we escaped. She could not see that it was the Shadow that would save us."

    "I would rather have died than have you fall to evil!"

    "I know. And yet my fate has not changed. We will see our son again. We will defeat the Legion."

    "Alleria…" Turalyon's voice was choked with horror. "This can be undone. Ask forgiveness. Forswear the Shadow. I'm sure Xe'ra will help you.


    She stopped in front of him. She looked exhausted. "It is good to see you again," she said.

    He wanted to tell her the same. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and that nothing would ever change that. It would have been true. But he couldn't find the words. Not yet. She seemed to understand."
    Certainly sounds like he thinks she was in the wrong in this situation, but go off.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2024-05-06 at 04:43 PM.

  19. #69939
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There is an unimplemented Rootlands map file, in the area adjacent to AK and Hallowsfall, and giant roots are sticking out of the area. There is also a whole lorebook dedicated to the idea with a new ARbait race introduced that hangs around the roots.

    So yeah. Patch, or cut content.

    Apparently there is a similar thing with some kind of mining rig in Ringing Deeps that isn't in the alpha zone but is visible on the map? I don't have the map handy but that could be the way to get to Undermine.
    Kezan should be reasonably close so its underground areas like Undermine being connected by a tunnel or series of caverns with the Ringing Depths wouldn't even be weird.

  20. #69940
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There is an unimplemented Rootlands map file, in the area adjacent to AK and Hallowsfall, and giant roots are sticking out of the area. There is also a whole lorebook dedicated to the idea with a new ARbait race introduced that hangs around the roots.

    So yeah. Patch, or cut content.

    Apparently there is a similar thing with some kind of mining rig in Ringing Deeps that isn't in the alpha zone but is visible on the map? I don't have the map handy but that could be the way to get to Undermine.
    I like the idea of the Harronir, I only hope they get more customizations if they're made an Allied race. We don't need 18 hair colors for them, but more than 2 colors and 4 styles would be ideal.

    I haven't heard of the mining rig in Ringing Deeps, but I support the idea that if Undermine is connected to a zone in Khaz Algar, Ringing Deeps feels right.

    The more I think of it, I really enjoy the idea of every cosmic form prying to get at Azeroth's world soul and the Titans trying so hard to stop them all. A more Life influenced (opposed to Titanic) look at Life themes with Rootlands will be a lot of fun.

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