Unconscious or not, she was beaten. Straight up. Doesnt matter if we "only beat her bc we had help", bc that applies to most big villains. Weve beaten villains 100x more powerful than her with "help". Thats not a feat for her, thats in line with how Blizz deals with most strong villains. In terms of raw power, shes not even close to being a candiate for "Main villain" atm. There nothing to argue here.
But as i said before, thats irrelevant, bc we are not arguing if shes "powerful" enough to be the main villain. We are arguing about wether or not she as a character is even interesting and important enough to fill that role. And id argue so far, shes neither. Granted, they might attempt to change that (which, as @
Vakir has correctly pointed out, might even ruin her character like it did with many other villains before) but so far, i dont see it. So far, shes more like Gul'dan - a strong (but fightable) villain, not very complex but at least with personality and charisma. Someone whos strong enough to work as a threat, but still grounded enough to work on a more personal level. Gul'dan didnt become the main villain who usurped Sargeras. And chances are, neither will she.
And as much as i dislike the whole "cosmic" stuff from Chronicles and Shadowlands, its still there. The most likely canidate for a new "big bad" after Sargers (and thats even assuming were going to deal with him in TLT) is not Azsharah or Xal. Its not even the Void Lords anymore, after SL. Its the "threat"/seventh cosmic force/whatever the Jailer was trying to prepare for.