Any new wave today ?
New mage set looks a lot like the Aberrus mage set. Not a big fan.
Man, i really hope the priest set gets non-robe variants too.
Surely Aberrus being an open skirt wasn't a one off.
Formerly known as Arafal
Mage set is pretty similar to tier from Ulduar:
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
There is an Nzoth (probably) wallpaper in the Azj Kahet dungeon
How do we feel about the leveling campaign being reduced/possibly halved?
mrgm said the levelling campaign feels super short, so probably that.
Looks like jab is back as a glyph? I prefer monks to be unarmed, but there are people who have been asking for that to return for years.
Cloth sets for 11.0 raid are all killer. I'm a very very happy Arcane main.
The purple/gold mage sett will probably look awesome with the new Draenei heritage armor.
Probably because a huge amount of the max level campaign will be spent in spider land so no point getting players burnt out on the zone while leveling just to then spend more time there after
Please tell me this one is bugged. It was way better in the previous build when the males didn't wear the chest wrap. It was unique between the male and female one. The chest wrap for the males looks stupid.
Glyph of Jab fixing an issue I've had with Monks since they were introduced. It's fucking stupid that they have weapons that half the animations dont use.
Might have to consider Monk.
I felt this so strongly that it was the first time since my first ever time playing WoW (my first character was a draenei) that I felt truly immersed as a draenei. That race and culture was my introduction to the game, and I haven't felt that deeply connected to it since I left the islands and went out into the world and learned the rest of the lore. Even WoD didn't feel like I "went home" to draenei culture, when it really should have.